General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking is unfair

Matchmaking is unfair in General Discussion
Ivan Demjanjuk

    Why does Strict solo matchmaking put two Legend 2 on the other team, and an Archon 2 as the highest rank on my team? Seems bad man. this has happened before.

    is this punishment for winning and playing well? how am I ever going to rank up if they keep cheating me? How is this balanced?!

    play for fun

      1. u cant drop in medal, they were legend 2 but dropped to ur mmr range
      2. party medals
      3. they jumped medals but their mmr is in ur range

      play for fun

        u basically are easily intimidated and looking for an excuse for losing instead of getting good


          im at legend 2 and theres at least 1 ancient player in every game. I see it from the other way, hate them in my team, love them on the other team)

          If i have an ancient 2 medal in my legend 2 avg game, he better not play mid. Theres a reason he dropped that much mmr (often acc buyers, or extremely toxic people on a tilt spirale down the mmr ladder)


            I noticed this after the medal recalibration. Some ancients would drop to legend, ofc because they cant possibly let anyone else play mid (after all they used to be ancient), they are 1000x better than anynone else (gotta make sure to get mid, bad teammates are the reason they dropped so much mmr). so they first pick mid invoker and then loose :)

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              i get matched against div 2-3 as soon as i step into 4.4k rank


                i am Anicient 2 who recal as Archon 2. games are so easy. Its been weeks since I lost a solo rank game. Dont know why Gabe derank me. Maybe I said something about him online


                  @milnor u lose hard in normal skill games... Never were close to ancient or legend clearly


                    I was anicent. you can see the last mmr i had. gabeN just decide to forsake me so now i techies my way back

                    Bosnian Blade

                      clearly your teammates hold u back


                        thinking medal means anything for matchmaking in 7.19c lol

                        Дырявый жопник

                          Yeah blame your teammates more

                          Yami Yugi

                            yeah moooore hahahahaha

                            Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

                              life is hard get used to it


                                One thing I noticed. playing in archon V i'd commonly have 1 or 2 or no legends in my game. Rank up to legend I suddenly almost never matched against an archon player and almost every game has at least one ancient player.


                                  match making is every time fucked up,i get nobin my team and opponents are so good at t here skills


                                    Matchmaking is definitely unfair. The other team never has a player as bad as me on it.

                                    The Legendary Phenom

                                      Matchmaking is so shirt tight now. How can thry put a 4.5k player like me in ar hon division. This game is so shieeeet


                                        IT USED TO BUG ME
                                        but it doesn't matter
                                        like some guy in my team once said when enemy had ancient 2 player in their team and we had a team of archon 5
                                        medal is just an icon
                                        we beat them hard that game
                                        i pretty much never lost to those guys ever again
                                        i also never win with them...they think theyre so good and better than everyone and flame but they make tons of game losing mistakes every time i see them.....treat them like children is my way of dealing with them

                                        Story Time

                                          on average everything is fair because on average we are all equal, on average capitalism is communism!


                                            for the union!!


                                              @phnm not sure if you realized, but you're losing games in ranked with the archon medal, justifying volvos decision