General Discussion

General DiscussionSomething needs to be done about this bullshit language abuse in matc...

Something needs to be done about this bullshit language abuse in matchmaking. 9 min games over and over they have like 100 straight wins. in General Discussion
Where is my Hu Tao

    The game goes like this. A group of chinese people q on language chinese only on US east/west at the same time. They get into the game all 5 of them even though it is a solo q game. They then pick huskar, undying, visage, beastmaster, dazzle. You can swap bm dazzle for lich sven but the general idea is the same.

    The visage then lanes in the same lane with undying as support. The undying trades him with any offlaner preventing them from getting exp. The visage free farms. The huskar usually their best player dominates mid. The offlane is also a wash as very few lanes can beat bm, dazzle or sven lich. Even if they do it doesnt matter. The item build goes huskar armlet. one of the supports mana boots. visage helm of dominator, the offlaner gets vlads. At 9 or 8 mins huskar solo roshan or they can group and do it. They then proceed to group as 5 down mid and take ur throne.

    This kind of abuse should be banned in solo matchmaking and their accounts deleted.

      Този коментар е изтрит
        it's real boys this is the account of their huskar player
        his games in last few days are solo ranked with pretty much always the same 4 players
        this is the support player acc who suspiciously disabled dotabuff in the last 20 days
        and they ARE chinese if you go to the account of the support player you'll find he used to play party with the same stacks on china server
        this game they accidentally got on opposing teams because they tried the same thing in chinese server
        yes i have too much time on my hands

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        Where is my Hu Tao

          see i am not paranoid. I seen this at least 6 times this month. It is so dumb abusers get away with this.


            Scumbags. How sad do you have to be to care so much about winning that you have to cheat like this. Just sad for them really.

            Where is my Hu Tao

              cheesing once or twice i am fine with problem is they are heavily abusing it. Like 20 games a night in a row sometimes. They dont even get bored.

              Where is my Hu Tao

                fuck i met them again


                sigh we even tried out best to counter them just impossible.


                  put them on reddit

                  Story Time

                    i see no problem/abuse here, they play smart dota, also in low brackets it does not matter


                      Sigh, so sad to see people doing all they can just to abuse the system for mmr

                      Sanft & Sorgfältig

                        You can just Set your language on Chinese and Enjoy free mmr.

                        Also when you know what's happening and they only chesse you should try to win.

                        Like Few years ago there Was a 6.5 k Player in euw who played only cm to be mateched against people 1 or even 2 k lower then him. He streamed on twitch and i analysed his drafts. After i See him doing same Shit over months i decided to snipe him and raped his dog ass super hard.

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                        Ze Dawg


                          same here run into this 5 stack before


                            to add to sanft idea
                            change language and instead of enjoying mmr
                            ruin their game if you get on their team

                            Where is my Hu Tao

                              that doesnt work in order to set ur main language to chinese and q you will have to go to steam and change the language. Doing that will also make the entire game all in chinese. even the hero description item desecription etc etc all chinese. Not something that is easy to do