General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the hell are these waiting times?

What the hell are these waiting times? in General Discussion

    Well idk what is happening, but when they created the ranked roles... even if I try to pick support role I have to wait ~30 min + random f updates that extend that time to get anything. My conduct score is in normal... the hell is going on?


      Valve try to match you with same conduct score, everyone else is bad conduct score Kappa


        Its not about conduct score its about the fact that system is kinda broken right now and we get matched up with people who did not buy BP(mostly)


          i have 10 min on EU west as supp


            There simply aren’t enough people in role matchmaking selecting support. Role MMing teams have to be matched with non-role matchmaking or the queue for core roles would be over an hour even at popular mmrs.

            Valve doesn’t care about your QoL because you haven’t paid for a battlepass....

            Hope it doesn’t change mind because it is definitely Pay2Win for the role queue.!

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              Not true there is something weird with the queue times. I have BP. I queued for support three times assuming everyone else just queues for mid or carry. The first two games my queue time was less than 20 seconds combined. One game was almost insta ready. Game 3 though... queued for 12 mins before giving up and queuing for something else.


                Strange. Anyway I don’t mind long queues. Gives you a chance to wind down after a game and the quality is much better with role matchmaking.

                Lruce Bee

                  They broke up the matchmaking pool. So what do you expect? They have to force everyone to use role matchmaking or it's just longer queue times all around.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Lruce Bee

                    Good business idea but bad for overall game.


                      Games are so much better, most definetly worth the extra waiting time


                        How long for sea at around 3-4k?


                          Long q means I can play fortnite wesmart


                            I played just few games so far, but always got matched with BP owners in the other side as well. So I think it is BPxBP team.