General Discussion

General Discussionwill re-calibration scale down high mmr?

will re-calibration scale down high mmr? in General Discussion
quest to questing

    because i regret playing token challenges because i can't even play with my 4k friends anymore due to mmr gap.

    can somebody explain the mmr gap because it doesn't make sense to me? I can use my 2.4k smurf to party with my 5.8k friend (difference 3.4k) but my 4.2k friend can't pt with me when i'm 6.8k (difference 2.6k)

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      he probably lied about his mmr :^) iirc the max mmr difference is 3000~mmr while in your smurf case i think its because the solo is higher

      quest to questing

        iirc correctly back then when medals first came out, all the higher mmr players lost a bunch right? will that be happening again?


          Yeah top players are usually the biggest losers at recalibration, for the rest of the ladder under 5k, nothing really changes.