General Discussion

General DiscussionNice job VOLVO behaviour score

Nice job VOLVO behaviour score in General Discussion

    Great system. New account, 25 games, green card, 13 commends, <3 reports and...

    8402 behavior score

    so probably some dumbfucks gave me 1-2 reports and I lose 1600 points? with 13 commends?

    ridiculous volvo.

    this is why you cant move up - cos of this cancer system. I didnt even start ranked - I mean getting max 2 reports in 25 games is soooo not doable if u play core roles

    Тази тема била редактирана

      its not only check ur reports, there is some shits about being friendly, leadership , forgiving and i dont know stuff
      and obviously u got what u deserved :)))


        Imagine being reported in turbo Omegalul. You probably deserve it.


          well i got dc in 2 turbo game and my beloved team reported me too for spice :) 8 report in 2 turbo game :)



            imagine being a crusader VII who doesn't understand dota... oh wait :)

            you get reported in turbo for banning a hero they wanted to play. you get reported for taking their lane.. you get reported for pushing towers when they are fighting an unwinnable gank.

            I got a green card you imbecile... if having 2 reports (maybe I have only 1) in 25 games is enough to drop your score so badly in combination with 13 fucking commends the system is broken then

            like most of the kids here you are missing the point.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              actually u belong to <3k b-score. i bet if u dont make new acc u will reach it soon

              you get reported in turbo for banning a hero they wanted to play. you get reported for taking their lane.. you get reported for pushing towers when they are fighting an unwinnable gank.

              ya cause only trash human doing this :)

              and also dont make fun of ppl medals when urself counts as normal skill too, its makes u look stupider than u are :))))


                Crusader but still maintain 53% winrate in very high skill bracket :thinking:. Plus I was play a lot of turbo recently but still every thing just seems fine, some people even commend me. It not hard to stop being a dick you know.


                  Oh and BTW,its not me who the one who create a smurf just to spam PA in turbo in normal bracket to inflate his fragile ego and complaining because he is a dick. Oh wait......


                    xD crusader im better than u shithead
                    i want to see how mad u get


                      Another kid, this time guardian level

                      how low can you fall? :D

                      go back to school kids, I wish they made dota2 pay only. That way all you spoiled brats would learn to man up and admit you are trash and start learning from experienced players


                        If you're below 10k, you're toxic and need to rethink you're life.


                          start learning from experienced players

                          actually he think being 2k after 10 years is sth to be proud of!

                          whats ur achievement after playing dozen years this game sir? " well i have experience, i experienced 2k games like 6k time"


                            I have perfect 10k behavior score since I started playing dota 7 years ago. Why is it so hard for people to just not be awful to each other?


                              you dont get 10k behavior score from start..

                              smurfs = no balls

                                @cptn.canuck this.

                                mute all

                                  making thread about not having perfect behaviour score,,cursing and ranting about behavior score..! i cant imagine ur attitude ingame when you are losing..8400 might be the best score u can get..


                                    The problem with behaviour score is that it puts actual intentional ruiners and people who can't sh­ut up in one pool and treat them the same. Guess what happens...