General Discussion

General DiscussionI hate Windranger

I hate Windranger in General Discussion

    I just really hate her and feels she's too good... or maybe im just being dumb it's probably the latter.



      She is dogshiet. She provides minor crowd control, cant tank and provides 0 utility to the team.

      All she can do is annoying enemy carry.

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      flourishing new leaf

        She is annoying as fuck and requires 0 skill. You're right to hate her.


          She is much better now
          Good hero

          Pale Mannie

            haha look at me i'm harassing you with my low BAT and fast attack animation!!!! too bad you cant harass me back for i'm using windrun and run away like a pussу and for its low cooldown and low mana i can do it all the time!!!!!


              Say this to PA.. who can solo kill at lvl 6 but is called a hard carry. Fucking can dive into tower even before lvl 6 and hits from such a range and called melee. Oh she has permanent wind run thing with map vanish. I blink to u and get attack speed out of frustration



                I hate this two boobs so much:lina and crystal maiden

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                flourishing new leaf

                  @Alpha-trash typical noob


                    also wr hates oracle,just spam Q and E on her early game.


                      She is soo good now
                      The ult rework the new maelstorm the shackelshot talent in late game
                      The powershot talent
                      she's still not broken tho since like any similar offlaner (puck -willow) any good trilane will leave you at level 4 10 mins in and unlike willow and puck you dont get a huge dick powerspike at level 6 to recover or set up for some kills
                      She can stack the offlane camps and farm them with powershot tho so idk
                      She's a good mid tho I'll give you that

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                        Wind is more of mid hero. There are many heroes who can shit on her in lane in first few minutes (sd,ss,ogre,jakiro,sky,disruptor) and make it insanely hard to get so (unless it's 2x2).

                        It is much easier to go mid and get min 11 2x kill,phases and maelstrom and just kill anybody you meet.

                        Salt Miner

                          Windrunner has pretty low damage early game, and doesn't have a lot of angles to shackleshot against a smart mid. The few heroes she has more aa damage then don't care about windrun because they are nukers like Zues/QoP. That's always been the weird issue with Windrunner is she is a strong hero, without a lane to really call home. She can usually function fine in off though, but she is underwhelming mid.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            ^Dude, you're not gonna mention Powershot which is why she can lane well?

                            Story Time

                              is she ok in dual offlanes?


                                Well, not really true about the damage – Generally she is outdamaged by 3 heroes lvl 1. Other heroes are below her. Note, that she can swipe 2 creeps lvl 3 by powershot, 3 by lvl 5 and all wave by lvl 7 (after few calculated attacks). Also, note the range – AW and Lina has higher, visage, dusa, invo and DP same and the rest of the pack lower. Only SF has higher turn rate, storm and TA same and the rest lower.

                                She is not dominant hero, who will just shit on you during laning stage (if you are paying attention to powershots and are not ganked), but if she has decent start (with powershot buff it is pretty likely), she will probably kill anybody once she has phases and maelstrom. Which can be around 10-15 minutes (with 2 nulls).More below.

                                Regarding shackles, you don’t throw them early, unless there is a gang or your enemy has little hp. And after lvl 7 you use them after swiping enemy lane and just shackling him to the trees (easier from dire side).

                                Regarding windrun – it is quite annoying even level 1 – I usually force invokers and SFs to trade during first creep wave – they just cant trade with you and either miss few last hits and XP or they take much more damage than you.

                                She was pretty bad before, but still, I had 56% WR mid. Havent played her a lot in recent months though, so I had to re-learn her. But after inicial games I have 10:4 (71%) and 2 of those lost games were offlane. So mid is something like 9(or 8) :2.

                                Here is damage lvl 1:
                                SF: 35-41
                                Razor: 45-47
                                Sniper: 36-42
                                OD: 40-55
                                WR: 44-56
                                Necro: 44-48
                                Viper: 44-46
                                Visage: 45-55
                                QOP: 45-53
                                AW: 44-54
                                Medusa: 44-54
                                Storm: 46-56
                                Lina: 46-58
                                DP: 47-59

                                Tinker: 52-58
                                Puck: 53-64
                                TA: 53-59

                                Maybe I forgot some, but I hope there is enough to compare.

                                Salt Miner

                                  That was actually really cool, and thanks for doing that. I think you are missing a few random things, like how Invoker's level 1 goes up by 12 if he gets exort level 1. (3 instances, 4 damage per). Shadow fiends goes up on each creep kill/deny that isn't stopped, Viper has poison strike, ect ect.

                                  I am not saying windrunner is a bad mid, and for the very things you said, she has a better claim than many heroes you see try to mid. But I just don't think she compares to some of the hard hitters out there.

                                  @Cheap Laugh: While she isn't mana hungry, she can't exactly spam that move, and has to balance trading reliability versus damage for getting a hit.


                                    Wr dumpsters both sf and invoker if ur good
                                    U just completely zone them early on, they can't do shit to u lvl 1 and u keep snowballing from there


                                      Johnny bro, wind has good ealry game, few clarity, spam powershoot, get farm, even you can gank fast, or take neutrals. Don`t forget that it`s hard to get close to her, hard to outran her. You don`t have aoe stun, or some crowd control, but for split push wind is really good. I don` t like to iniciate TF with her, just hit from behind. Just have hard corre for late game with her, she isn`t late game hero in close games.



                                        This was just a reaction for low early damage. So at lvl 1 she is comparable.

                                        Yes, invoker has 47-53. Pretty much the same damage as winds 44-56. SF has 9-15 lower damage lvl 1, if there is no clock. So you know what can you do? Stand on the HG of SF and dont let him lasthit.

                                        As she is building damage items, she will have higher single target damage than most of others. With longest duration stun in game (except maybe 2-3 others, which are no ulties or prolonged by talent). With 450 damage snipe on range similar as snipers ulti. Very hard to gank - escape lvl 1, by lvl 4 she has as well stun, which can change chase to kill.

                                        With the buff to maelstrom (not being forced for MKB) and buffs to ulti and powershot, she is probably TOP3 mids. Ahead of her WR (50%) are only Visage, Zeus and sniper in 4k+. All the rest heroes are on the same level or below.

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