General Discussion

General DiscussionOD winrate dropping by 10.5%

OD winrate dropping by 10.5% in General Discussion

    So OD seems to have been heavily nerfed... Can anyone explain a drop of 10%? The nerfs to the actual hero are basically unnoticeable once you max your passive, so level 7 with rare exceptions. Sure, hurricane pike and blink are both very common on OD and both got nerfed, but I'm not sure I can see why he dropped by so much.


    Chad of Chaz

      Secret buffs and nerfs not disclosed in the patch notes happen in every patch since dota began. Patch notes are written by humans, not a reflection of what changes the developers make. Also, DOTA is a game of calculus. The rates of change that get effected by a patch greatly effect a heros ability to dominate. These include regen, gold increase, armor..etc


        wat,its real
        od 10% tb 6% tiny 4%
        whoa,this is real drop to those meta heroes


          Deserved 10%

          i sneezed on the beat

            It doesn't help that Hurricane got a nerf too, which was an essential item on OD.


              i mean, when arcane orb is 160 mana i believe u need 1600 total mana to sustain indefinitely
              now u need 2000 cuz arcane orb is 200
              its even worse at earlier levels


                I think force hurricane nerf was a huge deal for OD. 90% of games OD using force as main regen item. Now less than half the regen. No longer has ability to stay alive long enough to three shot each enemy hero individually.


                  why dun just play 2 3 and 1 lvl in arcane then

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Kaya OD incoming


                      Yeah. Let him rot in hell. Any patch where OD IS GARBAGE is a patch I like.

                      Potato PC

                        Still have good winrate, unlike IO.


                          Yeah, 39% in Divine+. Great win-rate. OD the best hero. Kappa.

                          Story Time

                            damn! My win streak on OD gonna go to hell :(


                              There is no way OD needed a drop of 10%... And 42% is not a respectable win rate... I've played OD in this patch, and mana sustains indefinitely with int treads and level 4 passive.

                              There are heroes far more deserving of hate than OD (*Cough* tinker. *Cough* literally worst hero created).

                              I agree that the regen is quite noticeable. The lambs cost of hurricane pike/force staff literally don't matter. Increased cost of arcane orb doesn't really matter past the laning stage (and it still isn't that bad). Not really sure where 10% came from (aside from hidden patch notes)

                              paNightmare mirror

                                It came from misses fix and mkb change dude


                                  OD doesn't build an MKB unless he absolutely has to. Misses really aren't that significant.

                                  I do understand why his winrate dropped, but the original 10% seems somewhat excessive

                                  paNightmare mirror

                                    Mkb was best item for attack speed in previous patch --> od could buy that after some defensive items. He did not actually lose much for misses.
                                    Nowdays OD loses large amount of mana and mkb gives nothing but accuracy.


                                      The main reason people built solar crest, or picked PA/Windranger against OD is because MKB was not a very good item on OD. Granted it's even worse now, but it was never as important as you appear to be claiming.

                                      paNightmare mirror

                                        i am talking exactly about combination of mkb remake + orb miss changes