General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many?

How many? in General Discussion

    How many games you can play for a day? Its addicted game.. If i remember i have seen some dotabuff user that playing 30 dota games a day (where the score likely 10win-20loses due to exhausted maybe, 1 day 24 hour, if he spend 30 games a day, did he eat, take a bath, etc)

    or maybe you have friend that addicted to this game? The one who see dota as religion? Maybe you can share his profile..

    Maybe some talent scout from famous team out there read this and seen your hardwork and take you to the team if you good and lucky

    Тази тема била редактирана

      last time it was something around 20-25 games, i would be probably able to play even more but i'd most likely lose the games

      Forget me not

        26 hour with eat and toilet is my worse


          one of my friends is really addicted to dota2 he played 60 hours without any rest about 7 months ago


            People should always take their pills. No exceptions


              I think the most is like 15 I think

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                I can play 10 max when im home all day,but if i play more than 10 i will be tired af and tilted for sure.Its not healthy playing too much often.I still have time do eat and stuff,even if i play 10 games a day.

                Justin Weaver

                  4-5 now, used to play 8-10.


                    Back when Dota was my sole PC game, I'd do 6-8 games on free days(Friday-Sunday, holidays), wouldn't play on weekdays. Now, with other games like CS and PUBG, I settled down to max of 5, though I play daily now