General Discussion

General Discussionmedal percent stopped increasing after playing 1 party game

medal percent stopped increasing after playing 1 party game in General Discussion

    Not calibrated with party mmr, but was 65% or someone around there on badge progression before first party mmr calibration game. Played one party mmr, lost and percent completely disappeared. Have played two since then and lost two more party mmr games. But ive won last 5-7 solo MMR games and still badge percent completely gone.

    Do I have to finish calibration in party MMR to continue medal progression in solo mmr? ive only done 3 party mmr games and usually prefer solo


      Since this is not Valve official forum and we are not employed in their technical support, answer is "How the hell do we know?"

      Have you tried turning it on and off again? :thinking:


        because it may of happened to someone else? turning dota on/off?


          the percentage is buggy. i ranked up with that percentage shown.


            Just an idea but it could be that your party mmr is now higher than your solo mmr. Finish your calibration, if your medal doesn't increase and you still can't see your percentage then it's a bug. If your party calibrates higher you most likely won't see percentage gains from solo matches until your solo is higher than your party.

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