General Discussion



    Jdjdjcjskzukdjdidjdifjdjfiidj MY TIM SO BAD IFKSIFKSKCISJFIDI

    ok now that I have your attention, I just want honest tips on how to improve my lategame with arc warden. I acknowledge I am dpgshit and in no position to blame teammates.

    I don't have the time to sit in front of a pc long enough to analyse my replays anymore, and the best I could do is just hatch an idea every now and then during the day and find a 1-2 hour window to test it out in a game if possible(my most recent being my revised hotkeys again, and this setup holds quite some promise).

    I feel like I have terribly messed up camera control during big fights and I get lost on the whereabouts of my hero, sometimes ending up in the middle of 5 enemies. Any tips I could use? I use F1 to center on my hero and 1 to control all units if that helps

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      no reason to learn a hero like arc/meepo/invoker when youre a normal skill player
      your team needs to understand the hero, too.

      i'd suggest to climb to 4k before. at that point you will have a basic understanding of positioning and map presence and be able to make some plays with arc


        If only you could spare time to check out a replay and critique me on whatever you find? I declare open season on normal skill dog now

        Ps. Nvm the abandoned arc game, i had internet issues on that and was heavily tilted


          im not in a position to do so, my specific knowledge about arc is limited to "move into the bubble to hit him"

          i could talk about your skill in general and what you can do to get to archon/legend level


            To play arc warden with success build pike shadowblade mjolnir Daedalus and learn how to control 2 hero units independently. You can try using scripts which I hear is not illegal


              ^not to be that asshole, but I want tips coming from someone with considerable experience on arc or at least be tiers higher than myself


                you can try to msg him:

                hes a pretty gud arc player
                but prepare yourself, his advice will be like - he takes the worst mistakes you make, call you the worst of players and smack any hint he can give you in your face like a rock. you will feel bad. but you will improve if you listen to him.

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                  There's no short tip to improve if you're already 3k. It's about doing everything well and knowing the in and out of the game. It's about making overall better decisions and executing well in every aspect. There's no switch to flip to suddenly be good unless you're making very basic strategic errors when playing the hero.

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                    You could watch specific things for how to win the laning phase and try to execute. But that won't necessarily win you the game. It's a start though.

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      I would listen to Melt tbh, playing heroes that relies on teammates to do stuff is the bigest bait ever. There is a good reason why only right clickers and straight forward nukers are dominant under 4k.

                      Spam those until you reach higher brackrt then you can be fancy with heroes like batrider razor, arc warden, dark willow, pretty much anythimg that requiers good team coordination to shine.

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                        I dont see how he's that overly reliant to team coordination. I mean, he does really great in lane(especially since people I play with dont even know how my skills work despite dying over and over again virtually the same way) and he farmssuper fast. I just crumble so hard come late game where all tgose times I dodged death early becpmes an instant cerrainty of losing from just one late game death

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Because he is very prone to ganks, need tons of farm until his power spike, if you dont understand the concept of split pushing its a wasted pick, chances that your team will create you space so you can split push efectivly are 0, if your team doesnt understand what your utility does its wasted.

                          Yoi will do much better by picking anything else really.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            end fast x)

                            chat banned :)

                              hanyolo guardian giving advise to archon how sweet 💏

                              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                <<< arc lord with 900 games in divine 5

                                Disturbed Jawker

                                  <<< retard with 0 arc games in legend 5


                                    @divine very nice, just the guy I need. Anyway, feel free to pick out any game (except the abandoned one) and critique me


                                      I would prefer the ones that drag out and lose in though, because that specific scenario bothers me to no end


                                        Mr dog. I know your playstyle. And you probably lose game in the same way with other heroes like alch. You do well early. Farm but you don't apply enough pressure so the game goes late. Then you make a mistake and lose. Means you don't know how to close out the game after a good laning stage.