General Discussion

General Discussiontome of knowledge should be made consumable by the lowest net worth h...

tome of knowledge should be made consumable by the lowest net worth hero in a team.. in General Discussion
Mr Miyagi

    greedy carries. atleast leave tome for us position 4/5...


      Not really, they have more impact with levels than you, carry reaching power spike faster is more important then yours +150gpm talent or whatever


        an early tome to give a spirit breaker or slardar a faster lvl 6 can win you a teamfight for sure

        < blank >

          Or maybe u can simply snatch the tomb they bought from the courier :D costs u nothing and works most of the time... Except u get 1 report for sure if he gets raged

          Muhammad Sumbul

            @Harold.You should stop underestimaying supports.Check this game of mine 3839845495