General Discussion

General DiscussionGonna bash my brains in

Gonna bash my brains in in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    Other team gets Meteor Hammer Venge and micro god master tier Chen/Enigma players whilst I get a mid bloodseeker who took 20 minutes to build shadow blade and a Crystal Maiden who refused to level up crystal nova versus Eidolins. Why is Valve punishing me lol

    And yes I am aware of the fact that I played like ass this game before anyone goes rummaging through the replay but fuck me the matchmaking is just obscene sometimes

      mine is traumatizing, idk how to win even though we have a very huge gold advantage.


        Normal bracket, 4-man party. You just got unlucky to be on a team who was fucking around.
        I know anything I say will be "Legend dog talking".
        So here's a video from 7k mmr jenkins on how to deal with this situations.


          And yes I am aware of the fact that I played like ass this game before anyone goes rummaging through the replay but fuck me the matchmaking is just obscene sometimes

          Not here to bash you or anything, I am past that shit long time ago. If you're aware you played badly, what's the issue? Sometimes you get good team-mates, sometimes you'll get the ones that are hard to deal with.

          If you're good player you will compensate for their lack of cordination and skill, if you are on average just as good as them, you will likely lose the game.

          Valve is not punishing you for anything, you're just refusing to grasp the fact you are:

          1. Either not improving
          2. Or being toxic and having low behavior score
          3. Or pretty much not able to actually play acording to meta and currernt patch.

          As you can see I've barely managed to break Archon nowdays because I had hard time dealing with changes, I've obviously never been a player that's on pair with Divine or Immortal ones, but I've been hanging in 3800-4200 for quite a while (let's say few years at least) and never have ever guessed that I'd be 2700 MMR just few weeeks ago.

          To be honest, being 3200 now has a completely different meaning than before. I feel like I've archived something because I had to adapt and try to learn few new heroes, play differently, increase the behavior score/etc.

          Just trying to be helpful here, I'll repeat my self - not here to flame you.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          '96 Neve Campbell

            ^ Interesting insights but Naga is basically my best hero atm and the only one I consistently have Ancient+ economy on
            I get told that I play it like a smurf anyway, so the fact that this game was lost within 20m says much about the matchmaking imo. I wasnt really making this thread to complain about long standing things because I havent felt hard done by recently, I just found the discrepancy between my team and the other team too funny not to write about here.


              I get told that I play it like a smurf anyway,

              :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

              stop simping for nudes boys. u are ruining someones life. or maybe she chose the ones who tell her that stuff cause she is just a braindead delusional.

              dont know exactly whos to blame here
              but sth is for sure -> L-M-F-A-O

              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                Well just check your last game. You + your team owned them so hard. Even probably harder than your lost game.

                That's how Dota works I guess. I understand how you felt, but there's not much else to say but "play better". Most of the games labeled as "normal skill" and "high skill" are pretty much winable if you play good and try to adapt to meta/trends/patches/whatever.

                Check this out:

                My friend played WR, despite going 30-4 he lost the game. Heart and desolator, items that are pretty much stupid to go on WR nowdays, especially getting them so late, like he got worst items ever yet he never admited it was pretty much his fault for losing the game aswell.


                  so you have 3 total normal games on your best hero adn 66% winrate
                  and you play it like smurfs in turbo games?
                  W OMEGALOL W

                  '96 Neve Campbell

                    Yeah I am not sure about that build lol. I guess heart isnt a terrible pick up against that lineup since it helps you survive the high burst they have. Desolator is pretty useless though. If I was playing that game I likely wouldnt have picked up a bkb and gone linkens instead, would have saved them buying the heart as well cause most of the burst from pa and qop is reliant on point target spells (phantom strike/orchid/abyssals/rods.etc). I think a bloodthorn would have been a better pick up that daedalus as well lol, basically the whole itemisation is off no wonder they lost

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Lol dont complain when its not a ranked match.


                        Other team gets Meteor Hammer Venge and micro god master tier Chen/Enigma players whilst I get a mid bloodseeker who took 20 minutes to build shadow blade and a Crystal Maiden who refused to level up crystal nova versus Eidolins. Why is Valve punishing me lol

                        And yes I am aware of the fact that I played like ass this game before anyone goes rummaging through the replay but fuck me the matchmaking is just obscene sometimes.

                        Yo Parma , hang in there girl. It's not about bad game, but its about bad streaks which ppl get in all MMRs once in a while, they way to fight it is report and avoid such players(if you have dota plus). Take a break, flush those games down the toilet and move on with the winning mentality if you want to climb/improve or just have good games even.

                        Gl hf, get that winner's mentality going. Your a Ninja Amazonian warrior , you can do it :) :P

                        '96 Neve Campbell


                          I just got matched with a Phantom Assassin who thought she could give me an aegis and an enigma who black holes illusions heeeeeeelp me lol

                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                            Wow players in low skill brackets are bad, crazy stuff.


                              Specially the ones who play turbo games in events like bp. mindblowing


                                Unranked threads and now turbo threads.
                                wow, i didn't knew players gave a fuck about turbo games.
                                you ppl know it's just a copy of Dota easy map, right?

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  Wow players in low skill brackets are bad, crazy stuff.

                                  I would expect 3k players to know that you cant give someone else an aegis lol


                                    But archon is not 3k darling :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      Archon 5 is 3k actually


                                        Cant check pa medal atm but pretty sure neither pa or you are 3ks :)
                                        and stratz says avg skill is archon 2.



                                          apparently it is. i thought high legend was low 3ks, turns out it's 3.7


                                            Yeah, but doesnt change anything tho.
                                            Even if u be archon 5, fair amount of your games u match with archon 4s which are 2ks. so u are still playing with 2ks. Not to mention archon as a whole still means 2k avg games.
                                            Thats why by 2k 3k 4k ppl generally mean the mid range 2k 3k 4k.


                                              And btw i checked the link and it says 2926 is archon v and 3080 is legend 1.
                                              So even half of the archon v is still in 2k. :))))

                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                Can you believe that with my old mmr I'd be almost divine lolooool
                                                They rescaled the medals so much that they lost their meaning tbh. I remember when ancient started at 4.2k or something and having a divine in game meant having someone who played really good Dota, who you could learn things from and also be stomped by as a low 4k. Now you go check and it's mid-high 4k :/


                                                  Indeed, medals were very meaningful in times everybody could hit anshit with party mmr.
                                                  Nowadays they just lost their meanings i guess :))

                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    Party was 2k lul

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      The medals have more meaning now than before imo. A lot of people ran around with inflated ranks and inflated medals and I am glad they put a stop to it, even if it means sacrificing my own medal.

                                                      NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                        I would agree they have more meaning now than before for several reasons:

                                                        1. Now it will decrease if you keep losing, so basically boosted people will get downgraded both MMR/medals-wise.
                                                        2. Medals are actually tied to your MMR like they should be both ways: you get X mmr you get X medal. You lose X mmr you lose X medal.

                                                        People had inflated medals because you could get a medal way easier, because the medals had no fixed MMR requirement. Two people would get the same medals at different MMR depending when they've got the X medal, for example.

                                                        You will still get inflated medals bascially tho, because there's many people playing up to divine + ranks with 5 stacks pos4/5 and getting boosted even from 2k/3k mmr to high 4k.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Party was 2k lul

                                                          If i want to specifically talk about you, im not shy about it. I will say sth like "every piece a shit like you could get anshit..."


                                                            it, even if it means sacrificing my own medal.


                                                            >> even tho if that means im not gonna play my 10th ranked game and get that crusader/archon medal.

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              >> even tho if that means im not gonna play my 10th ranked game and get that crusader/archon medal.

                                                              I dont care what my medal is, I just prefer the pace of turbo games and the more entertaining builds you can do. Ranked just ends up tilting me after a while. Im considering grinding my rank back up to legend, maybe ancient if I settle on a climbing strat that works for me. Its just a question of finding the energy to do it.


                                                                >> i dont care about my medal
                                                                >> ranked games just tilting me
                                                                the contradictory in these 2 sentences....
                                                                Also playing 9 ranked games in 4 days and suddenly stopping it has only one obvious meaning.
                                                                I dont know why u think u can deny it when its clear.


                                                                  OH and not to mention u dont care about your medal at all yet you chose to show "previous medal: Ancient" on your profile

                                                                  Self awared person i guess. =))

                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    I played some ranked games cause my friends asked me too. I get tilted more in ranked games because they have slightly more base meaning that fun turbo games and I display my previous medal so I can pretend to be an ancient in the turbo games in order to better secure my desired roles and tell my teammates what to do lol


                                                                      Indeed, hope your friends and friday guy buys your story.

                                                                      >> my friends literally stopped partying with me the moment i played 9 ranked games.
                                                                      >> also fair amount of that games are solos btw but who cares UwU

                                                                      Who are u trying to fool here? I dont get it. U think i give a damn shit if u admit im right? U think i do this for acceptance like you? I have strong logic and thats what i care about; not worthless dotabuffers opinions.
                                                                      I shit on ppl who compliments me as much as ppl who hates me. Tldr im just a shitty person. So dont bother yourself pretending like this if u cant catch up with me.

                                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                        Who you callin a piece of shit little inceeeeel
                                                                        Realized he got nothing out of stalking people so he stalks their mmr lolol

                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell
                                                                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                          Kabir singh's bo0ster
                                                                            Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              Oops turns out I have played 9 ranked games this season when I thought I played 7, guess thats a demonstration of how little I care about my calibration.


                                                                                suddenly, someone found turbo games more fun to play after realizing her real mmr

                                                                                COOL STORY BOB

                                                                                and yes, some ppl have different experiences when playing dota. a good example is hidden pool, am i right??? =)))

                                                                                literally making threads over and over about her teammates, writing walls of text about hidden pool and shitty teammates everywhere. and says i dont care about this game
                                                                                u even care about it more than i do
                                                                                :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:


                                                                                  Oops turns out I have played 9 ranked games this season when I thought I played 7, guess thats a demonstration of how little I care about my calibration.

                                                                                  indeed =)))))

                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                    Um? Why wouldn’t I just play normal unranked games if I didnt want to play ranked? What you are saying makes no sense, as always. And no I do not make threads with walls of text.etc, the only long posts I make are informative ones which are meant to help people since they asked for help (believe it or not this is a forum and the purpose of a forum is to be a place of knowledge sharing). I make comedic threads like this one, hence the title ‘I’m going to bash my brains in’. Its literally a satire but you are so fucking autistic that you think I am actually complaining.

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                      You are so desperate in your attempts to put others down and suck them down to your own pathetic cockroach level, its pretty funny when you lack the means or the logic to actually succeed so you just look like an autistic retard clutching at straws and engaging in mental gymnastics in your efforts to belittle people. Keep trying though cause its funny to me, you are like a juggling monkey.

                                                                                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                        Why can't we all just be friends T_T


                                                                                          If u wanna be friend of her, u need to tell her she plays naga like a smurf and her team or hidden pool holds her back. =))
                                                                                          I think thats why we cant be friends :D


                                                                                            U were a comedian since 1k games are harder than 3k, i see.
                                                                                            I mean at that moment u had 60% winrate too, so basically u made another joke and ppl were not smart enough to get it
                                                                                            am i right? :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                              Yawn, hasnt the 1k is harder than 3k thing been done to death already, It was almost 2 years ago - The fact you havent changed in 2 years says a lot about how meaningless your presence on this website is. Maybe some day you will actually have the imagination to find new material, or even better you will grow up.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                indeed, i see the changes already
                                                                                                from my team is worthless, to i play like smurfs so its fine

                                                                                                same delusions, different words

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  Are you illiterate?

                                                                                                  I make comedic threads like this one, hence the title ‘I’m going to bash my brains in’. Its literally a satire but you are so fucking autistic that you think I am actually complaining.

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    No im just another comedian and making jokes all along.
                                                                                                    Not sure why u were serious tho
                                                                                                    Oh u are another joker too my bad
                                                                                                    We cool i guess. Unless i joke about being a joker and thats going to be a mind fuck situation

                                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                      So you are into self deprecation? Cause all your jokes make you look stupid

