General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to annoy allies?

How to annoy allies? in General Discussion
#1 Philippine player

    I just lost 20 games in my main account because of retards that dont know how to support. That's about 500 MMR lost!
    I'm already 3.2k in my main and lost 500 mmr now only 2.7k. I think im actually somewhere near 5.5k since i play with a 5.5k friend and i can do well there. Even at 3.2k i rekt those scrubs in my lane. only problem is teammates just feed and supports have no wards/stack/harass. Its very frustating to see their gameplay because you know there are making mistakes but they dont realize it even if you point out to them they dont care. i give up on this system because its very flawed.

    I think its time other people taste how i felt in my games, so i will revenge here in my smurf account by ruining games.
    how to annoy my teammates in a non-obvious way? I dont want to run down mid and feed because you will get reported and get 6 months ban.

    Any suggestions?


      No dont, take a break.


        Why do you want to use smurf? Just use your main, it's probably the same mmr

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Is this what pinoys are always thinking?!

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Dont be pathetic and stop wasting other people's and your own time


              Don't be an ass.Just Git gud!


                Remember what Puppey said about pinoys.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                #1 Philippine player

                  you cant git gud if youre already GUD! noobs..

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    If you need teammates to win a match for you, then you are at exact MMR where you belong.

                    Those boosters have no issue of 1v5 ing low tier opponents, you have meaning you belong there.

                    Also why do you care if its obvious troll? You wont get baned any time soon, even if you eventualy do its a snurf who cares?

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Im not a booster but I can win easily in ancient and below games. My point? If you lost 500 mmr in 3k and dropped to 2k, you never belonged in legend in the first place

                      #1 Philippine player

                        ^maybe you belong because your noob :)

                        i can 1v1 you easy. stop talk.


                          Looking at your name too, you should stop lying to yourself and better Git gud!

                          #1 Philippine player

                            ^ancient 5 talking? get divine then talk to me.


                              homeboy, your attitude is the reason why you dont improve in dota or in life.


                                Lul, a 3k scrub trashtalking player with blue star. Lul.


                                  Being able to win even with shitty teamates is what solo mmr is about if ure losing that means ure not good

                                  It doesn't matter how good u are in 1V1

                                  And it also doesn't matter if ure playing good on higher tier at party

                                  Solo is about doing all u possibly can to win and mathematically and logically if ure good ure improve as the chance of u having a shitty team vs the enemy having a shity team is 5 to 4 depending on u being shit 💩 or not

                                  #1 Philippine player

                                    ^you are the kind of shit support ruining my games.


                                      Down Syndrome confirmed


                                        People like you are the main reason why Philppines is regarded as the most disgraceful country in SEA.


                                          Im not racist but seems to me all third world countries players have some kind of retardation


                                            Solo MMR

                                            ez brackets, turn your brain off and you can win 1v5 no problem
                                            slightly challenging bracket, you can win 1v5 with a bit of leadership, but it's slightly draining
                                            very challenging, you can win 1v5 but it's mentally draining, you have to lead your team and be on top of your game, and you at most want to play 1 or 2 games of dota

                                            you belong in the bracket after what is challenging for you


                                              Actually not all third world countries, its mostly the players from Phil/Indonesia that are absolute retards with no common sense whatsoever, and concept of team play and team games do not exist for them. I'd put Malays in that bracket too but I'm not too sure about them


                                                ^that is most of sea player base


                                                  this thread starter seems have mental issues PATHETIC

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    xD, OP is a pinoy, an illiterate one...


                                                      love your enemies guys,revenge won't result to anything

                                                      btw,you can't say for sure you're somewhere on 5,5k just because you're playing with the guy,your friends wont make you higher skilled
                                                      need to play your friend acc on solo first,like 10-20 games and see how you perform

                                             can get 5 players and 5v5 your friend


                                                        On both my divine accounts, im not even core-exclusive, I adjust my picks for core-exclusive people like you even if it means supporting for 50 games straight.


                                                          Then before you trashtalk every one in this forum, get to at least ancient 3 then we are good,


                                                            He’s not even on high skill games, probably 2k trash at best


                                                              Retarded pinoy alert


                                                                fuck off pinoy


                                                                  I think im actually somewhere near 5.5k since i play with a 5.5k friend and i can do well there.

                                                                  I actually wanna kil myself after reading this sentence. Maybe you should use this to annoy your teammates cause you definitely managed to annoy me.

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    gib me all your doto knowledge before you kiii yourself

                                                                    for some reason "ki11" is a offensive language on dotabuff lol

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      When so much of a county is drug dealers and addicts that a death sentence for all of these people seems like a good solution then u know sth is wrong with people of that country

                                                                      BTW how to replay to a comment?


                                                                        @Feachairu there you go i edited it xd

                                                                        you can have my knowledge anytime just ask away


                                                                          You can't. Simply use (quote) text you want to reply (/quote). Replace () with []

                                                                          It should look like this

                                                                          text you want to reply

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            how can you lose in 3k bracket if you are 5.5mmr in your heart, something does not match here quite right....


                                                                              ^^Most pinoys like to stroke their own ego. i.e. claiming to be 10 levels ahead of where they're really at. It's the same thing that drags our country further down the sewers.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                ^^is it because their parents hit children on daily basis?


                                                                                  Nah. Pinoys just have a DNA code which can be called inner cancer. It depends if it will be able to spread or if it will be purged by education and honed common sense. Most politicians in this shitty country, however, still have a lot of cancer cells even if they went to some prestigious schools-- so I guess it just depends if a pinoy will be able to avoid the lethal cancer spreading.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    lazy to ask,lazy to knowing what to ask is the answer


                                                                                      I wonder if the OP realises that the people who actually opt to support in his games may not be doing it because they want to but because they are TRYING to help their team by not running 5 cores..

                                                                                      For instance, I'd prefer to play core however I'd rather support than completely throw it by being that guy who says "core or feed". However players who do this (definitely include me) I know the basics of supporting from experience or my pet hates of playing core but efficiently doing it, say warding, or properly stacking etc. I am definitely lacking.

                                                                                      Just something to consider...


                                                                                        If u cant win on 3k u are not 5.5k u 7k dude.


                                                                                          And i cant tell by reading this crap that u have like 15 years max.


                                                                                            Hmmm so thats that famous pinoy's way of thinking.

                                                                                            I think I prefer Russians on EU W. At least I dont understand their stupidity.


                                                                                              Why don't you support then?


                                                                                                wat a very popular thread,going to reach 2 pages soon


                                                                                                  Retarded threads are the ones that gets popular in these forums so yeah...


                                                                                                    Up up and away.

                                                                                                    not arin

                                                                                                      Open console,
                                                                                                      bind [ "say /laugh"
                                                                                                      bind ] "say /thanks"

                                                                                                      Every time you deny, miss CS, or die, you can hit bracket keys to laugh and thank them. These are global sounds so the entire map will hear.
                                                                                                      (warning: with necro and bane you ahve the power to tilt all 9 other players with your horrible laugh)


                                                                                                        Pick techis