General Discussion

General DiscussionInvo pos 4/5

Invo pos 4/5 in General Discussion

    Did anyone tried it before? 6/7k senpai? Is it legit?


      Wtf, abysmal movement speed, he needs level more than anything lol.


        its very fun,you are a weaker laner than rubick and you need agh like more core than kotl tho
        basically,very hard to win
        play wq


          cold snap lvl 1 WAOW


            So it is a brilliant thinking of a horrible idea

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                yes, very good. low leveled coldsnap is so good, also that pink thing that burns mana and makes your core hit faster. Icewall pogchamp and even a disarm

                tornado for EZ CC, ez mmr


                had to spend half the game memorizing how to invoke spells though (inchoker), so im sure you could even play better. EG will win TI 2018 with my secret invo pos 4


                  "jungle lost", very impressive


                    I've tried this in one of the mock battle between my friends. I can tell you its very frustating as hell due to his need of aghanim scepter and a very slow movement speed even with tranquil and wex. However in 5th postion, i can give a little advice.
                    1. Prioritizes what hero are you supporting. (For ex. Drow, she already has good slow but lacking in damage and attack speed during early game. Therefore use cold snap and alacrity (to drow) combo will seal the deal.)
                    2. Itemization. For boots choose either tranquil, arcane or phase boots. Followed by either aquila or/and urn of shadow. Take eul and agh next. Followed by intiating item (blink or force staff). Upgrade your urn and lastly take other supporting item (guardian greaves, solar crest or even glimmer cape if nescesary).
                    3. Your role will be much like riki (very greedy 4th post) to the point you need to farm your item. And also buy a lots of book
                    Highly situational with little impact for early mid game. (Even support ck, wk and pa can do better)

                    Potato Marshal

                      A lot of his spells really suck ass in the early game.


                        i didnt jungle obviously, that just pops up when you move in between lanes a lot

                        also that whole thing of invo being a support was totally, 100%, my real opinion. i think its a good hero for supportinh and i won that game for my team pretty much.