General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane VS Lycan

Offlane VS Lycan in General Discussion
Cancer Malaria

    What offlane heroes that are good 1v1 Lycan?






          Legion Commander




              Lycan's mom


                E: nvm, i don't think axe is particularly good against lycan in 1v1 lane. Hes good against him later.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  axe counters all heroes 11/10 recommend



                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      1v1 in the side lanes?
                      A hero that can pull the wave behind the tower

                      So someone who can safely dive between the t1 and t2 and aggro the wave after him
                      And after that you are level 2 so the options are more open
                      So heroes like tidehunter (with both kraken and anchor you are safe), puck, lone druid, etc' you're gucci

                      Justin Weaver

                        Only strong offlaners like ench batrider and brood are viable against lycan, rest of the above mentioned offlaners can't do shit about him

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          Maybe not about HIM, but they can secure THEMSELVES, this is nonetheless important

                          Lruce Bee



                              Bone fletcher


                                1 vs 1, Lycan is a very weak laner. Anyway, if you want to wreck him, play Timber, Tidehunter and Dragon Knight for AOE damage, damage reduction and high armour/regen. I do not recommend Legion Commander since Lycan will likely out-CS her with higher damage through Feral Impulse.


                                  Lycan is actually a strong 1v1 laner coz of his high regen and dmg to cs/deny
                                  He struggles vs cancer lanes and has hard time coming back

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Tiny offlane,lycan wil destroy timber in lane


                                      A dual lane can fuck up his whole timing, it’s surprisingly easy if he can’t get early farm and buildings. I once laned against huskar riki with little support. Couldn’t do shit :(

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        "1 vs 1, Lycan is a very weak laner."
                                        lul wut.


                                          If ur a melee hero against huskar in a 1v1 ur just not winning


                                            What? Lycan has high damage and regen, but that's it. He has no nuke, disable or mobility. His armour is so-so. His wolves are weak in early levels (even when jungling, it's still better to take Feral Impulse first). He can only run at the creeps to last hit them.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              you dont fucking need mobility (or disable) in a 1v1 lane. how the fuck would that help you in any way? nukes are also irrelevant because lycan wins the lane through CS, not harassment or w/e.


                                                what on earth are these ridiculous suggestions

                                                get brew/ench/brood and shit on him.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                casual gamer

                                                  thank god 🅱ookie is here to save this thread from the dumpster




                                                      ench is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                                                        STUN + AOE DAMAGE (MAGNUS,AXE ETC)

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          just looks like boobie to me guess im a little child

                                                          my way reminds everyone that he is a bookie that gives heroes balls and dick

                                                          Good Cat

                                                            Broodmother, he can't kill spiders so you can take his tower, deny every creep, and kill him every time he tries to lasthit.