majority of what you studied is misleading and fraudulent.
again you are right that a lot of psychology is misleading and fraudulent. but i don't know where you're getting your material to sound intellectual. because when you start explaining yourself you're actually just constantly wrong on so many levels again. it is not misleading or fraudulent for any of the reasons you've mentioned.
when you start explaining yourself you're actually just constantly wrong on so many levels.
an intellectually honest person would be explaining this in detail when it happens. you don't do this. there is a word for this behavior: grandiose. grandiosity is a distinct feature of the various cluster B personalities, sociopathy, narcissism, etc.
han, pretty much every comment you make on these forums evinces some sort of anti social trait
various cluster b personalities. meaningless jargon that no one uses. trying to sound intellectual when you're not. i've explained myself so many times already. i have no obligation to point out to you why you're stupid. laziness would be the right assessment of my behaviour.
btw, if you actually think i'm copy/pasting from the internet it should be quite easy to put sentences of mine in quote in google search and find the source from where you think i'm copying.
well im not going to actually accuse you of copy pasting. but it seems like you read some shit from psychology today and then put your own little shitty twist to it, add some poor logical/critical thinking, and come up with worthless crap.
various cluster b personalities. meaningless jargon that no one uses
"cluster b" is definitely not jargon. all of the various anti social personalities have behaviors that correlate with one another. same for clusters A and C. People with paranoia share traits with schizophrenics, although they are distinct in many areas. "sharing some traits" is all the term "cluster" refers to, it's definitely not jargon.
again, you are simply lying about all this. not even you believe that "cluster b" is jargon. you're just lying
add some poor logical/critical thinking, and come up with worthless crap.
this is a claim you, or anyone, would need to demonstrate with a thorough argument. but you don't do this, you just offer pronouncements. again, this is just more evidence of your grandiose thinking.
han, you are clearly something with very salient anti social personality characteristics. i'm guessing pretty much everyone who sees your comments gets this.
i mean you use technical jargon that is meaningless to the argument or conversation, but is just meant to show that you're perhaps more well-read in the intellectual circles. which is kind of contradictory to how you just smashed academic psychology.
yet your whole reference to cluster 'B' -completely arbitrary taxonomy that is only meaningful to a group of people who im guessing are academic psychologist - served no purpose except to suggest you are completely in alignment with academic psychology.
i don't need to offer arguments because i just need to point out how flawed you are and discredit you completely. why waste my time arguing about psychology when i know you're a dimwit
i mean you use technical jargon that is meaningless to the argument or conversation,
you clearly don't know what "jargon" is. the point of explanatory models is to the make the complex more simple. "jargon" refers to words that tend to make the explanation more complex then the actual things that someone is attempting to explain. the term "cluster B" is valuable because the personalities under that label all share correlated traits. it makes the complex more simple, that is how you determine whether or not something is "jargon".
a good rule of thumb is whether or not a word conforms to Ockham's razor. if it does then it's probably not jargon.
I don't know what you mean by trait based empirically verified personality assessment. You probably don't even know what it means. Stop pulling shit out your ass.
Your assessment of personality disorders from a highly contentious "assessment" of personality from a personality questionnaire, is also a complete farce.
I just love to give people who talk shit a hard time. Understandable why the 2 of you hate me. I know I've been hard on y'all.
Do you mean this comment? There is no argument anywhere in this comment. Do you mean another comment? Or do you not even know what an "argument" is?
cluster B does in fact make things more complex, because it is meaningless. there is no inherent meaning in 'cluster B'. it is an arbitrary label. it could be useful to a small group of people who are familiar with the term, yes. but otherwise, this is why people call it jargon. because while the act of grouping traits that correlate together is good, because it simplifies concepts, labeling them as 'cluster b' is a complete fucking farce and most definitely jargon.
cluster B does in fact make things more complex, because it is meaningless.
this does not logically follow. complexity and meaninglessness are completely unrelated. if I say nothing but "mm mmm mmmmm" everytime you are around that is not complex, but it is meaningless. you almost certainly know this and are just being dishonest.
Lots of very, very simple things are meaningless.
it could be useful to a small group of people who are familiar with the term, yes. but otherwise, this is why people call it jargon.
That's not jargon. At all. The term "tachyon" is not understood by the vast majority of people, but that doesn't make it jargon. basically, what you're saying is that *any* technical term not widely understood by the general population is "jargon". were that the case, it would be impossible to even have technical fields of study.
again, I suspect this is from your intellectual dishonesty and not from stupidity. you know this and are simply lying.
Lmao I love this. This guys is clearly a troll. I love this line. "Cluster B does in fact make things more complex, because it is meaningless" Love it. Also Thad I completely agree with you. You know what was awesome to me? When HanYolo asked "I played storm what am I doing wrong- Had almost a page of answers DOES EXACT SAME THING HE DID LAST GAME AS STORM. LOOOOL.
Anyone with a brain can figure out what he is talking about- He is clearly using "Cluster B" discussion about basic psychology and personality disorders. There is absolutely no out of context usage of the term. What would you call the class of borderline antisocial sociopath's otherwise? You are just an arrogant troll who really should just be kicked. Every reply or thread is laced with aggressive comments either to defend your twisted perception or blissful ignorance to any reply to dismiss a good answer. First reply on this page- You don't know where hes getting his information? Hell man you could google Cluster B and pull up the complete work by top psychologist's ON non commercial sites.
Here is my advice- Stop talking you will sound smarter.
im perfectly aware of the usage of jargon among specialised academic circles. my whole point was about why he was using that term. which is completely meaningless and just to show that he is perhaps more well read. if you read my chain of comments, my whole point has been that he likes to sound intelligent but if read what point he is actually making, it is actually meaningless and thats why its a farce.
for example, just before that he was bashing and discrediting academic psychology. but then he quotes that shit like it's fucking gospel truth just to say that im grandiose. i mean im not even trying to argue about why his psychology is flawed, but im really just trying to discredit him because everything he says is full of holes. i don't really want to go heavy into the psychology because im just not in the mood. so excuse me if my point about 'cluster b' being jargon didn't sit well with you.
maybe you need to check your comprehension ability.
and the fact that a group of accredited psychologist use the term 'cluster b' does not make my point about it being arbitrary and meaningless, any less true.
this does not logically follow. complexity and meaninglessness are completely unrelated. if I say nothing but "mm mmm mmmmm" everytime you are around that is not complex, but it is meaningless. you almost certainly know this and are just being dishonest.
Lots of very, very simple things are meaningless.
you misunderstood my point and went off tangent. this is classic behaviour of yours. and then you showcase your lack of understanding of logic. when i say it makes things more complex because it is meaningless, that is true. because you are using a term that is not understood, you are adding a layer of complexity. complexity can come in many forms. what you say is true. something complex may not be meaningless, and something meaningless may not be complex. but that was not my point.
"he was bashing and discrediting academic psychology"
I was discrediting the parts of it that involve trying to improve the world rather than explain it". The trait based personality assessments are explanatory models and are not primarily aimed at making the world a better place.
That you refuse to directly address what I am actually saying is just more evidence that you have an anti social personality
cluster b is not complex. it is a meaningless label. you make your argument complex by using something not well understood and meaningless to the discussion.
but okay i really don't want to beat around the same point too much. i do admit i was being intellectually sloppy in this case because i could not be bothered to try and communicate with you on a technical level while you probably had faith in me understanding it. and you were probably valid in raising that point on clusters to diss me.
but you're still a pseudo intellectual because you still don't demonstrate that you understand what you're saying about psychology.
"you are using a term that is not understood, you are adding a layer of complexity."
Even were this entirely true that doesn't make a term or phrase jargon. If I walk into a preschool and use the word "science" none of the kids there will know what I'm talking about. That doesn't mean the word "science" is jargon
I was discrediting the parts of it that involve trying to improve the world rather than explain it". The trait based personality assessments are explanatory models and are not primarily aimed at making the world a better place.
so you are saying that trait based personality assessment, which make no judgements on personalities as a whole (which are complex assortment of behaviours and traits), are explanatory models, which is fine by you, but studies of personality disorders are fraudulent because they try to make the world a better place rather than explain it?
but yet you constantly label me according to the DSM manual for personality disorders? and you confuse trait assessments with assessment of personality disorders? or are you just being intellectually sloppy? i'll give you a chance to explain yourself then, since you seem honest in your arguments.
okay fucking hell. googled jargon, this is the definition.
"special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand"
that makes 'science' jargon to 6 year olds if you and i are the only 2 people in the world who understands what it means. thats my fucking point.
cluster a b c personality disorders is jargon. its meaningless terminology. what's the argument here thad?
hey you two knew each other's id number send an invitation then do a 1 v 1 same hero so you can put and end to this nonsense argument.
post it here if ur both down to it so we can spectate!
can you make a more simple word
in this forum not just europeans who read it
have you ever watched the movie "3 idiots"?
if you ever watch it, surely you know the meaning of the word simple and easy to hear or learn
you sound like a person who likes to read but does not know the outside world, if you sound like a very intelligent person then my advice is you talk at the place of the scientists or people who want to hear your words
actually the most anti-social here is you, maybe because the smart person likes to be alone
I ask you again
if you become a teacher and explain this to your students, what will your students understand?
they'll just laugh behind you and talk what's he talking about? Did he come from another planet?
if you want to show your intelligence maybe you're in the wrong place
Not all sociopaths belong in a ward, nor is being sociopathic an inherently bad thing. This is like calling somebody 'retarded' or 'gay' as in insult. It just makes you look like a close-minded jackass.
I Agree this is absolutely hilarious. He literrally repeats himself over and over in both DOTA and discussion. Lmao. So as a Mechanic and I use the Term Delta to describe a pressure differential and/or variation across your DPF its considered Jargon? Jargon is a term or abbreviation that makes it difficult to understand what is being said. For example: "I need a Nurse in here Stat" There is absolutely no reason to use the word "stat" it is not shorter than Fast or even quick and it is not portraying the point CLEARLY to an uneducated or unfamiliar audience. Saying: Cluster A,B, or C refers to a specific Piece of literature in basic Psychology which is required to be taken by a large majority of those with an education past Highschool. A large number of degrees require basic psych. Also WHen you buy Deso, AC remember Storm is not remotely in the Top 10 contenders for those items to actually be relative. But hey thats jargon though- Deso, AC, Storm; so I hope you can keep up with all my Jargon.
^ stop acting like you know what psychology is about because you googled it on the internet. Lol
You can study psych and all the theories and disorders but you will never need to know what cluster a to c is, and why thy grouped like that. It's kinda meaningless honestly. You give it too much importance and you compare it to something technical and essential as in other disciplines.
Again, fuck you because I studied psychology. Stop trying to sound smart. It is fucking jargon. Retard
I mean didn't I fucking define jargon just awhile ago. Yes I know what the term is being used for in the literature. Sure if you are an academic psychologist I won't ever fault you for discussing it. Still jargon though. Lmao
again you are right that a lot of psychology is misleading and fraudulent. but i don't know where you're getting your material to sound intellectual. because when you start explaining yourself you're actually just constantly wrong on so many levels again. it is not misleading or fraudulent for any of the reasons you've mentioned.
but that has absolutely nothing to do with whether what i know about psychology has more or less credibility. so fuck you again.
an intellectually honest person would be explaining this in detail when it happens. you don't do this. there is a word for this behavior: grandiose. grandiosity is a distinct feature of the various cluster B personalities, sociopathy, narcissism, etc.
han, pretty much every comment you make on these forums evinces some sort of anti social trait
various cluster b personalities. meaningless jargon that no one uses. trying to sound intellectual when you're not. i've explained myself so many times already. i have no obligation to point out to you why you're stupid. laziness would be the right assessment of my behaviour.
but you wouldn't know the difference.
btw, if you actually think i'm copy/pasting from the internet it should be quite easy to put sentences of mine in quote in google search and find the source from where you think i'm copying.
Let me describe HanYolo like a song.
"This is America" by Childish Gambino. Watch his mtv so yould know exactly what im talking.
well im not going to actually accuse you of copy pasting. but it seems like you read some shit from psychology today and then put your own little shitty twist to it, add some poor logical/critical thinking, and come up with worthless crap.
"cluster b" is definitely not jargon. all of the various anti social personalities have behaviors that correlate with one another. same for clusters A and C. People with paranoia share traits with schizophrenics, although they are distinct in many areas. "sharing some traits" is all the term "cluster" refers to, it's definitely not jargon.
again, you are simply lying about all this. not even you believe that "cluster b" is jargon. you're just lying
this is a claim you, or anyone, would need to demonstrate with a thorough argument. but you don't do this, you just offer pronouncements. again, this is just more evidence of your grandiose thinking.
han, you are clearly something with very salient anti social personality characteristics. i'm guessing pretty much everyone who sees your comments gets this.
you and me we need to talk
i mean you use technical jargon that is meaningless to the argument or conversation, but is just meant to show that you're perhaps more well-read in the intellectual circles. which is kind of contradictory to how you just smashed academic psychology.
yet your whole reference to cluster 'B' -completely arbitrary taxonomy that is only meaningful to a group of people who im guessing are academic psychologist - served no purpose except to suggest you are completely in alignment with academic psychology.
i don't need to offer arguments because i just need to point out how flawed you are and discredit you completely. why waste my time arguing about psychology when i know you're a dimwit
and anyway go back to my first reply to your crap about anti social personalities. so i did offer some arguments, and you didn't respond to it. so..
you clearly don't know what "jargon" is. the point of explanatory models is to the make the complex more simple. "jargon" refers to words that tend to make the explanation more complex then the actual things that someone is attempting to explain. the term "cluster B" is valuable because the personalities under that label all share correlated traits. it makes the complex more simple, that is how you determine whether or not something is "jargon".
a good rule of thumb is whether or not a word conforms to Ockham's razor. if it does then it's probably not jargon.
Do you mean this comment? There is no argument anywhere in this comment. Do you mean another comment? Or do you not even know what an "argument" is?
cluster B does in fact make things more complex, because it is meaningless. there is no inherent meaning in 'cluster B'. it is an arbitrary label. it could be useful to a small group of people who are familiar with the term, yes. but otherwise, this is why people call it jargon. because while the act of grouping traits that correlate together is good, because it simplifies concepts, labeling them as 'cluster b' is a complete fucking farce and most definitely jargon.
no not that one.
this does not logically follow. complexity and meaninglessness are completely unrelated. if I say nothing but "mm mmm mmmmm" everytime you are around that is not complex, but it is meaningless. you almost certainly know this and are just being dishonest.
Lots of very, very simple things are meaningless.
That's not jargon. At all. The term "tachyon" is not understood by the vast majority of people, but that doesn't make it jargon. basically, what you're saying is that *any* technical term not widely understood by the general population is "jargon". were that the case, it would be impossible to even have technical fields of study.
again, I suspect this is from your intellectual dishonesty and not from stupidity. you know this and are simply lying.
well, that's the first response you made to me on the topic of anti social personalities
sorry, not the first then. you bitch
it is not my problem that you are intellectually sloppy, which tends to correlate with intellectual dishonesty
i am neither intellectually sloppy nor intellectually dishonest. and nothing from what i've said should have suggested that.
on the other hand, you are truly very very intellectually sloppy as i've already pointed out quite clearly on many occasions.
please don't confuse my laziness to educate your dumb ass as being intellectually sloppy or dishonest.
Wouldn't it be funny if HanYolo and Thad turned out to be alts of the same person?
i wish i had the energy to go to that extent to entertain everyone, but no.
How the fuck is Grandpa Thad not in VHS. His posts has reached a new level of shitposting that I honestly think his knowledge is beyond human limits.
Lmao I love this. This guys is clearly a troll. I love this line. "Cluster B does in fact make things more complex, because it is meaningless" Love it. Also Thad I completely agree with you. You know what was awesome to me? When HanYolo asked "I played storm what am I doing wrong- Had almost a page of answers DOES EXACT SAME THING HE DID LAST GAME AS STORM. LOOOOL.
Anyone with a brain can figure out what he is talking about- He is clearly using "Cluster B" discussion about basic psychology and personality disorders. There is absolutely no out of context usage of the term. What would you call the class of borderline antisocial sociopath's otherwise? You are just an arrogant troll who really should just be kicked. Every reply or thread is laced with aggressive comments either to defend your twisted perception or blissful ignorance to any reply to dismiss a good answer. First reply on this page- You don't know where hes getting his information? Hell man you could google Cluster B and pull up the complete work by top psychologist's ON non commercial sites.
Here is my advice- Stop talking you will sound smarter.
im perfectly aware of the usage of jargon among specialised academic circles. my whole point was about why he was using that term. which is completely meaningless and just to show that he is perhaps more well read. if you read my chain of comments, my whole point has been that he likes to sound intelligent but if read what point he is actually making, it is actually meaningless and thats why its a farce.
for example, just before that he was bashing and discrediting academic psychology. but then he quotes that shit like it's fucking gospel truth just to say that im grandiose. i mean im not even trying to argue about why his psychology is flawed, but im really just trying to discredit him because everything he says is full of holes. i don't really want to go heavy into the psychology because im just not in the mood. so excuse me if my point about 'cluster b' being jargon didn't sit well with you.
maybe you need to check your comprehension ability.
anyone reading this?
and the fact that a group of accredited psychologist use the term 'cluster b' does not make my point about it being arbitrary and meaningless, any less true.
you misunderstood my point and went off tangent. this is classic behaviour of yours. and then you showcase your lack of understanding of logic. when i say it makes things more complex because it is meaningless, that is true. because you are using a term that is not understood, you are adding a layer of complexity. complexity can come in many forms. what you say is true. something complex may not be meaningless, and something meaningless may not be complex. but that was not my point.
"he was bashing and discrediting academic psychology"
I was discrediting the parts of it that involve trying to improve the world rather than explain it". The trait based personality assessments are explanatory models and are not primarily aimed at making the world a better place.
That you refuse to directly address what I am actually saying is just more evidence that you have an anti social personality
cluster b is not complex. it is a meaningless label. you make your argument complex by using something not well understood and meaningless to the discussion.
but okay i really don't want to beat around the same point too much. i do admit i was being intellectually sloppy in this case because i could not be bothered to try and communicate with you on a technical level while you probably had faith in me understanding it. and you were probably valid in raising that point on clusters to diss me.
but you're still a pseudo intellectual because you still don't demonstrate that you understand what you're saying about psychology.
i have directly addressed what you said many times. your refusal to recognize this is evidence that you are intellectually challenged.
"you are using a term that is not understood, you are adding a layer of complexity."
Even were this entirely true that doesn't make a term or phrase jargon. If I walk into a preschool and use the word "science" none of the kids there will know what I'm talking about. That doesn't mean the word "science" is jargon
so you are saying that trait based personality assessment, which make no judgements on personalities as a whole (which are complex assortment of behaviours and traits), are explanatory models, which is fine by you, but studies of personality disorders are fraudulent because they try to make the world a better place rather than explain it?
but yet you constantly label me according to the DSM manual for personality disorders? and you confuse trait assessments with assessment of personality disorders? or are you just being intellectually sloppy? i'll give you a chance to explain yourself then, since you seem honest in your arguments.
okay fucking hell. googled jargon, this is the definition.
"special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand"
that makes 'science' jargon to 6 year olds if you and i are the only 2 people in the world who understands what it means. thats my fucking point.
cluster a b c personality disorders is jargon. its meaningless terminology. what's the argument here thad?
hey you two knew each other's id number send an invitation then do a 1 v 1 same hero so you can put and end to this nonsense argument.
post it here if ur both down to it so we can spectate!
can you make a more simple word
in this forum not just europeans who read it
have you ever watched the movie "3 idiots"?
if you ever watch it, surely you know the meaning of the word simple and easy to hear or learn
you sound like a person who likes to read but does not know the outside world, if you sound like a very intelligent person then my advice is you talk at the place of the scientists or people who want to hear your words
actually the most anti-social here is you, maybe because the smart person likes to be alone
sorry i am not good in english but your word is too complicated to understand
I ask you again
if you become a teacher and explain this to your students, what will your students understand?
they'll just laugh behind you and talk what's he talking about? Did he come from another planet?
if you want to show your intelligence maybe you're in the wrong place
Hanyolo and Granpa Thad, both of you are comparable to the song "This is America"
Granpa Thad, you are comparable to the song "This is America"
No arin no one would ever read a fight about psychology or whatever between thad and jacked there's never that many brain cells to spare
What is this all about?
And who the love is HanYolo?
Please endarken me!!
Not all sociopaths belong in a ward, nor is being sociopathic an inherently bad thing. This is like calling somebody 'retarded' or 'gay' as in insult. It just makes you look like a close-minded jackass.
^are 16 year olds this lame? My oh my...
HanYolo is funny to anyone who has self-respect. He makes all the wimps cry, though
I Agree this is absolutely hilarious. He literrally repeats himself over and over in both DOTA and discussion. Lmao. So as a Mechanic and I use the Term Delta to describe a pressure differential and/or variation across your DPF its considered Jargon? Jargon is a term or abbreviation that makes it difficult to understand what is being said. For example: "I need a Nurse in here Stat" There is absolutely no reason to use the word "stat" it is not shorter than Fast or even quick and it is not portraying the point CLEARLY to an uneducated or unfamiliar audience. Saying: Cluster A,B, or C refers to a specific Piece of literature in basic Psychology which is required to be taken by a large majority of those with an education past Highschool. A large number of degrees require basic psych. Also WHen you buy Deso, AC remember Storm is not remotely in the Top 10 contenders for those items to actually be relative. But hey thats jargon though- Deso, AC, Storm; so I hope you can keep up with all my Jargon.
^ stop acting like you know what psychology is about because you googled it on the internet. Lol
You can study psych and all the theories and disorders but you will never need to know what cluster a to c is, and why thy grouped like that. It's kinda meaningless honestly. You give it too much importance and you compare it to something technical and essential as in other disciplines.
Again, fuck you because I studied psychology. Stop trying to sound smart. It is fucking jargon. Retard
I mean didn't I fucking define jargon just awhile ago. Yes I know what the term is being used for in the literature. Sure if you are an academic psychologist I won't ever fault you for discussing it. Still jargon though. Lmao