General Discussion

General Discussion6k player offering help to un-stuck

6k player offering help to un-stuck in General Discussion

    Well thats more than I expected and I really appreciate the help. If anything more comes to my mind I’ll ask. Thanks m8!


      Thx, my past experience also like that, i help safelane and have long time to get back to my lane while enemy carry gor free farm and i got poor and turn to bad outcome

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        glad if it helped :) and sure ask whatever comes in mind

        btw smth i noticed is a lot of the questions ppl ask arent the actual question they should be asking. like they say i played this game what item should have i bought, but the problem was barely 5% the item build and 95% other stuff. so mostly i think watching and analysing replays would give better answers than just answering that person's question

        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

          ^ Are you ever not in LP?


            Gyros so bad right now I wouldn't ever play that hero unless your a masochist. It's only really viable as a mid hero now imo.

            Palmen aus Plastik

              what a proper thread. think this post made dotabuff great again. thanks for all your advice!


                @sia,ye i play brood
                i actually messaged ytou at ayy lma othread about how to play with brood +diffusal,teach me

                er,i see so it's not that worth to get on
                but i feel like with this kind of gpm and farm stuff,ill just stuck at 6k later
                about roaming,i didnt think of saving webs and not putting it on farm locations,will do that next time (pretty good idea actually,this has enlightened me)
                usually how i play brood is if win lane=i pressure mid and make everyone tele to my place,then i tell mye team by drawing arrows and chat to them to push other alnes
                if lose lane i farm my jungle lol,very simple then try to comeback midgame

                btw on some 14-17 min games i sitll got 700 gpm actually... or 680
                im so suck

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                  What do I do if my team thinks they are strong due to me having a massive streak and just runs in enemy territory and feeds also buys retarded items


                    @gabba gabba lol ye it's a sad story. after my 12 days ago brood game, my net fucked up right after finding the match after picking phase, so i got an abandon. then in the first game of sd, the troll game, power went out. then i played a bunch of sd games.
                    after that i played 4 ranked matches in 4th one power went out again. then i played an sd match today and power went out again xD

                    summer power usage has gone so high there are random power outages. playing dota nowadays feels like walking on a mine field here

                    @fearchairu oh sry i dont check that thread add my steam or come to discord

                    @animal=muted start by changing ur name then snowball it into changing the way u think cuz u dont get a special set of teammates u get the same ppl everyone gets on average


                      Looking for guidance from immortal sama


                        @sia okay i'll check the discord later,so tell mee how brood diffusal playstle work

                        Shirley Fenette

                          hey deek can you please analyze one or two of my replays and tell me what I am doing wrong?

                          Shirley Fenette

                            I want insight about how would a blue star have approached the game.


                              well the main reason is i felt like medallion was useless, cuz ancients die in 4-5 secs with spiders anyway, so making that 2-4 doesnt make much difference. and then again u can kill the heroes u can kill with medal, without it too.

                              i built deso a bunch of games. it always felt like an item that i would wanna buy if im pretty of enemy, so any game that enemy didnt just lose their mid and their other lanes all didnt came mid so their 3 lanes didnt lose, and there was a competent core on enemy team, deso felt super underwhelming.

                              then there was orchid build. and it felt like with orchid, u pay 4k+ gold and get an item that makes u HAVE TO do smth with it, cuz otherwise u get countered by lotuses and mantas and eulses soon. so u put urself on a timer and if the item doesnt get used before the timer, it'll be a useless item that even if it could help killing sups. sups arent randomly somewhere alone most of the time anyway so u gotta pass the cores that can kill u and have orchid purging items. so it felt like a "use in time or become useless" item

                              so the only solid option, from watching high mmr brood spammers and testing myself, was diffusal. it gives pretty dope dps. it burns mana. something that is super op with it but it seems so small is the slow of active is super useful. try it against a hero like lc or sf or lina. u cant kill em with any of those other items they literally just walk away. so many heroes fall in this category. or even normal heroes will run away when they see u but the slow's range lets u slow them way before u get to them. its mana burn gives like 50 physical damage as well iirc so add that to ur dps too. and since it gives 20 agility, any other item u get it scales cuz of the dota 2 dynamics if u know what i mean. so it seems like an overall good no-pressure and useful item


                                how to play when your team hav no map control? how to create space for the team at that point?


                                  Since you guys play Broodmother on Very High Skill, I just want to know how to play Brood in my bracket?

                                  I did play it in my other account and even after stomping the MID I feel like so useless during midgame to late, seems like Brood is so squishy and and because of heavy disables I can't join team fight or it's just me who suck so hard. It's so hard for me to push the high ground after destroying the first 2 towers because my mates still farming shit and leave me solo pushing as always.

                                  I usually build PT> Medallion/Radiance(rush)>Deso>etc.

                                  Thanks for all the input guys, I did learn something by reading this thread :)

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    er,i can't realy comment on your gameplay since i didnt see but maybe you took bad fights? pickoff people and solo pushing is always wat i do

                                    for item build,soulring-medal-orchid-pt is better

                                    brood doesnt need pt that much on early imo

                                    or sr-medal-deso-pt

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      How long is too long to farm? I know I can kill nearly any hero with 5 items on my hero (Arc = boots of travel, mjol, sb, orchid, nulli) and it takes me 30-40 minutes to get it. If I always participate in teamfights with both me and ulti - my 5 item build takes me 10-15 minutes longer. Do I still participate or just ignore everyone after 15 minutes, and start to engage after I get orchid+sb+boots (25-30th minute) when I actually have some utility to my team?

                                      Or are those 15 minutes too crucial to afk farm?

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        uh so,i think i didnt get it properly

                                        so diffusal is go to when you dunno what to do and just farm silently? what did you do after getting diffusal? did you don't go to enemy jungle and pressure them? or farm 6 whole camps on your side

                                        yea deso i rarely built too,unless i vs lc mid or axe or meepo

                                        yep,for orchid you do something with it,i like it since i like fighting more and making 5 people tp to my lanes trying to kill me


                                          I wonder if anyone still playing the spiderling build

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            I rather be a noob forever than win free mmr by playing brood mid


                                              it's become super unconscious for me on what i do, but i still can kinda put it into words.

                                              so there are a bunch of scenarios with brood.
                                              1. stomp games
                                              2. enemy being competitive enough to hold
                                              3. enemy winning other lanes

                                              in the first type whatever u build u just win. so i dont actually care what item to build u can build watever of those above.

                                              in 2nd type, u can kill em with ur hero if u are efficient enough with farming and pressuring, such that enemy is lower level and farm. these games are specifically applicable vs heroes that kill spiders. u farm faster than them then u kill them with ur main hero. but in these games u dont yolo too hard and just run high ground. been there done that i just fed cuz i was stronger than them. if they're just meat it's another thing, but if there's an sf witch doctor for example and u wanna go high ground without bkb, it's just not worth risking the death. so u just kill out of position enemies, web the most aggressive u can without getting punished, and limit their farm space more and more. until u get bkb or whatever u need, or they feed. then u go end

                                              in 3rd type which rarely happens (cuz mostly i make the enemy sups and cores react to my lane thus lose thier other lanes too) i just make them react to me by being aggressive, then i back off and jungle but tell my teammates to push other lanes as soon as enemy comes to mine. this makes the advantageous enemy play my game and not his, and their map control gets lower and lower, and they dunno how to react. if they leave my lane i shove it hard. if they come to it i go jungle and they dont kill me then their other lanes gets pushed

                                              about the item choice, i srsly dont like being under pressure of using orchid. if i need to silence a person i get it but if not i stick to my diffusal. cheaper, slows more, scales better cuz it's agility and now raw damage/attack speed

                                              i just checked and i bought orchid 1/5 of my last 50 games. again, u can try them both at least 10 games or smth then get to conclusion urself. about medallion, i only consider it when i think i might need the tankiness myself. like vs lc maybe. i'm not HYPER AGAINST any build i just think u gotta try them all and see for urself. i did and this was my conclusion



                                                first of all find high mmr brood spammers, secondly watch their games and see how they play. not just 2 or 3 games. watch every game they win and see what they do. ur brain's pattern recognition will kick in slowly and learn some stuff.

                                                2nd, go play brood more trying out what the high mmr guy did. u will almost 100% fuck up trying to do that. but then u got urself practical experience of having done smth wrong. now u can look back and see the game scenario. then try seeing what the high mmr guy did in that exact scenario. this way u learn what u did vs what he did and next time u'll do that much better.

                                                rushing high ground after u stomped and feel so op and strong is a rookie mistake cuz u still dunno the hero's max aggression threshold. and i think actually going for super aggressive plays is the best way to find the threshold. if u died it means u gotta make it a bit less and try again. until u play enough that u can recognize the threshold urself

                                                the hero is absolutely not squishier than ur normal core. and about the disables n stuff, that's the reason everyone buys bkb 2nd big item almost every game. they get 1 item like deso or orchid or diffusal then bkb. cuz all u need in fight is not to get disabled, and have a target priority to go on.

                                                anyway u gotta go through the learning process as i mentioned above. the more u watch and apply the faster u get it right

                                                Lruce Bee



                                                    i'm very dirty
                                                    dw,i'm just a 3k player,i can't even play qop+lina properly


                                                    hmm okay ill try it,im still kind of confused how can you kill people without silence,i shall try try(stun)
                                                    i guess diffu is like late game plan or something,according to eplanation
                                                    idk lol
                                                    thanks sia


                                                      Can i add u bro? Ihave some issues in morphs farming pattern maybe u can help me


                                                        dont give tips to brood pickers please.
                                                        good thread tho, nice initiative. But don't give tips to brood pickers ty


                                                          I'm sure brood diffusal blade is broken, the hero gets it at like 10 minutes with no boots and then no single hero can go into lane ever or they get solo killed.


                                                            You found the worst place to give such tips, most people here don't want to learn, they just troll

                                                            You'll learn to leave this place sooner or later, trust me.


                                                            It seems that your wrong cookie, people here are liking his advice and are appreciating his will to help them.

                                                            Maybe it did not work well for you in this forum cause your intention was not actually to rly help others but to be cocky about yourself on how good you are , and the way you were teaching , people saw it like some sort of arrogance from you.
                                                            Maybe it is not the forum fault, maybe the way you approached people was not the best, you were trying to sell "yourself" probably same as this guy is doing, but i think you made it in a very obvious and arrogant way , thats what made people here not taking you very serious .

                                                            REGARDS from MAFIOSO xd


                                                              blissful death 3 days ago
                                                              Sure arin sure, how's that 7k matches 4k mmr going out for you?

                                                              i haven't played dota for almost two weeks, i feel great
                                                              how does it feel like playing hundreds of games against 2k mmr people? sounds like that's the only way you can get some validation

                                                              BRUTAL SAVAGE REKT XD


                                                                alright got approved by cutnpasta everyone go aquila diff now lol

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  sick thread jacking right there

                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                    Brood in NS is almost autowin


                                                                      @btc waii
                                                                      give me tips how to play other heroes then

                                                                      @cutn,but isn't it the same with orchid if its 1 people only? unless you are meepo

                                                                      or wait,does brood diffusal doesnt even care about anything and just rambo to someone and that person instantly die? since i played with trees to kill someone with orchid usually (or they close enough)
                                                                      if its like this,then it's super better than orchid

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        man im telling u from personal experience, mid brood with orchid has a catch problem. it seems sooo simple but it has soooooooooo much impact. diffusal is exactly literally walking to the enemy that's staying there and killing him. even if they have some sort of stun or smth, like rubick lift or sven stun or anything. also idk about orchid or other items but vs a hero like sven or sf or lina or any of these "counter" heroes, diff worked super good for me




                                                                        and so on

                                                                        Nice Job!

                                                                          I play a lot of party ranked and really enjoy the games as I feel they're an actual challenge rather than a total mess. These games usually are a mix of 2500~4000 players (depending who i queue with). Ofc there are some games I get carried in but there are a lot where I feel I'm making a difference with my supporitng.

                                                                          However my solo mmr i've dived down to the early 1000's and it's really depressing.I'm trying to climb out but I'm finding team work a real issue (just asking for rotations etc) and I'm kind of stuck in the 5 role. I don't want to upset my team and I wanted to find the best balance to keeping everyone happy but also winning games.

                                                                          Any advice for a mainly pos 5/4 player of getting out of the 1k bracket and into 2k.


                                                                            orchid rush is just bad imo.
                                                                            Everytime I orchid rush even if I am far ahead, they just walk away or I can't deal enough damage in time.

                                                                            Even deso first is better than orchid because at least you can get buildings and kills.

                                                                            I've been really enjoying how dominator into diffusal has been working out when I play brood though. Good stuff.


                                                                              U farm diffusal in 10 minutes I farm ghost scepter in 5 minutes hehe now u can’t keel me


                                                                                @sia okaaay, i shall dooooooooooooo dont worryyyyyyyyyyy thank youu very much (nosarcasm)

                                                                                er,i have no problems with sven/sf/lina btw
                                                                                problem is when they pick meepo

                                                                                hm,so orchid rush isnt really that good huh,so many people hate
                                                                                me so ded


                                                                                  ah right,i forgot how good diffusal is so good vs sven
                                                                                  can slow,can manaburn so he not using 999 stuns at single fight


                                                                                    As a support, when do I upgrade my magic stick to a wand and why?


                                                                                      is there something like peak mmr? or can u still improve aven after lets say 3500 hours and 2500 games?can thinking about what u wanna play help u? i never think too much in the game ahead of myself atleast is doing things on intuition bad? how old are u and did becoming older help ur not? do u regret playing dota 2 so much? how can someone like ee win games alot by talkign to his teammates alot, it seems to tilt mine and make they say shat up kid.


                                                                                        @fea.. yep meepo eats spider for breakfast

                                                                                        @not a disruptor player

                                                                                        when u feel like the 10 extra charges get filled ezly. if there arent that many spells used by enemy it aint worth it. but also it's not as big of a priority as for example a smoke for ganking or a ward for refreshing the wards. so u gotta prioritize IF it's worth it in the first place


                                                                                        dude IF you're not trolling it's really hard to understand ur sentences. peak mmr i dont know but 10k wasnt max it in the previous mmr system so.

                                                                                        you can play whatever hero u like. but not heroes that dont do much. any hero you pick must have a bunch of aspects that are really useful. for example warlock has slow, bkb breaking stun, his q and a heal. shaman has 2 disables and one nuke and wards. great crowd control. terrorblade pressures enemy's lanes but shoving waves in them with illusions. spectre has super op ult and is one of the very tanky and scaling cores. etc. see what hero u like then choose if it's also competitive enough.

                                                                                        you shouldnt go all in your head about omg what is my mmr gonna be. what if i lose what if i win etc. you should focus on the game u'r in. but there's also a macro game in dota which is the long term game not just the game we play. that thing needs a lot of stuff itself. reason to why u'r playing, keeping track of ur winrate improvement as you learn, learning itself, etc.

                                                                                        this one is for op and i dont understand so w/e

                                                                                        and ee has great communication skills and he uses them even in his pubs. if you dont have good communcation skills and seem to not help by talking, dont talk. use ping and wheel and things like that to communicate

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                          Hey guys, just checking in : ) im glad ppl accepted the idea which started this thread. Keep it up my fellow blue star players, lets improve the overall dota 2 knowledge. Good job!


                                                                                            @deek in head i sent u friend req on steam accpt me plss :(

                                                                                            Very Demure

                                                                                              hello, im an archon player and im stuck about what to do as pos 4 & 5 nowadays.
                                                                                              for pos 5:
                                                                                              i spammed crystal maiden for the past 2 days (because of purge videos explaining about cm powerspike in early game) and what i think is "okay i should won my lane, crush the enemy offlaner - and my lane gonna win easily my carry farmed and i won the game easily"
                                                                                              that thought works for the first day as i won 4-0
                                                                                              but the second day it just doesn't work anymore and i got 0-2'ed
                                                                                              for pos 4:
                                                                                              i spammed tusk, and i don't understand how pos 4 tusk helping the offlaner for this 2-1-2 meta.
                                                                                              so usually i go for early creep block (with shards), and after i got level 2 i went to bot lane to trilane their offlaner.
                                                                                              is it the right way to play? welp :(


                                                                                                If people care about the way that content is written instead of the resources in the content then those people don't need that content.

                                                                                                Imagine throwing away your physics textbook - not because the math in it was wrong - but because newton was a huge ass.

                                                                                                There was a time when i was a goody two shoes until i realised that no matter how many times i explain it to them, they wouldn't do what i suggested.

                                                                                                This way i can weed out the weaklings and the trolls, those who care about the actual skill they'll do whatever needed.

                                                                                                that's why i always say that my students get 1k+ mmr a month, its because i hand pick the non-weak ones.

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                  i love cuki he is so 格好いい (/≧ω\)



                                                                                                    Ok i got the solution for ya.

                                                                                                    1. Start think out of the black and white. I'm talking about the part when you said "i should win lane and crush offlaner and then win game". It doesn't work like that you can never say ok just because a hero has become meta you should just autowin with it

                                                                                                    2. For both your cm and tusk, or any hero you want to pick, the fastest way i know of that could get you to next levels is a combination of learning concepts + watching and analysing replays.

                                                                                                    So the way you can do this is first, go find as many valuable guides as you can. The sources i found real useful were bsj's coaching sessions on youtube, gameleap, rawdota's youtube escaping the trench series. There are certainly others i don't know of. But anyway you wanna go watch those videos or read the articles you find helpful, all the time when you have free time. So learn the theories and concepts, things like why and where and when to ward, rotations, playing the map, pressure, etc. Don't just watch support videos even if you wanna play supp. Supps need to know what carry should be doing and needs so they make the right move as supps.

                                                                                                    And then go find the top players of the hero you wanna play and watch all their games that they won and after a while since you watched so many, you start picking up patterns on the stuff they do. For example ward at x min, ward placements, when do they rotate when do they not. What they do when they're ahead what they do when they're behind. Etc.

                                                                                                    If you keep learning concepts and watching replays and playing the game urself, you get to a point where you break through


                                                                                                      sir i want to add u up onsteam to ask for some formula plsss let me