General Discussion

General DiscussionGive me a reason to hate dota

Give me a reason to hate dota in General Discussion

    Yeah. Give me a reason to quit dota for good. I am cancer player playing on smurf because i cant get my mmr up in my main. Now give me a reason pls to quit this game.

    boni top fan

      Quit dota to focus on your job or education and increase your grades/get promoted rather than increasing your mmr or getting promoted to the next medal tier


        If you want quit doing something you need to envision how it will affect you on the long term then try to imagine your future without it. This is the most effective method if you want to quit doing something because people dont get motivated to quit doing x buy telling them for example smoking is not healthy also that it will affect your sexual life or in your case telling that you're bad at the game. But if you think about how this game will be a negative factor in your life and will affect you in a bad way over the long term now you have something in your head that you want to run away from like when people are afraid of something they run away from it they dont want to face it.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          u need counseling mafaka i'm no mafaking counseller


            You go to a forum full of strangers to fix your problems instead of seeing a professional


              being a self aware retard doesn't make you any smarter


                Game is dying, after artifact comes out you will have something new to waste time it.


                  U can continue playing and have a real life,but u need to manage ur time and energy,try learning new heros and more game sense instead of trying to gain mmr and u'll gain mmr too.gL bro

                  Pale Mannie

                    accept the fact that you reached your peak mmr/rank at the moment and continue playing until you get higher naturally or quit like a рussy and find some cheap excuse like that dota is dying (actually undeniable fact ever since it was created in WC3)


                      cuz legend 0 is what you deserve

                      not arin

                        read a random thread on nadota


                          There is an Arena of Valor play it on emulator for ez win lul


                            Or maybe just play dota for fun. Stop tryharding in a game and go tryhard in real life, you will start to see the difference and enjoy the game at the same time

                            Optimus Drip

                              I main techies. Ask me anything.


                                there are more reasons to hate Dota than to like Dota.


                                  life is worse so you arent missing out on anything I guess

                                  the question is missleading tho, give me a reason not to hate dota


                           just look at this game youve played, dont you just hate it


                                      @LosT Lol. I actually try there but not so hard. Its a low prio game i think no one helping me in mid.


                                        @eddie Thanks man thats a good advice.


                                          @ResO Thanks man.


                                            Can you guys add me? Thanks i need a dota buddy. Here is my profile link:


                                              1-16 and u mid? brain damage too much?


                                                ur name account was muted because ur TOXIC? all blaming u because ur fool and u ar mute them? more than just brain damage
                                                maybe its judgement day :V


                                                  Yeah bro i am kinda toxic this past months because i am so tilted cause of losing streak


                                                    want to quit dota? say forum volvo
                                                    give me ban 6 mont 6 years and 6 sense of my body


                                                      i give u advice
                                                      i want to keep playing or quit
                                                      jung hang out with friend and jerk on him with angry face
                                                      u will see what will happen
                                                      dota is reflection of true life
                                                      more u can calm ur self more u can enjoy ur life
                                                      life is easy

                                                      Laura es mi waifu :))))

                                                        You are a "legend" tier player without future, so you should stop trying in dota and move on to real life


                                                          @dragy10 I'd expect no better perspective on life from a guy who has an anime profile picture. Life is what you make it, so it's better to face it than escape reality.


                                                            how does having an anime avatar have anything in common with life itself
                                                            I for example didnt watch an anime for like half a year and in the previous one I watched maybe 5-6, I just like the Character of L and that is why he is on the avatar
                                                            I would take the "RL version" of L as an avatar but it doesnt exist

                                                            lets get to life itself:
                                                            there are so many factors that come into count when determinating if life is good: upbringing, the culture of your country, the average health of your country, your relative position if all of the mentioned in comparison with the average citizen in your country

                                                            "life is worse" doesnt mean that it is not worth suffering for and you cant denie that life is suffering