General Discussion

General Discussionriki ult is basically smaller wukong command with phaseshift

riki ult is basically smaller wukong command with phaseshift in General Discussion

    change my mind!


      not creative volvo,very not creative


        ITs better, you can CC monkeytard you cant touch Riki, he is most legit divine carrier atm since cd on that shit is low as fuck.

        Firends are spaming Riki + axe and having a blast

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          yes its definitely beter


            Just buy a gem lol

            Solo Leveling

              Gem doesnt even do much once you get the Aghs. Hes untargettable


                Just kill him lol

                Ear of Skadi

                  any farming tips / item timings. i can't play these slow farming heroes

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Valve should nerf riki this patch. He's too OP at the moment.


                      can't say he's dat op since he weak at early,but this guy is real annoying to deal with

                      tinker 2.0 at lategame


                        Just dust him 4head


                          fissure is basically bigger mk Q


                            @ear of skadi
                            i think you should'nt even be farming with this hero,just get 6/7 asap on your safelane and gank mid+enemy safelaner with your midlaner and offlaner (with phase+aquila)

                            well..i'm a bad safelane so idk


                              yes arin! you get it!
                              you're the chappie!


                                o shit that me


                                  he is vulnerable to heroes like zeus, disruptor, skywrath...


                                    o no that's you


                                      Plant blue ward every fking lane and bring dust

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Just stop him from farming lol

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          Thats the idea, riki by his sheer presence bleeds supports because they are forced to spend money on wards instead of defense items, then he just oneshots they while they are placing wards. Look at his winrate, 55% in 5k+ bracket!


                                            well according to this page:


                                            ... riki is 50,27% winrate at 5k+. Or am i misreading this? ... which goes up to 54% at <2k mmr. Hardly the most OP hero by those numbers...


                                              ^accoridng to dota+ riki has 60+% winrate below ancient-ranking and remains 53% in divine-rank. and all the guys saying you need detection for riki: this guy only needs 3k gold for diffusal and unless you got some natura silence on your team you cannot get him. he will ult, wait out dust and blinkstrike away.... and once riki has aghanim he is over 1/3 of all time in his ultimate-form and not targetable.
                                              you dont need to put riki on safe lane, i mean he cannot go manfight someone anyway and doesnt scale that well with farm so skip the aquila, go tranquils into diffu


                                                that tells me more about the community of players then the hero Anyway... i havent had a particular problem with him in particular so i can only talk from my experience. If the numbers reveal there is a problem once enough data is collected he will be nerfed either way so i dont see a point of arguing endlessly about it...