General Discussion

General Discussion10+ min matchmaking

10+ min matchmaking in General Discussion

    Ever since I got dota plus finding a mtach takes me at least 10 min, which literally never happeed before. Added to that, ever game team I play with LITERALLY EVERY GAME, has either a troll, a complete clueless dota player, or a feeder. Both ranked and unranked matches

    mabasag sana pc mo detoor

      switch server asap


        2 man que is fucked since long. 15 + min que or no game :( 6k +games


          Every time I play I don't have spanish-speaking folk on my team anymore, but if the enemy team talks they reveal that Gaben has started a war between regions.


            2 man que is fucked since long. 15 + min que or no game :( 6k +games

            cuz nobody at divine 5 is stupid enough not to have strict solo ranked matchmaking turned on so you have to que up exclusively with another 3 stack which forces it to be longer than usual


              If you have long queue times it is almost always because your behavior score is garbage.


                what is normal queue time for your guys at normal behaivour score divine +? I have 10 min here in F and get same trash players


                  inb4 dead game


                    sAme but i play early in the morning


                      what is normal queue time for your guys at normal behaivour score divine +? I have 10 min here in F and get same trash players

                      5.1k here and queue time is around 5 mins, there are way fewer players in divine 5 lol

                      Story Time

                        2 to 4 min for me, at the best behavior score possible


                          i mean sure I get reported some times but I also get a lot of commends.


                            6-15 min for C score.
                            Honestly C is just way better than normal cause in normal you still get people who grief but the enemy team is always this untiltable mental fortress for whatever reason.

                            At least in C you know you can tilt the enemy team or make them grief themselves so it is just more balanced.

                            Lester, Moe

                              how the fuck u get 6k+ games when ur rank 5000