General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jungle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in General Discussion

    So how to jungle and when to do it!?

    I start with my jungler hero WK

    Yeah don't go jungle!

    When U can go jungle WK? It is these rare cases where u have team mate who want to play solo lane and u really doesn't have place to play. Sometimes u might go jungle because u are playing dual lane while enemy have solo lane + jungler and u find hard to stop enemy solo laner to get exp/farm so u go jungle and out perform enemy jungler. Last if u just can't lane vs enemy lineup u go jungle because u are FORCED to do so.

    WK should get over 4000g from jungle @10 min. So try to learn how to do it before doing it at games with humans

    So Jungle is really place where u are forced to go for some reason

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        u went wk jungle and left a cm to solo offlane when you could have played dual offlane and won it. probably gotten slightly less farm but that's not important as your team overall has more (because cm isn't left to a 1v2 offlane) and the enemy team has less because you're contesting it. farm is relative to what everyone else has.

        theres a difference between jungling from 1 and not being able to do anything in offlane (which is untrue anyway, you can double wave and make the creeps go into your tower)

        also working vs bad players doesn't mean anything. you could probably play tinker without boots of travel and win your games.


          if someone wants a solo lane then the solution isn't to jungle it's to trilane the other side lane


            Don't stagger to my doings games where I jungle because usually when I jungle I'm jungling because i'm so drunk that can't play my best.

            Generally low tier games trilanes is not working so I doesn't want to make em. Why to make trilane with 2 core+1 support?

            I pick first pick WK pretty often so my team decides outcome of lane compositions not me really.

            Anyway I'm not the best player in the world but 100% win rate is pretty nice =D


              @Androgynous low mmr is not as it used to be! Couple years ago people doesn't even deny at all but nowadays low mmr players tend to do all the same things as HS just bit worse but knowledge cap is pretty narrow to compared what it used to be.

              Maybe Dota just have not enough new players to feed mmr differences so all brackets begin to turn the same eventually

              Soggy Bottom Boy

                Never. Jungle. Ever.


                  I am actually agree that low mmr these days have better game mechanic than it was.

                  Maybe the dota guide finally reach them


                    I will leave anyone to solo lane if i'm forced to do so if winning the game needs it! Yes I'm bad boy who focuses winning the game and it might result some "not fun to play scenarios" but my team will win!

                    @TAW | Snoopy.GitGud Why no jungle if u want to win the game and jungle will give u the best opportunity to do so?


                      im trying my best, im jungling to win, but after 400 games on wk im still normal skill


                        100% win rate as jungle WK 7.22 patch so pls tell me how I would win more!


                          @Kowareta pretty fun if i'm playing wrong and have good winrate! Maybe I know META and u doesn't.

                          Have u ever tough u might be an idiot with mantra which is not META right now?


                            what is this ? are u trying to fool me, now? or u are actually have problems with ur self and u cant remember ur lost games?


                              yes, im questioning my self every time, and im saying sorry if i find out i was wrong, unlike u :)



                                Yes ofc I have lost games but not because jungle games so META sometimes is at jungle


                                  yo, u know u have C+ data quality? u cant use most of the filters, it will miss leading u :)
                                  this is ur real stats buddy

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Only jungle with enigma


                                      @Kowareta There is no filter for jungle?! I didn't find any.

                                      @Perpetual State of Indiff... Why only jungle as Enigma? I found WK pretty good at jungle and gank/push from there.


                                        i already used the jungle filter
                                        there is a lane section, the last one is jungle



                                          So 77% win rate with IMP 140 not bad but I see I can do better so META might not be in Jungle =D If I would stay at lane I had over 77% win rate but i have 66,7% wins when I wasn't jungle so??? I'm confused =D

                                          When I was "jungle" I had higher game impact than when I was at lane =D 129 at lane 140 jungle! Ofc both are really high and beyond what humans get

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            yeah 13 total match is very good sample to talk about it :)
                                            this is my venom data :
                                            Venomancer a day ago 11 90.91%
                                            oh im next matumbaman


                                            oh if i just stopped playing beastmaster 5 days ago, i could say beastmaster is broken and he is in META

                                            comparing his 13 match 77% winrate to +100 games 66% winrate. actually uneducated!


                                              + i cant make 66% number :)
                                              wk winrate not jungle 7.22

                                              did u removed the patch 7.22 part? to make it 64%?
                                              wk winrate not jungle all time

                                              cause in this scenario ur wk jungle winrate drops to 60% :)
                                              wk winrate jungle all time


                                                never go jungle in rankeds.


                                                  ^why never go jungle if jungle would give u more than dead lane?

                                                  Yeah I understand that 5k+ mmr jungle is not so viable because supports tend to be active and lane is not "2vs2" with leach sup! META just doesn't be same in every game and bracket. If u play core role your job at early game is to farm fast so staying dead lane will not be meta choice!?

                                                  Maybe low mmr games supports usually are forced to do so and they are really core players in general. When someone is forced to play role which is not familiar to him it usually turn shit show. So if I let this wannabe core support be solo and max my farm to win the game is there something wrong?


                                                    I usually go to lane for first and if couple first waves my support seems useless I have to make decision if I'm about to stay at lane or go to jungle. So if I'm forced to jungle it is not my decision at all really just META at the moment

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      So really as I said in the first post "Yeah don't go jungle!" is the META usually before game starts.

                                                      People just need to know Jungle with some heroes might be META choice in many cases after u see lane is not working


                                                        i gauss its better then feeding.... but 99% of the times avoid it. even just to sap exp from the creeps.

                                                        there is a reason no one jungles as you go up in ranks. i dont remember the last time I saw someone jungling above 3k.

                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                          you dont jungle because your team has to play 4v5 for the first 10 mins so you can farm boots and a basic item.
                                                          Meanwhile any decent team will capitalize on this and devour all your T1's.

                                                          The only possible exceptions are if you have a timber, bristle or centaur who can solo offlane and dont want you there. Either way, you're still better picking a 4 pos that can actually win the lane and possibly even rotate for a kill somewhere else versus someone who just right clicks creeps.

                                                          Drain AF

                                                            hmm..u go jungle with wk.. but it took 10mins for you to get midas..


                                                              Find a girl that really care for u like how kowareta caring toward mulli


                                                                ^Nice =D

                                                                Kowareta is just full of love


                                                                  @shit game

                                                                  Yes Jungle is all the same as safe lane carry.

                                                                  If u safe lane carry and just focus on last hits u might get more farm than if u participate fight with your support. Same happens as Jungler if u focus farming and just farming u will get nice farm but if u rotate for fights U will not end up very high farm

                                                                  edit. Ass u see I have higher game impact score on game when I'm at jungle WK than laning WK 129 at lane 140 jungle!

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    Ass u see I have higher game impact score on game when I'm at jungle WK than laning WK 129 at lane 140 jungle!

                                                                    i tossed the coin 10 times and 8 times heads was facing. anybody saying its a 50 - 50 chance is a lier


                                                                      Lol i saw this thread and instantly remember my friend jungling with wk and reach 4k


                                                                        He has mastered the farming pattern so much that every 5 minute he's already have midas and level 6 and ready to help contest the rune lmao


                                                                          When there is a jungler (and ideally something like AM safe lane and some greedy mid as well), it is so much fun for me as support/roamer.

                                                                          Just trash the safe lane, take tower, gank mid and take mid tower (because jungler is useless before 10 minutes mark, AM/other greedy safe lane too and offlaner is 2x1, use the money to block camps with sentries and enjoy watching how 4 hungry cores are not having any space to farm. Sure, they will eventually deward, but it will cost them 1-2 minutes while they are not farming at all and even spending their gold to deward.

                                                                          And meanwhile your carry is farming safe & big jungle, mid is farming mid & triangle and offlaner is farming offlane & camps, where used to be T1 tower.

                                                                          Soggy Bottom Boy

                                                                            The reason you shouldn't jungle in my opinion:
                                                                            - the higher you get in mmr the less it will work, even worse at a certain point the enemy will punish you super hard for jungling.
                                                                            - instead of learning how to correctly play dota, you teach yourself to play it wrong.

                                                                            result: you climb up a bit until enemy isn't garbage. They punish you for jungling and you just fall back to where you started from, but you actually worse of a player then originally because you forgot how to lane.


                                                                              ^Yeah same happens for hero spammers they forget how to play any other hero while they climb mmr. Then comes hard nerf for your hero u are spamming and U find your self at VHS with crusader skills =D

                                                                              Then u must do smurf to learn how to play another hero or just accept lowering your main account mmr till crusader

                                                                              Drain AF

                                                                                not all hero spammer only know 1 hero tho.. some are versatile


                                                                                  Takes me back to the 6.84 patch.

                                                                                  You would get the river bounty rune which gave 100 exp. then farm the small camp (which spawned at 30 seconds. That would put you at level 2 one minute in.

                                                                                  Since thirst kicked in as soon as enemy lost health this would usually mean you would get around a 10-20 point increase in damage since enemy would be low HP from harass.

                                                                                  Fast farm the medium camps until you have poor man shield. Once you had that you could sustain farming large camps from level 3. More damaged enemy = faster farm. Luckily there were a lot of jungle axes and jungle LC around the time who would always be low HP.

                                                                                  You’d usually get level 6 around 7-8 minutes and then just gank your safe or mid every 60 seconds when rupture was off cooldown.

                                                                                  You’d have treads Aquila PMS and SnY by 15/-20 minutes. Then you just push towers and win team fights and completely snowball. Win 70% of games.

                                                                                  Impossible nowadays.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                  Obey me I is your new dic...

                                                                                    Mr. cow sounds like boasting
                                                                                    Although it only shouts moo~




                                                                                        It was golden times when I spammed Spirit breaker just moooooooooooooooooooooving around the map! I really know nothing about the game but it was fun to play moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOO!

                                                                                        Now I know fucking too much and it is not fun to play at all! Even watching VHS/pro is not fun anymore because I just see all their mistakes and the WOW effect is gone.

                                                                                        Those fuckers always nerf heroes I spam a lot!

                                                                                        i yoink it then splur go off

                                                                                          yes please jungle a lot, lose a lot so i never ever have to play with you, much thanks


                                                                                            still u want to come in to my thread =D

                                                                                            U must have some issues

                                                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                                                              low mmr is still the same, they dont know how to use their farm properly