General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW does Resolution get so much farm every game?!!!

HOW does Resolution get so much farm every game?!!! in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    What kind of a monster core player is that guy?! On every game, whether he loses or wins, he's top 2 networth on literally any hero he plays. What does he do differently from other pro players? Is his last hitting ability like viper bot on a good day or something?


      i have no idea too, like his am game were he was 6 slotted at 24 with 400lh
      it's easy to get 10 lh/min on many carrys, but he goes way beynd that in some games

      casual gamer

        go watch his perspective instead of asking archon advice simulator

        Palmen aus Plastik

          yo. this forum's not just archons. Plus there is nothing to suggest archon analysis is incorrect just because they cannot execute their understanding of the game. It may be, but not always. For example, a music theory lecturer may understand more about music theory than say... John Frusciante. But does that make him play better than him? Of course not.

          Moreover, i was hoping blue star cognoscenti like you shed some light. obviously I watch his perspective games, but they don't seem too different from watching any other pro replay, except for when i look at the bloody stats bar, my mind is blown every time.


            where's the thumb up emoticon

            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

              @LF terraria teammate

              Pardon and fucking EXCUSE ME?

              casual gamer

                i have no fucking clue what makes him good, i dont watch pro games and i havent seen his perspective

                as such the only advice i can offer is that unless you know a good player personally who can break shit down for you uir probably better off just trying to see how he gets 16 cs/min in a pro game by watching

                a music theory lecturer may understand more about music theory than say... John Frusciante. But does that make him play better than him? Of course not.

                i might agree with you if dota was played with a french horn instead of a keyboard

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  He has amazing farming patterns and his team's first priority is securing that Reso is able to farm. Both of the other core players on OG aren't that farm oriented.

                  s4 is mostly a playmaking offlaner who creates a lot of space all over the map and Notail is a textbook example of a sacrificial core in today's pro scene.

                  If Reso has a bad matchup in his lane he always swaps with s4 or notail to ensure he gets a steady laning phase.

                  In the midgame OG pretty much leave 1 lane + the whole jungle to Reso while Notail farms another lane (which is usually a more dangerous part of the map) or the enemy jungle. That's why you often see Notail getting caught and killed in weird positions and twitch chat spamming Nobrain LUL.

                  Even their supports playstyle and picks are usually centered around stacking for Reso during the early game. Jerax's most played heroes in this patch can easily stack multiple camps with just 1 spell (Tusk with shards, Elder titan with spirit, Naga with illusions)

                  Thats all i can tell you but if you want to learn more about his farming patterns then listen to what JDF8 said and download some of his replays and watch his perspective.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Plus there is nothing to suggest archon analysis is incorrect just because they cannot execute their understanding of the game. It may be, but not always. For example, a music theory lecturer may understand more about music theory than say... John Frusciante. But does that make him play better than him? Of course not.
                    Moreover, i was hoping blue star cognoscenti like you shed some light. obviously I watch his perspective games, but they don't seem too different from watching any other pro replay, except for when i look at the bloody stats bar, my mind is blown every time.

                    Bless this sentences.

                    Strong dota 2 players don't put others down. They lift them up
                    Albert Einstein, 2010


                      It's only possible if your team sets you up to farm well. There's stacking too, but aside from that, you'll realise that pubs are very different because you have probably 2 other cores trying their best to farm wherever is convenient meaning you farm less efficiently than is possible.

                      casual gamer

                        that einstein guy was a pretty cool dude

                        he really should get his own holiday since he invented the internet

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          archon advice simulator

                          Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticise it u bastard.


                            Dont watch pro games watch pubs

                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              What you guys said makes sense, but he does this is in pubs too. Although perhaps that could be attributed to him being better than all the other 9 players in the game since he is a pro player after all. Hmm.


                                2nd core is notail, that's why.




                                    his farming pattern is nothing exceptional for those who are more or less familiar with optimal farming patterns, most people in divine 5 can do something quite similar when not under pressure

                                    the only amazing thing about him is being able to do it consistently in pro games, and a lot of it boils down to his team, their picks, and the way they center their playstyle around giving him the space to farm

                                    Pointy Shoes

                                      From what I have seen, when Reso gets space (as previous posters mentioned) he usually pulls the neutral camps (not the easy camp) to the lane creeps so that his lane doesn't get pushed. His timing is just perfect.

                                      TANG INA MO VIO

                                        He has a pattern or system of farming that he mastered + his team8s are really good for stacking.that 6 slotted am was sickk.


                                          i think he just got gud at some point
                                          oh and he plays doto 8h+/day and has a coach, that might help. im pretty sure those coaches have like plans for how to git gud

                                          GRANT MACDONALD

                                            because when Reso picks slark, his team picks appropriate positions around him to secure him space and farm.

                                            He wouldn't farm as much in a 3k pub where he picks slark safelane and there's an AM+Sniper offlane, TA mid, and a "Support" KOTL in his lane that nukes every single creepwave into the enemy tower.


                                              I mean if he picked Slark in a 3k pub he might not get as much cs but I guarantee he would lose 1 in 20 games at most, if you think trash 3k dual lanes are going to stop him taking over the game you are deluded.

                                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                                agreed. he'd farm heroes instead of creeps and have over 800 gpm, but that aside, the magnificent thing about him is he does that kind of farming even in all of his pro games. Literally no one farms faster in this game.Just check out his dotabuff page. The stats are off the charts!!


                                                  ^farm isn't everything

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    their supports enable him a lot.


                                                      ^^ this.


                                                      If you watch this burning game, ppl say "whoa burning 1000 gpm" Farmgod.

                                                      Infact, if you watch the whole game and use your brain, you see:

                                                      Magnus empowers him the entire game, so he has cleave before battlefury. Supports kinda protect him the whole time and secure the area he is farming, etc.

                                                      Same for resolution or any other godfarming carry.

                                                      They have a team enabling them, creating farmspace, stacking and PICKING arround them. You wont see a pro team running antimage and too farmdependent midlaners.

                                                      In pubgames you will have even in 4-5k mmr range shadowfiends, that will flame you as antimage, if you use ult to secure a kill for yourself.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I was going to say the same thing as everyone else, his farm is enabled by his team. It's part of their strat and how they execute. They want him to get big.


                                                          I mean if he picked Slark in a 3k pub he might not get as much cs but I guarantee he would lose 1 in 20 games at most, if you think trash 3k dual lanes are going to stop him taking over the game you are deluded.

                                                          that could be any hero and any top 1000 player


                                                            uhhh did u buy quelling blade? did u go for item that can make u dominate ur lane easily ensuring farm, and not starting ur item with boots or glove? Did u have support stack for u? Did you feed? Did u die unnecssary or go out of ur farming phase for shit support kills? There are way many factors that can make u farm way better