General Discussion

General Discussion716

716 in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    shit patch go next


      What do you mean shit clinkz buff is enormous we’ll probably see it on pro match and a slight buff to am also drow got a buff that makes her easier to lane

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Clinkz: Strafe dodge no longer has a count limit

        so is it windrun now?

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        me, government hooker

          yea amazing he buffed an already strong hero switched some tlanets for wisp and made no changes to these retarded lanes


            Not windrun - it evades as well projectiles, so no shackles, no storm hammer etc. Unlimited count.


              Meanwhile bs, riki and zues got a buff that makrs it harder to deal with pub matches


                It’s basically an unli linkens except it can’t dodge something that has no projectile like roar, shackles and hex

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  idk -10 ms for wisp is a lot considering wisp doesn't buy boots and the talent switch is a massive nerf to ratting while giving u almost nothing in return

                  maybe its not enough but with the way the patches were going the last 6 months its more than i expected to get

                  if u read any patchnotes since 2016 u know he doesn't nerf heroes to the fucking stone age anymore


                    honestly its a fine patch
                    dealt with some obviously game breaking stuff like the old 25 tidebringer talent
                    made some dogshit agi carries easier to lane with some regen
                    its not a drastic patch, but they never are these days


                      time to play clinkz more now


                        Wait so level 25 clinkz dodges everything for 10 seconds?

                        Tu tayta

                          Dark Willow buffs O:

                          Also, I like this: "Phantom Lancer: Doppelganger can no longer be cast while rooted"


                            Invoke no longer use mana feelsgoodman.

                            Inb4 my man Sven still shit.


                              Apart from the insane buff on dark bitch and mongol ball, the patch is fine.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                dark willow was shit though. she needed something. PL nerf is cool, it was dumb doppelganger was like the only spell you can use while rooted. i like the wraith king change as well.

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  whos mongol ball

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    probably pangolier. also, io nerfs might as well not exist.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      and night stalker = new tiny


                                        i thought the sentry ward buffs are retarded
                                        then i saw clinkz


                                          Riki seems dead no point to play dota rn

                                          Potato PC

                                            Damn, IO is nerfed again and spirits skill still use one-button toggle. Meanwhile sven stun got buffed again(?)
                                            But, "Sentry Ward: Duration increased from 4 to 6 minutes" & "Vladmir's Offering: Mana regeneration increased from 0.65 to 1.0" are useful.

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                                              Treant and WK were buffed ty IceFrog <3


                                                ayaya matrice is raging
                                                i'm glad they buffed dw, best hero of dota

                                                flourishing new leaf

                                                  They buffed my mirana lul

                                                  Mirana: Leap attack speed increased from 40/60/80/100 to 60/80/100/120

                                                  Mirana: Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 15 to 18 seconds

                                                  but fuck sentries lasting for 6 min, gotta start spamming that shit now


                                                    Ogre Magi: Multicast 2x chance from 40/50/60 to 60/60/60%

                                                    Ogre Magi: Multicast 3x chance from 0/20/25% to 0/30/30%

                                                    Ogre Magi: Multicast 4x chance from 0/0/12.5% to 0/0/15%

                                                    Am I misunderstanding something or does Ogre now have a 105% chance to multicast with level 3 ulti?


                                                      clink vs range hero=autowin


                                                        RIP WK , he lost his only flash farming tool , now he just suffer early game , can't farm , he simply shit , shit patch.

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          At least every single one of my heroes except jakiro got buffed, as minor as they were. Is Tiny playable again at least now?


                                                            I just love how they keep buffing my CM she now hits like a truck


                                                              For confirmation clinks strafe didnt dodge every projectile out there. Last time i check it didnt dodge laser from tinker nor storm hammer from sven. Been awhile since i check this


                                                                laser is not a projectile

                                                                and i dont know that even icefrog knows if storm hammer is disjointable or whatever
                                                                but i think it gets dodged, but still stuns the aoe it hits so you just get stunned anyway


                                                                  LMAO they buff dark willow

                                                                  Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                    @kill my pain

                                                                    Why retarded lanes?


                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      Phantom Assassin: Blur now only triggers on real heroes
                                                                      Phantom Assassin: Blur now always triggers on Invisible and Spell Immune enemies

                                                                      Is this balanced? This hero can't be ganked at all.
                                                                      Smoke invis is counted too OSFrog

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                                                                        Gotta learn how to cs with Zeus autoattack now feels bad. Level 1 arc lightning damage is so low its barely above his autoattack damage if you buy a null talisman.

                                                                        Also with the movespeed nerf and the lightning bolt range buff so its the same as arc lightning it might be worth considering going euls first instead of aether lens in order to get the mana regen and movespeed and then choosing the static field talent in order to increase his damage output. Doubles down on his glass cannon ness though. Aether lens and movespeed if they have lots of initators and gap closes is still better.

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          haha yes zues veri kool hiro (very stong)

                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                            I don't quite understand PA's new blur, so spell immune units can't even hit PA now?


                                                                              it's the hero transparency effect thing


                                                                                lol @ ppl thinking that zeus lvl 15 talent which is static field +1.5% is viable. They would have to make it +5percent for it to get any real effect, and even then a movespeed talent would be superior. Not that surprised considering 95percent of zeus's are utter trash and can't even press R

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  A lot of talents still suck-ass and need to be reworked. 1.5% static field is not even 1 level worth of damage for an ability that people usually max last. And this is a level 15 talent.


                                                                                    3 second tree