General Discussion

General Discussionenchantress item

enchantress item in General Discussion
Lruce Bee

    aghs or pike?

    general convention is to go for pike because of utility. but if u look at the winrate, aghs seems to be superior

    Potato Marshal

      Its a higher winrate because almost everybody rushes pike early, but only goes for aghs very late when they're well farmed.

      Lruce Bee

        no i dont think that's the reason. people just go pike most of the time and skip aghs .

        and if u do go aghs late, and winning more as a result, it's basically saying enchantress is stronger late game. which i dont think is true

        Potato Marshal

          It doesn't matter how well a hero performs in the late game, early core items will always have a lower winrate attached than situational luxury items. Ench will usually have a pike even if they're getting wrecked since they usually get it after drums if even that, they're likely not even considering aghs if they're far behind.

          Lruce Bee

            ok i misunderstood what you were saying potato fukhed. so should you just go aghs + pike every game? think pike without aghs is the problem. if you go aghs, you're likely to have gone pike as well.

            but why do ppl usually just not go aghs at all?

            and if you had to choose either one (say you dont have the window or farm to go both), aghs seems better?

            Lruce Bee

              i was thinking about aghs as the early item after drums as a replacement for pike.

              Potato Marshal

                There is literally no reason to go aghs over pike on ench. You're sacrificing better stats, better build up, and a very powerful defensive and offensive active that perfectly synergizes with your ult for 50 attack range.

                Lruce Bee

                  well let's say you take item order out of the equation. i have a feeling going aghs over pike would see a higher winrate still. i think for the cost of hurricane pike, and at <20min in the game, for what it gives you it's not as good. pike is stronger late game


                    agha is the worst Item on ench you could buy. All you need is Pike, some defensive items mana Reg and Hex for late.


                      Im pretty sure just going off dotabuff winrates on items the only way to play ench is to rush skadi (72.22% winrate) and follow it up with an urn recipe (100% winrate). Don't get boots they have an abysmal 36.66 winrate.


                        pike adds mobility, the amount of value of that fact depends on the player and the game. imo 90% of games it will do more for you than aghs


                          u rarely get such a luxury item as aghs in a game that you are losing


                            aghs is not useless but i dont think ive ever seen anyone having aghs without getting pike earlier, nor did ot myself

                            Lruce Bee

                              I'm well aware of the pitfalls of item winrates you cucks!!!

                              But aghs is one of the most bought items on enchantress so you should pay attention to the winrate!!!

                              Lruce Bee

                                The question is if aghs is really bought as a luxury item when it is one of the most commonly bought. We can all ignore luxury item winrates. But if it's bought as a core item before pike then maybe there's something more going on here.



                                    no its not
                                    pike is about 400gold mroe expensive. compared to aghs it is:
                                    -50 attack range
                                    +2 armor
                                    +0,3%spell amp
                                    +slightly better hp+mana regen
                                    +the active

                                    i dont see any reason to buy aghs before pike

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      The only time I see non-garbage players go aghs before pikes are high level players dicking around who can finish both items in like 25 minutes.

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Blue star!! Wtf. Does that mean your opinion is now legit?


                                          @potato Congrats on the divine star

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            It means you gotta suck my dick boi


                                              he has anime profile picture to negate the bluestar.
                                              that means hes on average level now.

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                Know your place, filthy legend


                                                  sorry bru we dont speek the same language
                                                  anime =/= engrisch

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    look at that, already he is assuming the blue star elitist persona


                                                      Rush heart and shadow blade is pretty good on enchant

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        But I mocked filthy legends even when I was an ancient


                                                          i cant think of a game where i lost vs an ancient player actually

                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                            Who you trying to kid. You may have a legend medal but you're still in normal skill in solo ranked. Git gud Son.

                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                              Lets all take the moment here and congratulate Potato on finaly reaching that blue star! MLG Horns in the chat boys! \o/


                                                                these normal skill games are party ranked. dotabuff doesnt show that if the game is not analyzed by the truesight thing

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  Keep lying Son we all know you're party boosted lul


                                                                    in case you wanna go serious about that go check the normal skill games and find Ixeee, Arta, ReD, grandpa and some others in almost every game.
                                                                    my solo is 3.5, party 2.5

                                                                    edit: or just compare the stats with opendota i guess

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                      Open Dota says you are flat 3k.


                                                                        how can u never get bored of this dude

                                                                        Giff me Wingman
                                                                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                            dunno why im messing around with him honestly

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              stop embarrassing yourself lul

                                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                                The hansolo in the herald bracket was not this toxic, this guy is not even worth defending for all the stupid shit he says now! Fuck


                                                                                  people falling for the bait time and time again
                                                                                  but at least blunt is angry



                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      but at least blunt is angry

                                                                                      thats not a thing that is happening but an inherent part of his existence apparently

                                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                                        well im not in the herald bracket anymore. i've evolved because i've decided that ive had enough of everyone's bullshit. im going to prove that i have just as much knowledge and skill in this game as any 5k

                                                                                        Justin Weaver

                                                                                          Your OD built daedalus in your last void game? :D

                                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                                            @Raj I was completely serious in making this post


                                                                                              Why make this thread when you clearly prefer one choice and are disregarding any arguments against it while clinging onto your shit argument like it's you life's work.


                                                                                                Is this still THE HanSolo or is this the Jacked troll smurf HanSolo


                                                                                                  guys guys,itemization must be fluid!




                                                                                                      idk if ur srs tbh because either way there is no reason to treat this like anything serious