General Discussion

General DiscussionYou were too harsh on han yolo

You were too harsh on han yolo in General Discussion

    You guys were too mean with hanyolo, they guy with 1k undying games that always buys perseverance.

    I played an abilitry draft game in 1k and at at least 5 player went brown boots perseverance, thats not uncommon apparently



      Is there any other way? Tho i lost the game and disappointed my spiritual guide, Dusa was too mean to zombies preservance couldn't stop her... :(

      Story Time

        ^it is a disaster

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          Don’t think hanyolo was the guy with 1k undying games.


            Nope han yolo would probably get 3 battlefurys on undying

            Lruce Bee

              pers rush is a very good strat in 1k

              SASA POPOVIC

                meme build God!

                I always play Undy as a support i find lasthiting on him too tedious to bother going core... :(

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  but undying is a great core!
                  for me the most important trait of a core is that he can clear waves fast to get huge farm.

                  tombstone is the perfect ability to push waves, it creates 1 zombie for every creep. tahts why he is a good core imo


                    In da past I was irritated wit Han bt now he s a funny guy....he is the king of troll on dota buff

                    Lruce Bee

                      aghs is honestly great but your 1k teammates will never kite fights out properly or long enough for it to matter. then you just die wth 40 stacks anyway. hence the 38% winrate. or maybe my boot choice was wrong and phase is really better.



                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Undying should be skiped in that bracket entirely tbh 1k brain cant process complicated information like, " hmm that hero is losing strength, str = hp! His main attribute is agi, so his str gain is low! Maybe i should attack him and use my nuking abilities??" :thinking:


                            Hannernaut Yolorino!!


                              why not play tombstone +6 hits and refresher+octarine instead
                              it's so much better rather than going agh


                                HIS NAME WAS HANSOLO AND HE HAD 2000 UNDYING GAMES


                                  I followed HanYolo for his item build, its always out of meta, but apparently it works.


                                    38% winrate seemsGood Kappa


                                      HanSolo was the real deal. Hanyolo is just a troll but eh he's funny sometimes. Better than most of the trolls here

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        Better than filthy Raj


                                          got me

                                          Story Time

                                            isnt that all the same guy here?