General Discussion

General Discussioni always get put up with divine 5 with pro ranking and always underpe...

i always get put up with divine 5 with pro ranking and always underperform in General Discussion
master baiter

    rank-500 are so fucking pro and im Always playing with them and against when im clearly not on their lvl

    Story Time

      but i dont see you losing >50% of the games, so what is wrong? maybe u are good


        You seems really good man wtf r you talking about

        Story Time

          btw can i add you for unraked games? (tired of solo)


            So even divine 5 players have to face lvl 9 players


              Btw u still doing gud

              master baiter

                Story Time its just a bit weird cuz my main is 4.5k and matched with 6k+players all the time now

                grimm no i have alot of pro teams and pro enemies ...
                Story Time sure
                DĀRTH ŠÎŃ yep and sometimes even top50 eu players and it feels bad when u lose the game for this guys

                Story Time

                  could it be that you just cracked the calibration pattern in favor of higher mmr? I mean it looks at several things - things we know (KDA, tower damage, runes) and things we do not know (example does not apply), could you be moving you camera like a pro maybe? :D i dont know really, gonna add you later this evening (playig time between 23 and 1 00)

                  master baiter

                    haha no i just try to win every game and try my best and use when in game to find the ideal counter to some heroes and synergy and also maybe cause this players dont tryhard in unranked and try new stuff to experiment i guess

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                            when i was smurfing 2 year ago i was playing with 6k solo 5k solo palyers who dont even play at unranked just fuck around no big deal


                              hmmm, low win rate and trash talk in smurf