General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat mentality should I be in to get out of Legend Bracket?

What mentality should I be in to get out of Legend Bracket? in General Discussion
Banskiie II

    Can any insightful dotabuffer help me with my gameplay?
    Lately, I'm trying to play solo and it isn't really translating into any wins. It's either a win-or-lose situation which is bad in my view since to get out of this bracket you need to be 2x better than the players in this bracket. I've been playing dota for around 3 years, and I watch a lot of pro replays and analysis videos. Those things help me knowledge-wise about the game but I can just feel that I can really do better. This is my 3rd account and I don't want to make another one because I don't really see the difference anymore. Legends will be legends, and no matter how many accounts you make those types of players will stay the same, people who are arrogant and think that they are fairly good at the game even though they aren't at all. None of us are good in the legend bracket, including myself. I totaled around 1500 hours in Dota across my accounts and I'm stuck in this bracket for quite awhile now. I've tried playing on Ancient 4 account which my friend let me play for a couple of months but every time I play, I feel a sense of fear that the enemy is better than enemy. I played both carry and support on his account and those wins felt like I'm being carried by my team. As you expect, I had more losses than wins on his account. Those losses were games that I got ran over because our draft was bad or if I go carry, I picked the wrong one like an AM pick against a Death-ball strat. I stopped playing on that account and focused on my main account. Despite that experience was very bitter, it was humbling for me since I saw how skilled a player can be with a lot of experience on one's shoulder. And ofcourse, I learned and analysed a lot from those games. If any good-willed person can help me, these are my own thoughts on my gameplay:

    *My main role is probably hard carry since I've played a lot on that role but I try to adjust when needed which puts me in a very uncomfortable position like either offlane or support.
    *I'm fairly okay at farming with heroes that have flash farm. (I can occassionally hit 10 cs/min with heroes such as SF, Sven, AM, etc.)
    *I prioritize map awareness above all else which means I watch the map a lot.
    *I split push a lot and sadly, that's where most of my deaths come from, I get picked off a lot.
    *When I snowball, I don't really know what to do with it. I get confused on what to do when I'm ahead. I get clumsy and occassionally get myself killed which gives the enemy a ton of money.
    *I think I have a solid foundation on the mechanics of dota which means I understood every role but no means, a master of what should I do.
    *I don't have a go-to hero. I play on what I've learned and played in the past. Tbh, probably my most played hero is Anti-mage, SF and PA across all my accounts but I've never hit a 70 games on a single hero because I get bored.

    To sum it all up, what should I do to make myself better than Legend players? What should my mentality be? And what should I be focusing in this bracket to win? (Some people told me to just rat but I don't think that's a solid answer.)

    Thank you and Good day, Fellow Dotabuffers!

    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

      AM is shit right now, get another carry to get comfortable with.

      You split push alot, you might be splitpushing, but you are not doing it the right way if you are dying while doing so.
      In this game, If you don't see either ES or Void on the map, you don't splitpush. You push the wave then go jungle. If you see them both on another lane then you splitpush. If they come to your lane you tp to another lane. Basically, you avoid the ones that can kill you the most as much as possible while trying to pressure the lanes and make them commit into 5-manning you wasting their time and making space.

      If you snowball, ask your team to 5-man and push all of the outer towers, after that get RS then you 5-man Mid.

      I can tell you a lot of things with a wall of text, but that's too tiresome, I would highly recommend you watch BSJ vids. Even as a Divine player it taught me a lot of things. You can learn all of what I said here from him.

      Banskiie II

        Much appreciation, @NoMasChenko!


          Just pick a right champion bro

          boni top fan

            Pick ta, and win all the time