General Discussion

General DiscussionPos. 5 = Laneruiner

Pos. 5 = Laneruiner in General Discussion

    I played offlane in my last couple of games.

    I noticed in all games that support start pulling basicall from the 2nd wave.

    That usually leaves the carry alone with a creepwave with orbed creeps (i play dark seer a lot) or when i play weaver i pound the hell out of him with geminate attack. at that point i basically cant loose the lane anymore, because the core needs to use all of his regen that early.

    why would anyone even qeue for carry in 3k


      u dont need to pull if the creep well controlled by ur safelane, if u force to pull the creep eq will be ruined


        ^He is talking about how supports in low brackets pull at their own convince and ruin equilibrium while also leaving carry exposed to offlaner harassment.

        steff ou dzi

          i lost game last night with Juggernaut cause of that :)

          chicken spook,,,,

            why would anyone even qeue for carry in 3k

            im a masochist

            Story Time

              this is not really a big problem in 3k :D lol, stop complaining and get gut


                Well yes, better if they double pull, if not, enemy offlaner will have a really good time