General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti Mage's unstoppable in my bracket

Anti Mage's unstoppable in my bracket in General Discussion
Nasir Khan Jan

    I just try to get as many last hits in lane without dying. Rush a battlefury , get myself treads and a potion of clarity and farm the jungle and lane simultaneously.The battlefury price reduction has brought a whooping increase in my gpm and win rate with AM. The enemy team is dumb enough to let me farm safely. No ganks except by usual roamers/pos 2/pos 4 during the laning phase. I just blink out.I free farm for 10-15 minutes get my manta and vanguard/basher and i can actively take part in teamfights. Split pushing is safe with Manta and blink. If the enemy team wins a teamfight without me, they're dumb enough to not secure objectives and wait merely just for my team to respawn without even getting a tier 3 tower down while i take down all their tier 2 and force enemies to tp to HG by pressuring tier 3s possibily even killing one of their heroes with abysall , high risk/ high reward play. 30 minutes in i have my abysall blade now. My pickoff potential sky rockets. One abysall stun into mana void is a guaranteed kill on the pos 5 enemy. Similarly high kill potential on every other enemy hero.I take rosh. High ground push's never been easier. Win the decisive teamfight , take down the barracks and finally the ancient. I've won my last 14 ranked games with Anti mage. It's not possible to lose with him in this bracket if you know how this hero's supposed to be played and draft him smartly.

    chicken spook,,,,

      if you know how this hero's supposed to be played and draft him smartly.

      this is the problem with most am player though


        LUL AM in 2018! Pick shadow demon and burn the burner! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        But seriously am and any carry that requires team coordination to die is very effective in lower brackets because of the mentality "meh he has blink lets ignore him" congratulations you have find your way to reach 3k!

        Justin Weaver

          I kinda wanted to flame you coz there's nothing new in what you wrote, any pushing carry is played like that, but anyway impressive win rate on the hero, I think even in my bracket people can't really deal with split pushing effectively. If you manage to get there I guess you will go higher


            Who picks AM anyway.


              see you in legend bracket then


                Who picks AM anyway.

                People in 3k and bellow, we are too shit at micro and map awareness to exploit this necro+dominator meta "finish games under 20min mark LMAO" our games tend to drag on indefinitely so late game heroes are very popular in our sewers!


                  I dont even remember whats the last time i saw that hero win a game. Picking it in 5k+ is an instaloss unless you picked him vs zeus,pugna, spectre or something that you counter really hard


                    Back in my day Spectre was a counter to Antimage.


                      You know its a sad patch for antimage when his winrate in 2k (47%) is so much higher than his winrate in 5k+ (41%) this month. And i dont even want to think about what would it be if 2k people didnt play him offlane or jungle half of their games


                        So people in low brackets(mine included) dont ward enemy jungle to stop jungles also they find hard to deal with elusive heroes, in other news water is wet! ^^

                        Why do you think volvo nerfs jungle from patch to patch? Jungle OP wards expensive, smoke noob item!


                          Beastmaster/Omniknight. Shut him down early in the offlane and he becomes useless.

                          Tomas Morato

                            i always first pick antimage


                              Gl having 1k hp 20 min into the game


                                Beastmaster/Omniknight. Shut him down early in the offlane and he becomes useless.

                                In 3k bracket and lower when he tilts in safe lane he goes to farm jungle and from there its 50/50, these are 2 possible scenarios:

                                Scenario 1: He will farm angry and we will win 5v4 clashes and destroy the base
                                Scenario 2: We will goof around and farm jungle too (because why not LUL xDDD) then 30 mins after jungle & chill he will get out 6 sloted and kill us all

                                3k is more fun than 6k! ^^

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                                  Rushing battlefury and skipping thread really makes me A N G E R Y


                                    Always hate to have a bootless AM when enemies are pushing high ground, because we are playing 20 minutes 4×5.

                                    Yes. In some situation possible (afk farmers on both sides).


                                      It's not AM, It's you.
                                      took me a while to get out of shitty 2k MMR too, the key was to ignore/mute teammates and play solo and trade objectives because of the lack of coordination.
                                      It's your game knowledge not the hero. you can easily predict enemy pushes and start pushing another lane, by the time they're about to hit HG you're just as close to their HG, the fear of you trading rax makes some of them either TP in to stop you(so you can TP to def 5v3, or just kill the 1-2 heroes and win) or you getting their raxes . either way you will get shit tons of pings and flames to come help until they realize you're saving their game. AM does that well but i bet you can do the same with other carries (just a bit different in terms of knowing when to get back).

                                      for me AM's awful laning made it hard to snowball in that bracket(trust my over 200 first pick games). unless there's someone like Silencer or trilane helping. try PL

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