General Discussion

General Discussionany ez mmr heroes?

any ez mmr heroes? in General Discussion

    any ez mmr broken heroes? i can use them cuz im on a losing streak :(


      tide against melee carry


        at your MMR
        -following the basic item guides step by step + 500 mmr
        -decreasing hero pool + 200 mmr
        - play meta heros + 200 mmr
        - learn to last hit + 500 mmr


          item guides aint hard to look into
          meta heroes is not really a problem, would say that if you just get updated on this by a pro that has any knowledge over this makes this easy, but you do need to know how to play him.
          lasthit, never something your good at in these pubs.

          Black Wolf

            Learn to play tinker. I don't have the stats but I feel like I lose 90% of my games against this mofo. My mid always feeds him to the point of no return and we end up losing.

            Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Tier 1 High Risk, High Reward heroes.
              -Brood, Meepo, Visage
              Tier 2 The Late Game Dominator
              -Invoker, Arc Warden, Drow Ranger
              Tier 3 The Safe first pick
              -Juggernaut, Phantom Assasin, Ursa
              Tier 4 The Support
              -Earthshaker, Vedgeful Spirit, Lich
              Tier 5 The Russian Roulette
              -Techies, Wisp, Riki


                invoker is indeed an "ez mmr hero" , for the team on the other side

                RIGGED games

                  just pick fucking beastmaster everygame


                    pa, magnus.


                      +! beastmaster!

                      Marko Bulat

                        Beastmaster! Every other game i play with him or against him, boar and hawk are stupidly broken right now! Get fast dominator into vlads shit on enemy carry and his support that will probably leave game out of frustration!

                        BS+Sky is new offlane cancer combo

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                              ah. beastmaster. why do i feel like whatever patch come out they stupidly break him, or they nerf the shit out of him?


                                Brew pa abbadon axe huskar rubick


                                  Phoenix for his flexibility, ive picked phoenix and had people fought over mid and i just say its fine one of you come play core offlane i support. I also picked phoenix as 3 and ended up as safelane support.

                                  Most of the time i just transition to 5 because i do a better job warding than most "support" players anyway.


                                    Bountry hunter,Meppo(if noone picks es),dazzle and techies

                                    i follow Jesus.

                                      drow is free mmr if:
                                      slark and pa are banned/on your team
                                      the enemy cannot play lycan - pl is a hard counter too but ive never seen a pl win a game so your choice
                                      always mid
                                      focus on harassing the enemy mid with orb walking and you'll do fine, you can win against any int mid hero, pretend you're a viper.
                                      at level 6 buy a ward and farm ancients as close to the lane as possible, try to farm both the ancient camp and the small camp nearby - works better on radiant since u can hit from lowground with the ward, but always be pushing the lane
                                      by the time you notice you're already level 12 and the enemy mid is level 9 and the game is won

                                      i personally do 3 wraith bands into power treads because i buy raindrop but 4 are very very efficient. it's up to you wheter you need the raindrop or not. dragon lance is always a must no matter what, following items are up to you. blink after that is usually the way to go. don't ever go orchid, trust me on this one. you cna buy bkb after blink, don't worry about dps, if no one is coming after you you're fine. you can't mid against pa but you can win against her if she is bad/is safelane instead of mid, but the moment she has a bkb and is a good pa she will ALWAYS pop bkb and jump straight onto you and you can't really do anything. drow has only 2 genuine hard counters on pl and lycan because you can't do anything about them coming onto you, slark and pa are manageable. broodmother is another topic for a bigger thread. hope i've helped :D

                                      be careful not to buy items without agi/attack speed to replace wraith bands or else you'll deal no damage.
                                      good luck have fun, climbed from legend 3 this way.


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                                        that moment you realise people are still posting on this tread, meanwhile your out of your losing streak

                                        Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                          PA fp, till ancient 1.

                                          Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

                                            LC Woods very strongk this patch


                                              LC jungle with midas is broken, sorry but i want to give my enemy a chance. i dont want immortal 1000 in 1 day.



                                                Marko Bulat


                                                  Im afraid you have a wrong approach on exiting the potato MMR and if you dont mind i will give you a couple of insights because i have a lot of experience in brackets from guardian to Legend, because i have a brother who is dogshit at dota but he thinks he is very good so he supplies me with endless low accounts on which i can mess with when i get red days on my main so i unwind my tilt a bit.

                                                  First of all everyone in your team and in the oposite team are literal monkeys, like legit clueless baboons with 0 mapawareness and gamesense, so picking teamfight heroes that depend on your team is absolutely bad idea and you will have a bad time even i couldn't carry the game with them its impossible! Your best bet is to take a hero that can 1v5 and take objectives on his own while monkeys are busy farming jungle, taking bad fights and feeding. Mute everyone and play the game. Buy your own wards on where you think they are necesary and play around opponents and teammates.

                                                  in Immortal words of mr Miracle "If you pick a hero that cant take objectives and push effectively on his own you are placing your win condition into other peoples hands"

                                                  If your farming patterns and map awareness is superior than your teammates and opponents alike you will with 98% certainty win every game simply by outfarming them. Those are skills that can be learned by anyone and nobody cant stop you from performing them.

                                                  This smurf was guardian 5 when i got it, check my winrates with teamfight heroes and see my winrates with solo game winning heroes, you cant play with monkeys! Goal of the game is not to have X kills its to destroy enemy ancient!


                                                    @Marko Bulat
                                                    yes the teammates and me are always monkeys, we take fight we easily lose.
                                                    on the dont take heroes with any teamfight abilitys im gonna have to say thats not true, you can have heroes like enigma that can literally make or break your game in a blackhole. its just risky to play because everyone around you will be super dependend on you dropping a good black hole. map awareness and gamesense you dont need, cuz the enemy doesnt have it either. it can be hard going up on the mmr ladder, but if the enemy doesnt do it, i doesnt need to happen by yourself. literally 1 ward is enough to disable enemy ganks. farmwise i play alot of different heroes. i mostly of the time pick sk solo offlane, and that turns out that when i level up and get caustic finale in lvl 3/4 enemy cant basically lane. on the other hand i sometimes pick heroes like night stalker, which are on pos 4 in my case. with these heroes i dont farm, and i basically just try to roam on the ld in the game i played. at the endgame i was constantly out of mana, not because am was sucking it out, but because 1 medusa snake was enough to take 50% of my manapool. we ended up winning and i was a big part in it. and the actual idea behind the thread is to sum up the op heroes, so that you can use them to solo games rather than having a gigantic dependance on the team, like in the nightstalker match, in which my teammates dived, and my ursa never died (for some reason) or my teammates would fail to assemble. i had mana issues alot so i couldnt really drop my abilitys at all times, because dusa would always snake

                                                    Marko Bulat

                                                      ^ Carry mangos with you, they are in game for a reason, hero is OP as much as you are good on him.

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                                                        @Marko Bulat if you would look at the matches, you would realise i almost Always buy mangoes. and in my sk solo offlane matches its Always double bracers.

                                                        O.C.T. - Life After Death

                                                          Brood in my experience has always been kinda a guaranteed win if you pick her into a lineup with little ways to deal with her. She eats up pretty common mid heros like invoker, tinker and sniper. She is also very independent and relatively easy to learn. At <3k the only micro magengment you need to do is select your spiders and your hero.

                                                          the better spidey

                                                            I think Beastmaster is currently the best “first pick this hero everygame for 20 games straight idc” hero.

                                                            No one bans him, but he’a pretty uncounterable in lane. Wrecks supports, poses a kill threat to the carry at level 6, guarantees all T1 towers with Vlads, etc.

                                                            i noob

                                                              Top 3 Top Meta Now:
                                                              Dazzle, Beastmaster, Brewmaster

                                                              Top 3 High Risk High Reward:
                                                              Invoker, Arc Warden, Huskar

                                                              Top 3 New Players Raise MMR starter Packs Carry:
                                                              Juggernaut, PA, Slark

                                                              Top 3 for lazy ass:
                                                              SpiritBreaker, Undying, Underload

                                                              Top 3 heroes anytime you can use it and it is effective:
                                                              TB, Zeus, Shadow Shaman

                                                              Top 3 MMR Booster Packs:
                                                              Brood, Meepo, Visage

                                                              Heroes you should never try to think about it at your skill bracket:
                                                              Puck, Lone Druid, DP, IO


                                                                Top 3 for lazy ass:
                                                                SpiritBreaker, Undying, Underload

                                                                uhhhhh guess im lazy hahaha