General Discussion

General Discussionis io playble?

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is io playble? in General Discussion

    is io playble? in this patch on low rating?


      Nope, you cant solokill and insta save people with it anymore, wich makes hero team dependable, any team dependable hero sucks on low MMR, because there is no team to depend on 4Head.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        i think you should ask p9, this fellow is the best wispplayer i've ever seen!

        low prio master

          Yeah here im the legendary retarded player who did something what no one else does.I bought 0 mmr acc and climb only with wisp support to 3k,it was my goal since many years ago i came to this forum and ask for help with wisp.
          Guess what happened,high mmr assholes like triplesteel etc came and told me that im 2k tard who can't play this hero under 5kmmr and shit like that.Now i have better kda with wisp than he have on his best carry.

          Back to your question,yes its definitely playable but its hardest hero to be winning with,if you find magic in this hero go for it,then there would be nothing as fun as playing wisp.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Since rank season 2. LUL P9, congrats you're slightly above the average wisp player in archon, and still below 50% w/r

            Cyber bullying aside, Wisp is pretty hard to play at the lower mechanical levels because he requires more coordination than he has ever needed before.

            Wisp still does wisp things, he still fills the offlaner up with infinate regen and will continue to dive you from min 0. however having both players on the same page/understanding is a task in itself. I would suggest other heros for climbing ranks, however if you enjoy the playstyle and don't mind a challenge/lot of mind meltingly difficult games, then go for it.


              why would you even bother playing a hero who requires team-work in pubs? ON top of that, in <5k

              SASA POPOVIC

                ^People told him he cant so he had to prove them otherwise, because he values his time like that...


                  TriHard dota btw ^

                  Дырявый жопник

                    @Hyperstoned, lmao owned. Jokes aside, wisp really needs good aghs heroes. Luna is one of the best heroes to lane with as Io. Honorable mentions are: Bloodseeker (pretty OP right now), Slark, Enchantress , Necrophos, Windrunner, Razor.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    Story Time

                      if i played catapult i would have a better kda than you

                      low prio master

                        You actually don't have not even one hero at decent kda lul

                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                          Easy to have high kda against archons.

                          So pro!!!!!!!

                          Can’t wait to watch you win ti8!!!!!!!

                          BOT DIN

                            You can certainly rank with Io. Just that you gotta learn all the support stuff first, positioning, game mechanics, healing, juking, etc. In low rank, all you gotta do is make sure your carry dont die, more than half the time itll be enough to win the game. Unless your carry isnt an idiot, then itll be okay.

                            Relo is a powerful skill, but many low rankers dont understand it. ping like mad, and make sure they stay on their screen. if they dont understand still, then use it to save ppl. just stay alive...

                            Just play omniknight first to get a gist of how to play support in low rank, then when youre used to it, give io a try. There are a lot of tricks to io, like tp home before relo ends etc.

                            Awesome hero. Hate the nerfs....