General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming CK

Roaming CK in General Discussion
Code EZ

    So I was in a game the other day, and I showed safelane, and another player wanted to go safelane too. I said I'd roll for it and he won, and I gave him the lane, despite him being a whole tier below me (I'm legend 2, he was archon 2). Anyways, he got tilted and blamed our whole loss on me for picking a roaming CK. I ask you, general forum, is there merit to the roaming CK, or am I crazy? I know it works, I've seen it done but I still want to hear intelligent people's thoughts. My build was mana boots into drums into aether, then blink. I'm curious to hear what you guys think.


      Roaming ck is not a bad pick I've seen it a few times.

      Story Time

        in theory he is good, but in practice i have seen 0 good ck. Often they do not aadpt to a roaminng style.. and go rembo even when 25 levels lower than enemy...


          well you went 3-10 with the lowest net worth in the entire game. You are to blame. I've only done it once and it works, but you didn't do it right.


            @Glyceraldehyde how support netwoth efeckt his game, when his mid daed 12 times and had Puck blink 26min??? Can you explain, pls? Maybe he didn`t play well I can`t see/say that, but he has 25 assists, he maybe got late blink, or didn`t roam much but if i don`t see game how i can say is that ok or not? But networth on support how you can say on that, does he do well or not?

            P.S. I just ask don`t judge, as i can see puck fail most. IF anyone want to explai isthat something with CK roming or omny is good counter pick vs ck...


              Generaly for this kind od roaming heroes you need to have kill potential on lanes - So support like WD or SS, carry like gyros, mid sf etc. Weak lanes dont work for this hero.

              You need to snowball.


                @moonlight I don't even know where to start. He is a position 4 and his net worth is lower than both of the position 5's on each team. It took him 20 minutes to get drums. Why get blink when you have 3 other initiators with blink, and at 31 minutes at that. Also he doesn't have any damage so why get blink? Blink is great on CK when you have things like Armlet and heart because you can burst the fuck out of supports from miles away. And why the fuck would you get aether on CK. So much more to say


                  It works in a certain setup. Yours was definitely not the case where it would have worked. Don’t be a smartass who will roam poorly on an odd hero because he didn’t get the safelane


                    @Glyceraldehyde " He is a position 4 and his net worth is lower than both of the position 5's on each team" yes that problem, i understand now. Poss4 need more kills, more demage, and more impactk in game, than he did, and you see that on net worh and his itmes. I think that with aether he try to make bigger range for stun, or more mana to get. But when I think better with your advice you have better options just mana boots will be ok.
                    Thx man for advices


                      bad idea. you need follow up stun. i roam ck too but only when i have with me heroes like naga, sk, ns, venge, you dont need boots at
                      early game, just bracer, bottle and wand turn bracer into drums it can snynergize your ulti. i can guarantee kill special when you pick up illusion or dd rune with your ultimate.

                      next time roam wisely 😂😂😂

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Try skipping mana boots and get
                        Tranquil spamming clarity instead
                        With that you can run into range easily, much earlier impact too

                        Idk what to get for late game though
                        Your crit and illu will be so useless
                        You should try Atos since early game 2 bracers+drums makes your illu buffier and the long range catch is just what you need later

                        You already have 2 big Blinks in your team anyways

                        I was gonna play pos 4 CK just recently but the other party kindly gave me pos 3
                        this build is what I was originally planning (except that I might get SnY if game goes well)


                          late game is solar crest synergize with your W combined with halberd which has another evasion with that disarm can guarrantee kill... you can add utility like Force Staff or glimmer.


                            U can just get bkb halberd and/or ac and become a carry type hero lategame


                              i think as 4 position CK, ur item build should not go into lens and dagger, u wasted 4,6k golds for that, dagger is not useless but its pointless, since u cant initiate the fight with enemy lines up full of disabler.

                              CK rely most on physical attack.
                              just go with usual item build for CK even if ur roaming a lot, after finishing drum of endurance.
                              ur team did well until 34min marks u all dead, 1 mistakes then its GG, they go straight for the throne, right?

                              u better watch ur replay and analyze whats wrong.


                                65% wr roam ck 6k avg games
                                if you think this heros bad pos4 - ur doing something wrong


                                  Got to say I hate your items. Even for a roaming CK armlet is better than blink+aether lens combined.


                                    There might be some people who are good with roaming CK but that doesn't make it good cause his mostly an unreliable hero almost every aspect of him is based on rng his only strength is too kill heroes quickly with he can't without items


                                      his new aghanim makes ck a strong pos 4 in theory (imagine the super strong magina or tb phantasms)

                                      Rayo ツ"

                                        I always pick