General Discussion

General DiscussionHow not to 0-16 every game with Drow

How not to 0-16 every game with Drow in General Discussion

    i spam drow as the best hero now, but all I achieve is feed 2-16, 1-6, 0-8, 0-15, 3-14 outta last 10 games, any advice for an archon noob?


      Know when to farm, when to push, when you have to tp, know when to leave a lose lane, when you have to jungle, when you have to turtle, know map awareness


        dont die lul


          get 6, go jungle, farm lance and amulet, get a smoke, kill rosh, try to use aegis for taking objectives and heroes, after u lost the aegis
          go to jungle and farm aghs, congratz u won the game

          temennya ipal
            Този коментар е изтрит
            '96 Neve Campbell

              go mid and then just fuck off to the jungle as soon as you get level 6, stay in the jungle until you have treads, pike and shadow blade. you should be 4 levels above anything on the other team and you can solo kill 95% of the hero pool at this stage. Go pick a fight, win the fight and capitalise by taking objectives and limiting the enemy team's space.

              '96 Neve Campbell

                looking through your recent games, you just do not farm efficiently at all. you should probably work on your farming patterns. try and aim for 50-70cs before 10 minutes and then 100 cs every 10 minutes after as a rule when playing drow.
                i.e 50-70 lh @10m
                170 lh @20m
                270 lh @30m
                370 lh @40m
                thats about average for a winning game. anything less than that and you might struggle against the enemy carry. in your games you were managing half these numbers which simply isnt good enough.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                '96 Neve Campbell

                  also dont bother with aghs, imo its kinda crappy unless the other team have excessive illusions. its shit as a farming item as the 4200 gold takes alot of time to make back. even midas would be more effective imo. you are better off getting full utility to make use of the reduced cooldown at level 25. silver edge, pike, blink, BoTs, satanic, mjollnir, eblade. etc anything with a cooldown that increases your damage is viable on drow.

                  '96 Neve Campbell

                    also avoid building bkb unless the other team has hexes. manta is a far better item on drow in most situations

                    Player 281121816

                      Dont listen to that stupid

                      Aghanim is good for drow, that item literally a bf for ranged. Bkb is must, expecially if you take -50% cd reduction talent


                        Drow is probably my most consistent hero overall. She's all positioning and farming efficiency. The Ancient Triangle is your home, make sure to have your supports keep it de-warded. If they won't, buy your own sent, it's worth it.

                        Early game abusing Pseudo-RNG can improve your farm speed. Every time your ult doesn't proc, the chance to proc the next attack grows. Start attacking a small ancient first, and if you've hit it 4-5 times without ulting switch to the large ancient and you should have a proc coming shortly. The less time you spend attacking, the sooner you can move to the next source of farm.

                        I really like Butterfly on Drow. Combined with her level 20 talent her evasion is so high she absolutely forces the enemy into an often inopportune MKB purchase when they'd rather be buying better items. The benefit she gains per point of agility is absurd making the gold value of this item on Drow incredible. E-blade is also amazing cost-wise, however the active can occasionally help the enemy as Drow has no spells. It is strong defensively and really amplified by her 50% CDR talent.

                        If I'm doing well I go wraiths/wand/treads/dlance straight into bfly. Blink, hurricane, BkB, manta, e-blade are all good extension actives, Linkens is an honorable mention as well especially once you hit your 25 CDR talent which makes all of your active items insane.


                          Why 2k mmr ppl give advice to 3k mmr?


                            Do not be one of those people who ruins my games because they pick sniper/drow and never considers the possibility that makes blink/pike is an item that can prevent them from feeding, even if they are playing against hard counters.


                              Run away. You will survive.


                                Drow is mediocre to farm and should be picked only to support medusa's farm. Just don't pick drow without having some real core which u will support with your aura.

                                Average Joe

                                  Everybody listen to isekai protagonist XD

                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    Aghanim is good for drow, that item literally a bf for ranged. Bkb is must, expecially if you take -50% cd reduction talent
                                    Battle fury is a shit item and so is bkb. Stop confusing people with shit advice. BKB is NOT a core item on any hero. Its an item you build situationally dependent on the other team’s abilities. Hexes, long stuns = bkb. Damage over time, slows, disarms.etc = manta.

                                    Battle fury is a crap item and should only be built on heros which directly gain from cleave such as PA or heros which can flash farm with it and need to go late game such as AM. Spending over 3000 gold on a farming item is a complete waste of money ESPECIALLY on a drow which should be fighting in the mid game. If you really need to farm get a mjollnir cause it does the same thing as aghs, has a great active which synergises with your talents and its magic splash damage has a far larger range than aghs.

                                    Drow is mediocre to farm and should be picked only to support medusa's farm. Just don't pick drow without having some real core which u will support with your aura.
                                    Clueless response.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      aghs = bad
                                      bkb = situational
                                      you all = wrong
                                      violet = right
                                      knight = white


                                        tell your support to go aba
                                        tell him to keep u full hp in lane then when u feel its safe for you to stay in lane tell him to go stack ancients and triangle camp (he can with a ward,boots and with mist coil stack two camps)
                                        get lvl 6
                                        go farm triangle and tell him to sap xp in safe lane since he will be like lvl 3 at min 10 if he only did what i said
                                        keep farming triangle till u can safely say "damn this hero is op"
                                        get blink/lance/sb idc grab a smoke rotate top/mid get a kill get a t1
                                        grab another smoke kill core / hero with team fight ability (peenix/wyvern/tide) if that exists or something like pudge or clock or storm...
                                        go rosh
                                        hit buildings and always scream in mic at aba telling him to keep u shielded
                                        end mid
                                        70%of the time works 10% something goes wrong and u die just farm another item and try it again
                                        10%enemy has good highground defense and you lost
                                        10%enemy has tiny/bs/lycan and they run you down before you can do anything


                                          what's ancient triangle? the ancient camp + the 2 neighbouring?


                                            bs is shit against drow ranger, goddamn blademail not working properly


                                              btw aghs is not just a farming item :/ it gives u stats and makes u tanky and u will do more dmg in fights
                                              its not like midas, comparing it to midas and talking about time to get the gold back is retarded

                                              and yeah bkb is situational if u not planning to get out of 2k ;)


                                                Why is 2k Parma giving advice to 2k op

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  I BuIlD AGHs For ThE staTs

                                                  < blank >

                                                    Aghs for the memes, farm fast like a madman


                                                      aghs isnot just a farming item
                                                      is not just a farming item
                                                      not just a farming item
                                                      not just a farming
                                                      not just
                                                      not like midas
                                                      not like midas
                                                      not like midas

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      is matchmaking broken?

                                                        Farm farm and farm, wherever enemy is you should be on opposite side of map.
                                               i got a rampage on this hero with just 3 items and i dont even play drow alot.
                                                        It is insane this meta.
                                                        Ps i am just 2.8k:)

                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                          Imagine spending 4200 on an item which gives mediocre stats when you could have a whole pike instead which gives you more useful stats and an escape. You could have most of a butterfly or a silver edge for 4200. Aghs is only a good pickup if the other team has illusions and summons.

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            the hero is not for noobs to use

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Here is an example of a game where aghs is rly good tho :)

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              Tu tayta

                                                                Drow is mediocre to farm

                                                                This is like saying that Zeus or Tinker deal mediocre magic damage...