General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge pos 4 is useless !!!

Pudge pos 4 is useless !!! in General Discussion

    I don know why when I play offlane pudge I win and when I play pos4 pudge i lose and I feel I am late in xp and gollld

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      Hahaha hello noob

      Michael Pemulis

        when i see pudge 4 in my lane i simply run down mid
        throw potential only beaten by ogre 3s farming midas arcanes

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          it was good? WHAT


            When support pudge was even good ? Bat do the pudge work more efficient in a support way .

            Beast of no Nation

              It depends on youre playstyle
              If youre actually good at trading in lane And roam with pudge it can work.
              I got a fine winrate on Support pudge.
              Works less good since Outlander Patch tho

              smurfs = no balls



                  Pudge in the support positions does jack shit unless he roams, hooks, and lands kills. Even then he sacrifices lane stability, because the opponents, knowing that there's a Pudge pos 4/5, can just run over the lane that Pudge is in, or the lane that he's supposed to be supporting.


                    Yes is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                      idk if i ever get to play pos3 which i usually don't i dont mind having pos4 pudge as long as hes not some retarded inbred afk in trees and missing hooks having tanky frontline who potentially soak harass from enemy support while i harass that support or pos1 is quite valuable

                      but yeah same pos3 pudge i win lane most of the times and then in midgame ur so fat and scary that u create so much space for ur pos1 and 2

                      stfu noob

                        Seen pudge support win games though.


                          yes it is useless ,especially if the retard goes for hook lvl 1 .
                          Then he stands in the trees soaking exp and doing nothing


                            how stupid u should be to lvl hook at lvl 1 tho wtf u gonna do hook and then rightclick to death ? :D unless u go windlace orb of venom and no consumables or stats thats noway gonna work unless its 3v1/2 fight and even then probably fail

                            yucky poopoo

                              admit ur all butchery plebs


                                Lol whenever i play pudge all i do is sit bushes and aap because i know how much it tiltes the carry

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  LOL SAME


                                    how do you feeel about pudge pos 5 then?

                                    Chinese Gremlin

                                      Position 3 better


                                        pudge is always a threat

                                        Where is my Hu Tao

                                          pudge should start in the safe lane hook a guy into tower is easier there. Then he should smoke and hook a guy to the mid tower or high ground. It all comes down to the fact pudge is a tempo hero. You are strong at lvl 3, lvl 6, when you have dagger or atos and finally when you have bkb or heart. If you miss ur tempo power spikes you pretty much done.


                                            Every time someone picks pudge on my team i want to destroy items and run mid