General Discussion

General DiscussionNaVi :(

NaVi :( in General Discussion

    still waiting for the day where they will win a major again


      The day Dendi is gone will be their next realistic chance. Honestly though, General is probably the only the player they have who consistently plays at a T1 level. Best bet is to blow up team and start over. They won’t because the money is still good. So I’d say another or year or two of complete irrelevance in major events.

      Mode Idiot

        Lol. Navi cant play to major without direct invite and now u want they win major? Keep dreaming


          General needs to leave navi, he should form a team with reso sonneiko etc. well just my opinion though, navi is long dead


            Na'Vi is still hung up on Dendi who's best days are well and truly behind him. He probably still has a fairly large following which is why they keep him around but he is definitely part of the problem imho. But then, I was never much of a Na'Vi fan so I don't really mind if they are not a T1 team...

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              what does the word "again" in the original post stand for? did they win any majors?


                they probably won't even make it to the TI this year idk

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  7 Wonders of the World:
                  1. NaVi fanbase


                    their closest "glory days" were back before ti6 i believe, during the ditya ra sonneiko stack but even then they were not quite t1