Get a life, not even being sarcastic or trying to be rude. Just do other things, go out, work, get other hobbies or study and whatever you do will detach you from games and losses. You will put everything into perspective and be brought back to reality: it's just a freaking game.
I'm beyond toxic when I play ranked or bet tokens or have quests, basically when there's an objective, and it all disappears when I have other things to take care of. The moment I get too much time on my hands, start binge queuing games and waste my day, I slowly get back to acting like an animal in game. Easy outlet for rage, boredom and anxiety. Don't ever play too many games in a row.
Someone in the comments below got 80 IQ.
could be an issue outside the game itself? I used to have a short temper and this game did not help with tilting. I took a two year break and worked on myself generally and the game is too trivial for me to get pissed off. Granted, I was 16 and thought I was going to play at TI so I took every mistake and loss personally. Maybe remind yourself why you actually enjoy the game and put on some good music
edit: grammar
Best way is to imagine who you are getting angry off at. For all you know, the guy could be a 12 year old kid, or some xxxxxxx from the slums playing at the local cc.
Like seriously, you could be playing against one of these people. Wouldn't want to talk to one of them, much less argue. Just mute.
Key really just play without any expectations, like u can watch streamers and everything regardless of ur mmr tyey ar not getting the support wtching porn or watever they need those two intial minute of game afk for, just dont care about your mid laner taking last pick into counter and dont care about intial eunes then ping like a fucking monkey because u refuse to go for runes solo.
Your support will tp back to lane, if lucky the fucker at least buy tangos but cant find items like mango or clarity in shop. He will most likely just sit and wtch you take dmg trying to last hit and if ur lucky hes not contesting them.
On the other team however the support do know what tangos and mana regeneration items are and if u reall wanna win the game the only fucking way is for you to play as a pos 3 in the safe lane why the fucking pos 3 mk in your team is feeding the lane and the mid who picked into counter is flaming supports for not being able to tp etc not any shred of idea how to make a last pick releaving team off pressure.
But sure yeah go ahead and hit me and tell me that same old story that same thing goes around in the other team ;)
Players making threads over losing normal games giving advice over how to have a positive mindset. PepeLaugh
Watch this,
The guy explained it in simplest way.
Also, my addition would be,
If you have bad teammates(skills wise not behavior).
1) Try to communicate in a polite way.
2) Don't ping players over trivial things.
3) FOCUS ON YOUR OWN GAME. Low skilled players will make numerous mistakes, try not to let their mistakes tilt you.
If you have bad teammates(skills+behavior)
1) Again, try to communicate as politely as possible at least ONCE.
2) If they start flaming, don't flame them back, mute them and focus on your game.
3) Once the game ends, keep them muted and flame them to your heart's content. You don't want to argue, you just want to get the shit out of your system.
4) Take 10-15 mins break just to make sure you don't get the same teammates again.
NOTE: If you lose 7-10 games in a row, understand that you are the common divisor. Watch your own replays and instead of finding flaws in your teammates(no matter how shit they played) try to find places for yourself to improve. Keep yourself busy and you will see that keeping PMA is much easy.
The more you argue with idiots, the more you will be tilted.
If u have friends playing this game i recommend playing with them and just forget about the solo queue, dota is most enjoyable playing with friends, cant really see why dota come up with queue ban, should be solo queue ban instead they know deep down that if they want people to change they shouldnt make prisoners share cells
adopt the mute early on attitude. don't try to convince them. once you recognize they are tilting you, mute and move on. just mute them, don't think about typing to them, just mute and move on.
^^ That mentality turns you into a person who deserves to lose.
"You guys are bad you don't deserve to win". If you say that and throw games and then complain about bad teammates, just know that you deserve those teammates and all those loses.
It's easy to act cool, say you don't care and blame others.
Think of it as unranked. Just play for yourself. Give it your all and judge only yourself. What you could have done better. Consider the 9 other players as bots.
And mute anyone who is talkative. The theory crafting and elitism is usually the first step toward toxicity. I personally dont communicate at all 90%.
For a time I even muted all chat and minded my own game i could focus more and enjoy it way more. Now i mute players to keep track for other matches if i am matched with them
It’s easy. Whenever you get clowns in your team who pick a useless pos 4/3 pudge you simply wait until they start feeding than proceed to destroy your items and waiting in fountain.
Psychologically there are 2 ways to improve how much you tilt.
First we have to seperate Neuroticism and Conscientiousness
Neuroticism meaning how much negative emotions you have
Conscientiousness meaning how much you are in controll of your life.
If you are a sad or angry person and you play dota.
You will be a sad or angry person playing dota.
Which make a feedback loop of negativity
So controlling your emotions outside of dota is key.
You could also manage your Conscientiousness Which inturn effects your negative emotions.
Clean your room, workout eat healty, play in a room that is well lit.
Do the things you know you should do before you play (read homework)
this will help alot.
Also one huge thing to realize is that The professor of argumentation from harvard
(the best person in the world to argue and make points)
When asked how to win an argument said this.
The best way to win an argument is to avoid it.
You cannot ever win an arguemnt
Because if you do, you lose anyway.
meaning. lets say your AM does not buy boots.
until 30 min.
You flame and argue that he needs boots,
And this is obviously true
even if you do convince this AM that you are right
And he is wrong.
You would win the argument
But he would lose and therefor resent you and feel anger towards you.
So you would lose anyway, since he is your carry.
I dare you to find this person irl or in game
That would Thank you for this new insight and knowledge that you taugh him.
How wrong he was and how right you are.
The point here is.
DO NOT ARGUE, it solves nothing. People like to think that they are open to new information
But people love to be right, and even if you lose with this AM,
His mind will make up another reason why it didnt work.
If i'm not doing so well, I drop my focus on others and what they have to say about it.
Team mates in traditional sports, don't rub it in your face that you failed. But this is the internet, it's easy to call someone this and that, on a screen.
Mute them and think of things you could do, play in your own way. Accept mistakes and try again.
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How to have a positive mindset?