General Discussion

General DiscussionEG new roster/How pros put their heroes in different lanes

EG new roster/How pros put their heroes in different lanes in General Discussion

    I like watching games sometimes, and I saw EG draft underlord for fear, sven for rtz and pugna for sumail, and I thought they would lane how they used to with sumail mid and arteezy safe, but they ran some sort of trilane mid with sven . Then underlord was put safelane, pugna off while secret ran a more conventional lineup. is this common in higher pubs? Because pros do this sort of thing all the time.


      its captains draft dude
      who tf knows
      og ran carry mid dazzle that completely flopped


        So they’re not tryharding yet? Also who else here follows EG? What do you think of the changes? It’s sad uni is gone but what do you think of sumail off and arteezy mid?

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          Yes trilane mid and let the side solo is very common nowadays, it forces the enemies to also trilane. Allowing your side lanes to solo and get alot of levels

          Underlord probably went safe because he can utilize the jungle better than pugna, while pugna could have putted more pressure on the offlane t1, which is probably the most critical t1 since it opens the jungle

          As early game is supper important in the current meta, you want to allow your team as much resources as possible while putting the enemies at constant pressure, if you trilane against trilane you have 2 lanes which get solo exp while your mid is protected

          If they run like 1-2-1 and a roamer to enemy mid will suffer sincr the trilane would out-pressure the dual lane. So you have to pick accordingly

          Honestly I much prefer this than the old safe trilane, the current laning setups are significantly more dynamic, you can put pressure on mid with tri lane, you can dual roam, you can get dual offlane while roaming and focus on invading their jungle, you can run dual mid and a roamer to get overall really strong lanes with alot of levels

          When you trilane safe it was much more static, the safelaner gets passive farm, the midlaner ganked early, the supports went full protective mode and the offlaner had to be someone who can sap exp from a tri lane. Both teams ran it and it was much less heterogeneous

          Honestly I don't think it os just the current meta, I think that the current setups are part of that people actually got better at the game entirely, tactics had been midmaxed, people became more experienced and experimental, laning became much more important and dynamic


            they are adapting to change


              It’s just cool to see how they adapt. They played heroes they more or less would have played before. Like arteezy sven and sumail pugna. Really cool, and fear was on a pub offlaner, who doesn’t carry in the same way as a sven. I think they lost tho. Pepehands