General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP ROLL BACK MMR

RIP ROLL BACK MMR in General Discussion

    wasting play dota 2. fucking valve if you roll back all party mmr please back my tokens too. or else i will quit this fvcking game.
    bullshit system

    Arturo b

      yeah my party back to 4.7 from 5.5

      Arturo b

        at least give the right amount of mmr rather than rollback to start


          LOL... luckily im solo guy 😂😂😂

          RETARD TEAM

            yea dota suck , i win 15 game party got +1000 mmr become +0 mmr
            why not become +375 gabeeen


              Why do you care? Party MMR doesn't mean anything anyway.


                What is happening?


                  Yeah. What happened?

                  quest to questing

                    i can actually party with my friends again


                      Pls do leave game no one would even care xD


                        Hahaha deserved


                          Are your medals/ranks also reducing?


                            "Bullshit system"

                            Ye the same system who let you to leapfrogging those who grinding solo MMR by months and their hard efforts only in few nights. It was fun while it lasted doesn't it?


                              hahahahahhahahahah you deserve ur own medal bruhhhhhhhh ,


                                Got this one guy from my friendlist who went ancient 0 from legend 1 with the token abusing, now he's archon 5 after the update omegalul

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Lruce Bee

                                  Love to see you abusers in agony


                                    seriously i cant resist myself , OMEGALULLLLLLLLLLLLL BUSTED! UH LA LA


                                      wuääääh im a crusader that boosted his team mmr to legend now i cry

                                      leave the game, people like you wont be missed! :)


                                        Medal, rank and bp level everything reduced


                                          token challenge... many of my friends reach ancient... now back in crusader 😂😂😂


                                            Party MMR don't mean any shits tho.


                                              fair enough


                                                why in da fuck u care about party mmr tho, token system is rigged anyways so am im glad that boosted ancients will disappear


                                                  get rekt kiddos hahgaaaha

                                                  Ölex / Bärslex

                                                    this is justice, enjoy your true mmr

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      I have no clue what's going on.

                                                      I go to sleep, I wake up, I read Reddit, everyone's happy.

                                                      I'm like, ok, w/e, it's not like I deserved to have 4.6k on party anyways.

                                                      I open up Dota 2, I get my super-old rank (Legend 5).

                                                      I was like: but wasn't I ancient 0 before this shitstorm of free MMR started?

                                                      W/e, once again.

                                                      I play one game, and I got promoted to Ancient 2 from Legend 5(so 3 ranks up, lmao)

                                                      Old MMR with Legend 5: Solo 3800, party 4460

                                                      New MMR after last SF game: Solo 4100, Party 3500

                                                      Gold job Valve.. what a fucking mess

                                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                                        Did they refund tokens at least Vertoxity? Are they like completely useless now? :thinking:



                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                            Nice bait and switch Gaben combo, i dont know why they didnt milk more, possibly because of kids outrage on reddit, they gloat whole morning, i didnt know that people can be aroused so much over party mmr...

                                                            flourishing new leaf

                                                              How can you see your party mmr? It only shows solo mmr for me

                                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                                ^ enter doto click your profile thingy and go to stats tab


                                                                  WP valve ,money makers ,all about pro scene,u dont give a fuck about normal players ,this game is here cause of us (noob players)I dont know why u put tokens then all mmr back to begin,u can give us battle pass points then be human instanted of lies ,where is the point . I cant belive what u do .


                                                                    haha you lost the mmr u didnt deserve



                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                        they didnt remove all mmr gained , they just +50 -50 per token game played based on my pt mmr after the update , no reason to refund token


                                                                          I'm so glad they removed this actually. Seeing how many retarded kids are actually salty.


                                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                                              ^ kek, thats fucked up, imagine geting that egdelord in your game thinking he is hot shit ans instalocks mid.

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Why is he saying divine 5 in one night when he capped out at ancient 5 (like he should since you can't reach divine 0 through party mmr)?



                                                                                  Because he's obviously retarded monkey.

                                                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                    @potato marshal He probably ment Ancient 5 but in the heat of the moment out of excitement he mixed up his hidden wishes with current reality and made that lapsus, its very common situation that evryone experienced


                                                                                      Well thatnice my archon rank isnt garbage anymore


                                                                                        Hi guys. I lost large amount of pt mmr but it's ok. If you are good player you can scale and rank up till your current skill. I am ancient 2 now and play pure supp. You know how difficult is to support every random untrusty russian carry? These are problems !!!


                                                                                          @JesusHadBuyback haha russian carries are very unpredictible