General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople like this should be banned from queueing ranked games

People like this should be banned from queueing ranked games in General Discussion

    This wk item build is BoT into agh into rapier, i told him to build the usual wk build not the one he got from youtube. He wont listen, dropped the rapier, we already destroyed all the enemy rax but couldnt end because they got 3 fat hard carries (thx to wk) and 1 of my teammate abandoned and we were too afraid to get ti5'd.

    tl;dr some kid following build from youtube ruining game

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Oh man meme builds followers


        Its not supposed to be played in ranked game, it would be cool if he managed to pull it off, but as expected he doesnt


          Man, just focus on enjoying the game by yourself, maybe that person enjoys meme builds, so the best that we could do is to respect him


            Yes but if ur going to intentionally play subpar at least respect the other 9 players in ur ranked match and do it in unranked


              @abyss watcher
              That is terrible advice, their are two ways to play Dota, ranked and unranked. It’s beyond me how you think meme builds are okay to be played in solo ranked. Party play? Sure, unranked? Go ahead. Solo ranked? Reported

              Lruce Bee

                He can build whatever he wants if the game allows it. If u want to disallow a build because u don't like it, write to valve have them remove rapier. The one who should be banned is you. That was an awesome build.


                  ^i agree with hanyolo on this one


                    Awesome build? Yeah. The hero power spike is during mid-late game. Still no impact till 60 min++. And dont forget that his role is carry and he is supposed to carry the 4 of us, since we gave him enough space till mid game. Too bad he is such an egoistic idiot


                      Why'd Legend still had "5-man-cores" ?

                      I thought it just appear on Herald-Crussader


                        “Respect the other 9 players”
                        But... but... I’m in SEA Server pepehands


                          Oh crap thats why im getting reported for my lich offlane


                            @hanyolo yes anyone can build rapiers and jungle and feed all the game if they want but I'll report them and their better get banned cause i don't want them in my games u can have All the feeders through!

                            U too @eddie ure sick too for agreeing with this it's like agreeing with what isis do


                              Well at least he didn't went direct rapier like a WK in my game who decided to feed the enemies also cause SK stole ranged creeps in the laning phase