General Discussion

General DiscussionI am getting better, but now there are different obsticles.

I am getting better, but now there are different obsticles. in General Discussion

    Hello Dotters!

    A few months ago, I have asked advice here on how to start winning. As an occasional player since 2012, I thought I am fairly good. Apparently, I was not :)

    I have got some good advice, namely: playing a smaller pool of heroes, buying bkb, farming more etc.
    I have also started following Gameleap and Henry from Youtube.

    Since then I have majorly improved.
    My average win rate went from 45% to 52-54% over a few hundred games.
    My stats (KDA, GPM, XPM) almost doubled (yeah that is how bad I was :/).
    My main 3-5 heroes have 60-70% win rate. I am learning a few more now.
    I have gone from Archon 3 (2100+ MMR) to Legend 1 (2739 MMR now).

    Now I am facing different challenges and I see that my improvement has slowed down a bit.

    For example, I think I have dramatically improved my lane game. According to the replays I watched (to see the mistakes made), even the games we have lost a prevailing majority of times I have by far better farm than my opponent (playing mid only).

    I still have miles to go, but I am more or less satisfied with my lining stage.

    I have troubles with deciding what to do after a minute 15-20. By that time I usually have 2-3 core items, got some kills, pushed all of the T1s, etc.

    After that, I cannot really understand how to use the advantage we have built to close the deal. Or we are behind how effectively farm, and where, etc. Usually, it works almost the best just to stay on hg and let creeps come to me and get kills when defending, but do not believe it is a generally viable strategy.

    Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.


      First of all u said , ur improvement has slowed down a bit . Golden rule of thumb . Take a break for a week from dota 2 (for playing only) when u feel stuck .And watch replays meanwhile . Ur own are not really adviced unless there is a 3rd person with u . Pro replays .

      Secondly , the game after the 15-20 min mark . First and easiest step is to master the minimap . Some games u will just lose because u didnt look at the minimap at the right time . Make a fucking habit to always look at minimap whenever u are lasthitting , chasing, jungling (except teamfights) . This will require u some hundred games its not ez task . Other steps are a bit next level strats so dont overwhelm urself . Focus on winning the game by winning lanes . Its the easiest way to go from lower mmr to like 4k

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        Got it. You are absolutely right. I am only looking on the map when I am going somewhere. I know that is a big issue ... will try to look on it much more.

        The other major problem I think I have is positioning while team push or team fight. As pos 2 I can do a lot of damage, but often I am the first one to jump in and I don't last long enough in the fight to realise my potential.
        This is one of the reasons I have a lot of success with sneaky heroes like clinkz because I inherently position myself better while playing for death prophet I am pressing too much and often getting burst down too fast even while being by far more farmed then their team.


          There are some games which one can win if it was delayed enough so at times when watching replay I check at what time I could've cut a creep wave. Cutting waves highly underrated in lower mmr pubs like myself.


            Hmm, that is good. Never really thought about cutting the wave. Should check it out.


              you can try pos 3/4 it really helps to improve your game.


                Any specific reason? Before, when I was more passive in DotA, I used to play random heroes, so I have played on all positions, but I have always stayed out of core roles as I was not confident enough. Now I am, and it makes it more fun too )

                But, anyway, I will give it a try.

                Forget me not

                  I've been following some guide that I found very good to improve myself from my journey between 2k to 4k by asking this question From early lane phase until high ground siege. Its not focused on core only but I think its applicable to any position.
                  1. Laning phase. What lane I'm going? What hero I'm facing? Who wins trade hit and skill? Who has more kill potential? How do I win the lane? What's my laning lane looks like?
                  2. Early pushing and farming . if I'm ahead how do I push my lead? By farmingmore item ? By ganking enemy core who is still farming? Or by taking early towers that enemy can't def ? Depending on the hero you are playing.
                  3. Teamfight and positioning. How many disable the enemy team have? How many disable my team have? Should I be the one to initiate or should I be the one to counter initiate? . where the enemy hero that can disable most likely position themselves? should I fight them head on or I can sneak fast kill one enemy first then back off wait for cooldown and go into the fight again? .
                  4. Pushing high ground. Can my team hero composition push highground and fight near the T3? Or my team need to take a pickoff or fight outside enemy base first? Do my team need roshan first or no to break highground? What item I need to have to take highground or fight around it?
                  That's the basic gist that I've stuck with. There's more to them of course but you just need to ask yourself in the game or when watching replay.


                    That is awesome. Thank you.

                    Sometimes the problem is, I don't know the answers to these questions. I guess it will come with making the wrong choice and learning from it.

                    If you think about it, I have over 1700 games played, but only last 200-300 I have actually been thinking about what I am doing. And that was a huge improvement on its own.

                    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                      I think I remember a guide somewhere with primary objectives and different types of "conditioning" in order to get them. Maybe it was in reddit?