General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 1500 mmr in 3 months

Lost 1500 mmr in 3 months in General Discussion

    I was 4200 before calibration then grinded up to 5400 and I have been steadily losing mmr every day since season 2. I have no idea what is going on. I am a divine 3 in legend 5 bracket and everytime my team loses I get reported for "account buying".

    dand lfg

      Have you considered trying really hard? jk
      Go look at your replays and see what the enemy player playing your role is doing and compare it to your own game play and see what the difference is.


        You are where you should be if you cant climb out of legend bracket. Lol

        low prio master

          You climb a lot with medusa few months ago? It was same with just lower mmr but i did climb to legend in seison 1 then my wisp got nerfed hard and i become archon again in seison 2 i actually can't even ez win any ranked game....but its also couse many legends like me calibrated in seconds seison way worse than first.
          I was proud im actually legend, but icefrog didn't like me to be happy ao nerf wisp and made me archon.
          I heard he dont like one trick donkey's.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

            well the nerfs with the tweaks here and there eventually created a new meta, just like how OG wins TI basically, you dont know what happens until it happens.


              you need a rest

              Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

                you need more sex

                Your Team Mate

                  Very Simple, this is the single most worst meta of all time. being that games only go one of two ways

                  80% of the matches are going in one teams favor where one team dominates the map by 20 minutes.

                  In this situation if your a medusa and your not already far enough ahead to carry your team, your gonna lose. Cause you won't get any farm from 20-30 minutes while the enemies snowball like a Machine to victory. It's simple because this is the single most unbalanced patch ever created. And your not picking meta. The Meta is very fucking simple but stupid as hell: Whatever team has the most hero's who can deal the most dmg with the least amount of items wins: IG Zeus, pudge, who need literally only 4k networth to kill a 14k networth TA.

                  Your skill doesn't really matter anymore unless you can do one of 2 things: Snowball hard enough to put your entire team into the lead by 20 minutes and carry them to victory, or B pick meta hero's and out Snowball the enemy meta hero's.

                  Whats the problem with this? The meta hero's are also lane dominators meaning this is also simultaneously the hardest meta to snowball in because your gonna be vs sniper and Zeus every time who can still win lanes while way behind.

                  How to get your mmr back: Play mid meta Zeus, Blood, Skywraith, QOP, Viper, Lina, and start snowballing and ganking. if Carry dont play any carries except CK, Ursa, Blood,

                  also if your team cant win fights, DONT let them take all your towers without split pushing down theirs. The building gold is big right now for towers, and since they are playing shit like RIKI ZEUS PUDGE SB CK every game, that little bit of tower gold gives a massive advantage to all the meta hero's who barely need any items to do a lot of dmg.


                    They nerf everybody and suddenly ursa becomes OP without being touched.


                      You play like a legend 5 or worse
                      As simple as that


                        And probably were lottery winner tier lucky to even get 5400


                          sometimes u can have huge streaks leading you to win alot, especially when you are in luck with decent teammates. however, if you are the one that usually has a lot impact in a game, u will lose more often than u win and drop back to your true mmr.


                            what is your behavior score?maybe fix that first


                              stop playing midlane #fact

                              Iga Swiatek

                                Me climbed 500mmr as supports in the last 2 weeks

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Sanft & Sorgfältig

                                  Nice to Meet an other Top 20 dusa Player on DB forum <3

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Sanft & Sorgfältig

                                    Same Shit happend for me too, i dropped 1500 mmr since last year and i dont even know why.
                                    Im grinding back again with role matchmaking and just mute everyone. Dont get tiltet by this toxic shits, It just makes you play worse.

                                    I LAG, THIS IS NOT A JOKE

                                      How does OP still have a blue star?

                                      Disturbed Jawker

                                        because he is a strong proud divine 3 player even if he is not


                                          maybe you got some problems in your real that load your mind...solve it first...


                                            Fix your behavior score. You’re probably being matched with the scum of the dota community at the moment.


                                              you play too much dota.... take rest.

                                              Руиню и точка

                                                I did not have 2% to rank the legend. Before that, I played a very limited pool of heroes, lika a Clinkz, Axe, Riki, and supports (I play DotA since April / May of this year). Playing on these characters, I had something like 56% winrate (in general with the games, when I first went to the DotA). However, I realized that I began to bore the dota, and I began to pique the characters, which had never been piqued before, and the game requires much more practice (tinker, mk, pl, TA and others). I've already drained about 800 mmp on some lose stricks, but I get a lot more fun playing new characters and learning new mechanics. I'm sure that if I go back to my previous pool of heroes, I'll get 60-70% of winnings, somewhere up to 3500mmr. I do not know why I wrote it here.

                                                Stinky Otin

                                                  You play 100% core.. so I assume you are not a team player

                                                  The game is not all about You, thats why you lose