General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane spectre

Offlane spectre in General Discussion

    I think i could make solo offlane spectre work.
    - If support is weak, you can favorably trade hits.
    - If versus trilane, you will still be able to leech exp in trees, with your Q.
    - Fairly easy to pull creeps safely.
    - Level 6, insta gank on mid.

    Do you guys have any tips on builds? I will try it out tonight.


      yeah... nope. She has very mediocre durability at that point. And if you get zoned out (which will happen most of the time) , you are stuck with a hero that cant farm for shit if she cant get her hands on lane creeps.


        That is fair, but I'm thinking Drums for guaranteed kill every ulti.
        The weakness imo, is the long ulti CD. But during this downtime, you could combine it with a active pos 1 that allows you his lane while he roams.

        boni top fan

          Seems retarded


            How the fuck are u Ancient 3 and spouting shit like offlane Spectre


              it's the worst idea i ever heard spectre is a shity laner why u want to put it in offlane? she barely can last hit she can't solo kill anyone early in game! why?

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                active pos 1 that allows you his lane while he roams.

                Then he's not pos 1 anymore


                  Thanks for the input folks, I would advise you to try dodging me in queue tonight if you think this is a bad idea.
                  I suppose the build should be entirely situational to be able to kill cores with a teammate.
                  EDIT: fast diffusal blade would be good.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Potato Marshal

                    You can't build a fast anything as a solo offlane spec

                    Mad Scientist

                      the only fast thing you get is a -25 mmr, probably 3 report too


                        ^ pure gold


                          I can't wait to get home to prove the haters wrong - or delete this thread in shame.


                            Lol, spectre offlane,
                            Cant contest cs
                            Slow af
                            Escape is unreliable
                            Shitty turn rate
                            Very slow farmer
                            Deals no damage without items
                            Will get zoned out real hard with just one support


                              Heck even lone druid offlane is more viable than this

                              Mad Scientist

                                well mate dont get me wrong but offlane called a suicide lane because something, and bringing one of the most item dependant carry to those lane well.... just don't


                                  I can’t wait for you to try it out and see how long it takes you to get that 6 months ban warning


                                    ‘you could combine it with a active pos 1 that allows you his lane while he roams.’

                                    Or you could just do this from the get go?


                                      I have done offlane spec. It is extremely situational. it shines when the enemy picks a weak roamer. Veng, MK, CM. You go like E Q E Q W. I go tranquils, Drums, Blademail, Diffusal. Won by 35 min. Had a Spec offlane, OD Middle, SS Safelane, Luna, Safelane and a Roaming Clock.


                                        @ShiftingSkys Nice! I am thinking about MoM + diffusal vs some shit like sniper or other squishy non-stun heroes.


                                          Dude u have to build 3 bracers and go drums atos Kappa

                                          Machado98 #xatubaking

                                            I once got a 14 win streak with spectre, some matches were Spectre solo offlane, but it was easier back then, deny gave more xp, shrines were closer and low mmr scrubs were less efficient in a trilane
                                            I still managed to win by being as tanky as I could, maxing Dispersion first no matter what, rushing Ring of Health into Vanguard and Radiance, getting all the survivability talents and ulting to secure kills

                                            Starting with dagger to pull the second wave might be viable, idk. I always aimed for a fast Ring of health, after I got it the lane was gucci, after a fast a vanguard I was immortal

                                            Offlane spectre is shit, but I can probably make it work because in Archon dota is basically a sandbox game
                                            Not sure if you can pull it off in ancient, GL

                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                              imo it could work if u rush hotd


                                                I did not get a chance to try more games, but i got a good picture of how it's played.

                                                Ancients are garbage and tilt when they can't even kill a offlane spectre - this is your chance to win the lane. (make calls when the support rotate towards your mid)

                                                Easy as that!


                                                  Offlane spec plays similiarly to Void Offlane. If they have really good supports you go for a less greedy build. if your not dying and destroying them you go MOM diffusal but that's greedy. It is also true that People tilt not bein able to kill the offlane- I play mid and offlane and if you dodge death 2-3 times you have pretty much tilted 3 out of their 5 players XD.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    MoM is shit just always go HotD


                                                      mom is shit, dont listen to her advise


                                                        Lol:))if u meet a good carry player and a good sup.they"ll have a fun time raping u first then ur team.


                                                          Lol at mom diffused so shit.
                                                          Offline spec is undesirable.
                                                          It can work, but there would be better picks; if the situation is so bleak, there are better picks for offline, that won’t allow for a safelane carry.


                                                            "Anything can work" n0tail


                                                              Can it work? Sure
                                                              But is it a strategic move to do it? Not in my opinion
                                                              Why? Cuz everything she offers in her pack, there are several offlaners that do that thing better than her.

                                                              Trying it out is totally fine but thinking of it as a viable pick strategy isn't. Cuz of explained above

                                                              There are tankier
                                                              More escapable
                                                              More damage dealing
                                                              Better innitiatior
                                                              Higher ms
                                                              Higher threat
                                                              And etc i might have missed
                                                              Heroes than her in pos3.


                                                                Also remember her kit:
                                                                A slow/half way escape
                                                                A situational bonus damage, which cuz u dont go high dps on offlane, only gets used as a "vision limiting" ability
                                                                A "hit me if u wanna but if u dont i cant force u to" ability. Remember she's not axe and she's not bristle, and not underlord. U can absolutely ignore her in fights and win em without spectre dealing much damage
                                                                And finally she has a long cd ult, one of the longest in the game, which she can use for ganking or scouting ONLY if it's up, and when she does use it and go for a gank, all her kit allows her to do is to go there abd throw a dagger and slow the guy. No stun no high dps no swap not much. So she relies on the heroes she's with to do that stun or disable. Which isn't what a player should look for. U can't expect ur mates to 1)pick the right heroes that synergize with an offlane spectre and 2) be totally ready and use their disable when u come

                                                                So theres that

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  No your mom is shit.