General Discussion

General DiscussionNo more party mmr

No more party mmr in General Discussion
Story Time

    This team challenge boosts the medals based on party mmr. This means only one thing – Valve will eradicate party mmr forever. Maybe they introduce smth else, but soon there will be no party mmr after re-calibration... that is my guess!

    but u said dota was fun :(

      Hopefully! Remove cancers who only have high party mmr. Or at least give us the option if we'll stick with our current solo or get the average of party and solo.

      but u said dota was fun :(

        Or just based the match-making (party or solo) and the medal on solo mmr.


          Or maybe both should merge..


            Party MMR is usually not very indicative of skill level, as it is very dependent on who you play with. You can play well with one person, and terribly with another, but they both contribute to the same number. If valve got rid of party MMR, it wouldn't be a bad thing.


              i don't think they gonna remove this lol,probably nerfs on team challange to +50 or something,since battle pass are like so low in exp gaining already

              +150 bp per win is pretty good


                yep lower medals than ancient got boosted to ancient(5) for like 1-2 days,I think I guess Ancient is the new Archon


                  A legend 2 friend of mine is now ancient 2 . Nice job valve


                    Ure wrong party 💃🏿 mmr means nothing it has no impact on solo queue so unless u playing ranked party it has no value

                    but u said dota was fun :(

                      That's a given, Mr. What I mean is for party mmr, also consider the solo mmr or atleast the average. Do you want to team up with an ancient 5 party with an individual skill greatly lower than that?

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        Hey guys lets be real here, Valve is struggling wit their dwindling player base, battkepass rewards are not very good and apealing like they are not really " OMG i gotta have this!!!" Evryone and their mother just want to raise their MMR.

                        So someone at Valve did the math, they implemented magical MMR tokens, now eveb poorest guy who plays dota is thinking about getting battlepass. Its very good marketing decision you gotta give them that also its party MMR not solo so nobody is hurt just people going jelly when seeing friends skipping medals in news feed , jelly peoplee gonna succumb nad get battlepass soon! :)

                        Story Time

                          ^that is right! Valve is cashing out on the party mmr and then will abandon it as a concept. Noone cared for party mmr anyway, but lets what the future brings

                          Retnuh Flim

                            I agree. I don't want to have a higher party indicating my medal. Solo mmr should have a bigger weight than party mmr not 50 50. Even if i get ancient 5 but achieve it trough party and not solo, i would not me proud of my medal.

                            Bazooka Joe

                              If you're playing with a party, you should be queued based on your party MMR and if you're playing alone, based on your solo. Keep the medals as the trophy for the highest point of your performance in the current season and not be the basis of any matchmaking. Problem solved.


                                To be fair games I've played with team challange ain't easy. Sometimes the MMR difference is literally 500 or more in favor of enemy team.

                                For example, I was playing 5stack challange and we have crusader 2 in our team, going 1-15 while they had no one below 3.5k I think.

                                I still don't think it's okay to actually give MMR that easily to people, because badge feels pretty much pointless. Even if you're ancient 5 on party, what's the point?

                                Your solo MMR is still used to get matched with other solo MMR players.

                                I was 3.8k solo Ancient 0 and literally won 3 games and now I'm ancient 2. Imo pretty stupid but when Valve doesn't give a shit, why would I.


                                  If you're playing with a party, you should be queued based on your party MMR and if you're playing alone, based on your solo. Keep the medals as the trophy for the highest point of your performance in the current season and not be the basis of any matchmaking. Problem solved.
                                  it's already that way ranked solo ranked party and normal MM all have their own individual ratings if u are ancient at party but archon at solo u still get matched with archons in ranked solo

                                  and also it's not that easy too win vs higher skill players u know a crusader can't beat an ancient that easily hell maybe never


                                    @Vertoxity. "To be fair games I've played with team challange ain't easy"
                                    For me all of them were quite easy. Maybe thats due to my "low" party mmr. Also the ppl you play against might just play an easy 5v5 for fun. If you start the team challenge you are in a tryhard mode.


                                      @ Njoraur

                                      Well honestly I've had both hard and easy games, just few examples:


                                      To be fair, regardless of easy or hard, there's no way this is good. This is pure MMR inflation, because people without "strict" solo matcmaking optiion will still face ancient 5 party guy playing with like 3k mmr solo and 4.5k party in a duo stack..

                                      I just got to ancient 3, not because I actually deserve it, but because how retarded this system is. Long story short:

                                      I got to ancient 0 by playing solo at 3695 MMR, got it to almost 3.8k and then I started playing ranked-token based MM.

                                      First match I played support and got carried by Cookie, resulting in 120 MMR and Ancient 1 (3985 MMR)
                                      Then I proceed to lose 6 matches in a row, so I'm 3825.

                                      Then I win one Meduza game, one Meepo game and one Slark + Last Zeus game - Ancient 3 and almost 4400 MMR.

                                      Literally most retarded shit i've ever seen. This indeed looks like pay to win to me. Pay 10$ to boost your badge/MMR.

                                      Like even if you lose, there's a good chance u will lose just a portion of your MMR, so lets say, you win 120, you lose 2 games, and you end up losing 35-40 MMR for 2 games.. This is why so many people rank up so easily.

                                      They literally lose more than they win and they still rank up - because of playing against better players.


                                        XD, nice concept why 10/10, here I was wondering how you got ancient 3 so fast!



                                          Well if I'm not mistaken you own compendium too, you can try it. The only thing that's important is that u need to que as a team of 5.

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            Owning compendium is easy, finding +4 competent friends is hard part! ^^


                                              I just play 2 days in a row with random people from the regional room. Took me few hours to filter bad from good, but so far we're doing decent.

                                              Just got to the 4500 MMR and Ancient 4. This is actually pretty crazy. I doubt this will be good for anyone..

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                its really good even for anyone,just find with some randoms
                                                no need even a team

                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                  dabbing on them haters!