General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the chance that i become pro ?

what is the chance that i become pro ? in General Discussion

    hello there comrades, so i am addicted to dota 2 again, and i really have an very big passion for it im still just an child i wont clarify my age but its under 14, do u think that if i spend over 70% of my free time to dota training and improving that lets say when im 17-20 years old i can acctualy play proffesionaly and make an living out of dota 2 since i have all this time to improve ?


      it takes a few months at most for ALMOST ANY player to reach div 5+ if they were really dedicated to improving at the game

      have you heard of implicit memory? google it. good players have a great deal of implicit memory ingrained into them (game sense/map awareness/mechanics)

      the problem is the game AFTER that point. professional gameplay is entirely different from playing casually. it takes another level of teamwork, composure and other misc skills. you can see this in the sense that most pro players are similar in mechanical skill and you thats why you see a large disparity in performances when these other factors take part.

      its not ez lol

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        There's a difference between being addicted and being dedicated

        Mode Idiot

          I believe you. I see your recent game. Sometimes your performance is very good, but sometime not. U need train more, make your game more consistent, make your medal to ancient 5 asap. When i am 14 years old, i still learn how to use computer, but you already play dota. Very good boys hehe. If you become a pro player. Dont forget me.


            Being passionate on something will never be enough. You need to constantly blame yourself and thrive to be the best.

            It aint easy

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              You're like 12 years old son. Focus on doing well in school rather than playing dota so much. By the time you're 18 dota's pro scene might be dead already.


                well if he needs to "focus" to do well in school at 12 years old then he doesnt have a chance =)


                  jo man add me i can coach u to divine+


                    I doubt it's possible unless you're like top 100


                      Don't commit to a dying gamd

                      PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                        how do i add someone from ddotabuff ? i wanna add foreverdoto i cant figure it out ......


                          You can just be an amateur player, in my country, we have an intercollegiate tournament held once a year though i am in high school :((


                            Bro... I had same dreams when I was at ur age(2 years back specifically) . I used to argue with my parents that I will play professional games and make up my life. Recently I realized that professional scene is actually not well developed since very high skill is required.. and u need chance to show someone how good u are, which if unfortunate u will never get.
                            I am not trying to dessuade your aim. But remember it's still very risky if u don't have any backup option in your life. And I wouldn't suggest 70 % of your time doing so. Be consistent and play 2-3 hrs a day while do what your elders say( don't get me bad but they are ur well wishers) . Be about 16-17 years of age and analyze ur skill with pros if think you can do better than them .. then u can precisely decide at that point. No need to hurry , there is still time.


                              And yes you r doing great in dota... there is high possibility of u being pro


                                You can focus on school and get good at your side interests. Take it from me, I was fucking good at squash while being a straight A student. The key : Hustle.

                                Addictions lead you to spending time on something and whether you spend your time efficiently during then is a different story altogether. You gotta be passionate and dedicated about this. You need to draw a line and not be that lame guy at school that just talks about video games. You have a long way ahead of you. You start now at 12 you can be a notable player at 16 aslong as you do whats necessary in those years to get there. Please workout at the gym or play a sport. Contribute to the pro scene by reducing number of ugly players. The fuck is that guy from FTM with acne scars all over his face. They already at the moon with that guy in the team. Good player but not good looking.

                                Be disciplined and get ready for a bunch of people like your family members saying that whatever youre doing is a waste of time etc. Maybe the people in your school might laugh and make fun of you for your ambitions. Get ready man, get ready to prove them wrong.

                                The most important thing is to stick to your dreams. They come true. They dont come true for people who dint want them bad. This applies to any other activity, game etc.



                                  If you are really serious about this matter.

                                  Let me get this straight, you will ruin your life if you try to pursue a professional career, crusader to top 100? Heck even a 2.9k-3.2k player like me has been stuck for weeks already, cuz of how hard high 5k to 6k mmr games are, then imagine how hard a professional game would be? Just play dota casually or try to get good enough to play in high school tournaments. Its not ok to ruin your life for a game.


                                    0.00% chance

                                    but if u are going to let that dissuade you, u weren't going to make it anyways


                                      @Alpha how are you still a Crusader after having those dreams and arguing with your parents? Dont be a scrub come on fam. 2 years back.


                                        Think about this. Aui_2000 had to be a Janitor to keep up his finance while being pro at dota2. Do you really want to stay poor and play a game with 108 heroes is it? More less idk. Unless you win TI.


                                          Eternal envy had to quit school to pursue his starcraft career, it was hard for him btw


                                            High risk, high reward. Like asking "should I try to become a Hollywood star," It's mostly luck. millions dedicate their life to it, 10s of them make it, hundreds/thousands land in good enough position to have a good life, the rest struggles to stay afloat and have to work hard on it, because they spent all their life learning nothing, but acting. In Dota it's even harder, because you won't be making a living out of it unless you hit top 100. And if you can't pull some strings to help you, nobody will pick you up unless you're a really known pub star. Less luck involved than acting and there are a lot of very talented players to compete with.


                                              And if you fail to make it after wasting years you will feel miserable for the rest of your life.


                                                honestly this game is really hard actually y should go play outside with ur friends instead of becoming a miserable nerd rofl at the other side if u are really less then 14 u have more then enough time to go pro anyway just dont let this game control u for years... not worth it

                                                Story Time

                                                  OP is a typical core-role picker... dunning-cruger sindrome spotted!


                                                    Good support players are more likely to become pros than core players

                                                    boni top fan

                                                      I suggest that you spend more time with your friends and family, you will regret not cherishing them one day.

                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        lol you definitely dont have any talent for this game judging by your games and rank

                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                          I think you've got a good chance if you can reach 4k by next year.


                                                            0.0%.Its not like top 100 players are gods or something,but the top comptetition is very tight.Crusader 5 after 1500 games ? LUL


                                                              you can make a living from streaming dota2, maybe consider that and start streaming right now


                                                                you gotta play consistently without playing other games between dota if u wanna improve fast, just a quick but rly crucial tip.
                                                                dont choose dota over life though


                                                                  Opinion from Ancient 3: No u won't ever be a pro in my opinion. 1,5k matches and crusader X? Thats not particularly good... Gotta admit that i climbed from legend 3 or 4 to ancient 3 since the medal system was implemented. But still u have little more than 50% winrate in normal skill which is REALLY low. If you rly want to go pro, then prepare to spend 12 hours a day for the next years on dota, in the process you waste your entire life and future because u probably won't make it. If you want a perspective for your life, then play dota casually, maybe u will make massive progress and get far better and then you can think again about going pro. But while you're under 18 you have no chance at it whatsoever.


                                                                    Ok to that last comment: don't try. You don't even have 2k MMR. The games where I have to play with people around your mmr are ridiculous. If you really think you can go pro, then get 3k at least in the next year, otherwise your effort will be futile. And believe me 3k is a LOW bar to reach and still is nothing compared to going pro.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      dude you are like 2k mmr... at you have 1500 games. You will never go pro. If you had natural skill you would be at least ancient something by now.


                                                                        @cocky I started 500 mmr and went 1600 it was hard for me becoz I had no UPS with my computer...powercut..gone..lp for 3 days(till Feb 2018 I had single draft as most played)
                                                                        My dad would come and turn off my computer or maybe my net pack finishes at the wrong moment.
                                                                        I actually give lot of importance to studies.. and I have became casual lately .. probably whining at teammates or trying shadow mage build in ranked etc etc.😂😂 I don't have opportunity for pro scene so its all past for me now. I play dota as stress reliever nowadays.
                                                                        The overall average of all answers is that: If u r 💯 u can then pursue .. else if u waste ur precious time hampering studious... Then your life is doomed.

                                                                        PS: those who r saying u have 0% chance are your non risk taking well wishers..

                                                                        Your life so think and judge rationally with all possible outcomes of ur actions

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          "And yes you r doing great in dota... there is high possibility of u being pro"

                                                                          wow you are delusional.

                                                                          Literally I play like hardly ever and am double your mmr. You guys are like the bottom 25% of dota players. How can you expect to be a pro which is like 100 players out of millions if you can't get past the bottom half of players? It's ridiculous.

                                                                          Look at this reddit post

                                                                          Envy posted in the thread: "Honestly if his MMR currently is really between 7.5-8K MMR he is within the top 5 for almost any region in solo Q. If he’s 7k exactly he would be rank 50-100. Definitely worth a try. If your mmr is below 6K n your over 16 years old n have played for 2 years you should 100% not go pro."

                                                                          The discussion doesn't even start until 6k mmr.


                                                                            You will NEVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever become even close to being a tier TWO player unless you are at least 7k mmr. If you have connections or are just lucky, maybe 6k.

                                                                            So no.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              btw even being a pro doesn't guarantee you wealth and happiness. You guys understand that only the ones who win huge tournaments make any real money or those with huge sponsorships and salaries?

                                                                              Take like misery for example.

                                                                              Famous player, 24th on the esports earnings chart, never won a big tournament but has placed. Earnings by year since 2014 cus prior he had nothing significent:

                                                                              2018 $72,400.00
                                                                              2017 $55,700.00
                                                                              2016 $982,899.00
                                                                              2015 $246,488.31
                                                                              2014 $59,462.63

                                                                              In 2014 he was 21 or 22. That's really close to normal graduation age from college. He had one huge year in 2016 and a big one in 2015, but his other salaries are very average compared to a normal person with a college degree.

                                                                              If you get a degree in software engineering, you will start at like 70k for 3-5 years, then if you are decent to good you will quickly get to 100k. You can make a million dollars in 12 years or so. If you invest that money wisely and don't get married or have kids to support you can be a multimillionaire in your 40s and retire and play video games all you want. No it's not quite the same as the top pro players earnings but people think they earn the big prize pools all the time. They don't. It's streaky.


                                                                                Whatever you do, do not sacrifice your education. Look at Timado for inspiration, he was able to balance studies with dota with the help of his dad.


                                                                                  If u cant do well in your studies, then how do you expect to do well in dota?
                                                                                  Assuredly i say to you dota is way more difficult than e = mc^2


                                                                                    I agree^^


                                                                                      From the question itself, aa ur current self there's very slight chance to success.

                                                                                      BUT, that doesnt mean u cant. That means u need to change some stuff so u can.

                                                                                      If u come to a forum and ask for your "chance" (like it's rolling dice) from people who arent experts at any type of success in life, this person is set out to fail.

                                                                                      If u really really wanna, start consuming success principle books, videos, and content. Learning success should become ur bread and butter.

                                                                                      The more u learn about success and how it works the more u learn it's a science not smth some ppl get it cuz they got lucky. And it's literally a systematic path that u follow, but it's not as simple as it seems cuz there's huge emotional labor and that why 95% wont even try and from the 5% most wont succeed. So yes ur "chance" is very limited if u let it happen by luck. But if u go through the learning process and the success system and path, there is literally 0% failure. Not meaning u'll win ti, meaning u either get what u wanted or ur thoughts change and u want smth bigger and get THAT.


                                                                                        If u cant do well in your studies, then how do you expect to do well in dota?
                                                                                        Assuredly i say to you dota is way more difficult than e = mc^2

                                                                                        Like this one. If u wanna listen to this, u'r ~100% going to fail. But if u go listen, read, watch successful ppl teaching u HOW, the chance of ur success will be ~100%


                                                                                          answer is NO NEVER heath and EDUCATION IS THE BEST thing YOU will ever get IN LIFE DO NOT EVER GIVE UP ON THEM you can play DOTA 2 for FUN onlY, like me 1-2 game A day

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            I think Bulba once said that you have to keep your performance on top level everygame to play profesionally. (and ofc be divine 5+ player)

                                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                                              very high chance


                                                                                                Also Dire Wolf's calculations are only legit for countries with high avg salary like USA, UK. Luxemburg, Switzerland etc.

                                                                                                In my country Earning $20 000 a year is already considered good. Also avg salary in Denmark in 2016 was 4101 DKK/month, making it around 650 dollars/month.

                                                                                                Misery is a king of life in his country right now. But I have to agree that there are like 30-40 people that actually make money out of it.

                                                                                                9/10 times I'd rather be a dedicated poker player and actually earn money as soon as you can manage to control your bankroll rather than being pro dota player which requires not only your intelligence but also high reflexes and a lot of luck.

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                  "Unattainable dreams are the best kind."

                                                                                                  I had no dream when I was a teenager PepeHands


                                                                                                    Oh man all i can say is if anyone lets other ppl determine if they can or can't succeed nobody ever will.
                                                                                                    Look at these comments so sad full of limiting beliefs and personal opinions


                                                                                                      That's what he is asking for personal opinions.
                                                                                                      That's actually good before taking a measure step all by yourself
                                                                                                      (Your comment counts as well)

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        LOL so full of limiting beliefs? The limit is not my belief, it's his mmr. He's 2k. When you get to 6k we can have this discussion again.

                                                                                                        And yes I'm throwing out numbers based on tech jobs in western countries. Average salary is crap because it includes all jobs, low skill low paying ones. Get a high skill job. Sorry if you live in a shit country, I can't really help you there, I only know for people in countries with opportunity what to try.

                                                                                                        Even if you suck at school and can't get into college you can go into trades. All you need is high school and some basic math and you can train to be an electrician or hvac person or plumber and make a lot of money that way.