General Discussion

General DiscussionSF item progression

SF item progression in General Discussion
Mad Scientist

    i got 6 slotted and decide to sold eul and replace it with eblade, is it wrong? i think i could've done better (pudge got disconnected and abandon after 5 minutes)

    i open to any improvement and suggestion of better itembuild


      For the magical sf build u went ur choice of items are good, but in general magic sf doesnt hit buildings as fast so there's a downside to hin when enemy is actually competitive. In this case they weren't it seems but ye overall ur choices are fine


        I would keep euls and backpack travels
        Aghs is ok here but I would go eblade after aghs instead of linkens
        I would also go hex here
        Euls is a super good defensive item this game, and eblade is also super good here for both offense and defense, linkens seems pointless besides meepo hex, but u shudnt be in a position to have him hex u anyway and u have bkb


          Linken is fine if the meepo was a threat. If not then it's arguable


            I would get hex and octarine over aghs and linkens.

            With octarine you have 6.3second cooldown blink and can generally just be everywhere in fights. Low cooldown razes, can spam hex and eblade and just be a total menace


              Ye that also seems good