General Discussion

General DiscussionThere seriously needs to be a -kickplayer in ranked games.

There seriously needs to be a -kickplayer in ranked games. in General Discussion

    Last game person randomed DK fed down mid/other lanes with cour 18 times roughly. Ridiculous. If 4/5 on your team votes to kick someone it should go through and person should be kicked out of that game. We were actually winning the first half of the game but after constant feeding of their HC becomes increasingly difficult. I don't mind losing games, it happens but to lose cause of stupid crap like this is ridiculous. At least playing 4v5 theres a chance of winning. I acknowledge there are people in this world who survive natural selection but we should be able to kick them out of ranked dota games.


      I really agree with u 100% those retards ugh


        I've been saying that since 2015
        But it's not gonna happen sadly


          No. They have this in CS:GO and it's extremely toxic. Have you ever been team-killed in a CS:GO competitive match, be a good person, and then get flamed by your team for not being amazing... and then gotten kicked? Let me tell you, it's really, really annoying.

          There would have to be an advanced system to trigger this possibility; lots of wards bought and held onto (like 8 wards, not placed in 5 minutes, for one example).

          It wouldn't be smart to add this feature into Dota, and Valve knows this better than you. For example, if I smurf in a lower MMR (let's say 1.5k), my team will get mad at me for "losing mid," even though I have 60 last hits in 9 minutes and 42 denies--because the mid who I owned has not died to me, and also managed to get a kill on my team because they're.... very bad at dota... Does that mean I lost mid? No. It's just that my team has a warped perspective. And then my team will hate me for the REST of the game saying I'm bad, in like 80% of the cases here.

          People are extremely ignorant, they can not be trusted with this power. In Dota it's important you're given the chance to carry a match by yourself by building yourself up, and in most of these tough matches with ignorant players, they will be mad at you for doing the right thing. Because they are so used to the wrong thing, your correct method of play makes you a HERETIC, in their eyes.

          Kicking players will remove individualized thinking ("Ehh, I'm not gonna take that shitty fight with my low skill team--I'm going to push and take down this T2 tower because that's the best move for this point in time."). NO thanks.

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            introducing a kicking mechanic would just make ranked games 10 time more toxic than what they already are yes


              1. why smurf at 1.5k mmr to beat people? smurfing in ranked is lame imo, it also ruins games to a degree. I don't think that part is a good defense.

              2. make the kick feature require 4/5 people on the team to ok. Chances are if 4/5 on your team in your skill bracket have an issue with you, there is an extremely high probability youre the cause of the issue and not the other 4. Especially if they were all that desperate to get you out, potentially raising the chances of losing mmr.


                I agree with this so i can kick sub 50% winrate people like op who held the team back just by being in the team


                  hey I don't care if youre retarded, as long as you agree with me.

                  Justin Weaver

                    Man the thing is four people will team up and blame one guy no matter what, if they vote to kick him, even though he did nothing wrong it will be really really bad!


                      kick this guy or i feed


                        BAD system

                        Many times I wait for someone to annoy me like say gg early or give up first blood. Then I Get team mad at him.

                        Waste glyph and scan

                        Stop everyone but that dude from using courier

                        Blame him and team thinks he’s guilty

                        Easy kick so no. This is bad idea. He might also get reported.


                          1. why smurf at 1.5k mmr to beat people? smurfing in ranked is lame imo, it also ruins games to a degree. I don't think that part is a good defense.

                          Because fuck the world. It's a sadistic joy to stomp douchebags that think they are good. I don't do it often at all, but a few times a year I have an itch to go 40 - 0 vs some bad mannered 1ks that will just flame a player on their team for it anyways.

                          I have very low empathy for people.

                          2. make the kick feature require 4/5 people on the team to ok. Chances are if 4/5 on your team in your skill bracket have an issue with you, there is an extremely high probability youre the cause of the issue and not the other 4. Especially if they were all that desperate to get you out, potentially raising the chances of losing mmr.

                          Again, it has to have an advanced system in place. If this shit is toxic in CS:GO, it will be in Dota, too.