General Discussion

General DiscussionFear and Misery out. EG open qualifiers now!

Fear and Misery out. EG open qualifiers now! in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    At least I hope Sumail gets back to mid. Hope they pick up two good replacements.

    Samwise Gamgee

      lol im sad about the old man, if misery out he can be support again he was good at it...

      Palmen aus Plastik

        nah man let him rest. Fear has played long enough. Nothing left to prove. Get some young blood I say! Maybe they'll rope in Admiral Bulldog offlane who knows?! :D

        Choke on your sanctimony

          Right now they need a good drafter too, not crit-shit who kept drafting bane and etc for uni, making it a 2 core lineup in the end.
          Also, Heard Crit is a really toxic player like Lil, that true?


            Crits stream is chill idk what ur talking abt

            They need a captain
            Crit isn't a horrible drafter tbh, he is knowledgeable
            But if u rlly look at eg vs everyone else, imo it comes down to support play/priority
            Crit almost never has the farm of other pos 4 in other teams because they ran this tricore thing where they sacked the pos 4
            Meanwhile every other good team gives some farm to the pos 4 playmaker and rotates carries and shit to give pos 4s like yap some farm (yap is the greediest I can think of tbh)
            They need to put crit on a higher priority (or sup in general) and pickup a legit offlaner


              Eg. Bsj

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                "Forever" BibleThump

                Choke on your sanctimony

                  yes you are right, they need a captain, but i still disagree with crits drafts at that time uni was there. He had some idea, true, but it didnt work out for so many games until they brought fear and later misery in as captain/drafter.
                  Also, never watched crit stream, i was asking a question, just saw some commend on his twitter recently regarding the same.
                  True, the pos 4 farm is underwhelming mostly, i remember EG winning a few games with misery NP and getting that farm from pushing.
                  Yapzor,rodjer, fy, gh, etc are really farm intensive support cores, much like old EG Aui_2000, I dont see the other teams respect banning agnst EG while i see those bans specifically agnst other pos 4 players.