General Discussion

General DiscussionMid is the easiest role to play.

Mid is the easiest role to play. in General Discussion
Kabir singh's bo0ster

    No role has it better then mid. Its a hard lane to gank, heroes like Lina, SF, TA, Lesh, Mag can just 3 shot the wave, there is a bunch of camps nearby to farm. U don't have to pull or worry about multiple heroes interaction or what your braindead core/support will do. Its so nice to play mid.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      But first u have to fight for the role if ur not que for ranked role


        Its always mid or jungle in unranked


          Most people dont have the mechanics to play mid.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          pissfuck shitass gaytard

            ikr? as long as you get more last hits and die less than the opposite mid you have an insane advantage in terms of both level and farm
            meanwhile being a pos1 rely too much on your pos4/5
            offlane is the "hard lane" for obv reasons
            and support is insanely hard especially in uncoordinated pubs


              yes billy, as long as u are smurfing and stomping noobs, mid is so nice.

              Kabir singh's bo0ster

                Yes billy if I were to play on my main I'd have 10% win rate and switch to playing turbo :axe_laugh:


                  now u are dropping your iq to parma level. this is just so sad dude , atleast respect yourself

                  Kabir singh's bo0ster

                    learn to laugh at yourself, not everything is so sad when you can do that.


                      i dont even get what u mean

                      pissfuck shitass gaytard

                        your life must be so sad :axe_laugh:


                          If mid is so hard to gank I can only wonder where safe lane got its name.

                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                            cuz before safe lane was easy as hell vs solo offlaners also everyone was much worse at the game, nowdays safe lane gets raped every game.

                            pissfuck shitass gaytard

                              ^this, kabir knows


                                yeah as logn as u dont lose mid its fine xd, tell me how fun mid is when you die 3 times in laning stage and then get ran at in your jungle xd

                                pissfuck shitass gaytard

                                  ^then go play pos5 sweetie




                                      these 2 dudes are fucking annoying and literally having iq of a children.
                                      if anybody pointing a valid point, oh u turbo trucker, oh u go play 5, oh my dad left me at 2 y/o
                                      imagine being so low to feel acting like babies is "COOL".
                                      P A T H E T I C

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        Mid is literally the hardest role to play -Required most mechanical skills and map awareness - if you say that for sure you low mmr - yea in low mmr mid is ez - in high skill very high skill brackets mid is hard

                                        Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                          how would you know when ur ancient


                                            mid lane use too much brain power I can't handle that shit

                                            Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                              carry is harder for me cause there is 4 hero doing things and not only 2 and then my brain do a hurt.

                                              Willow's Alt Acc

                                                Mid is hard to play. Dont try it at home kid xD

                                                Pos 1 is the hardest to play. If your mid fk up ur game as carry is fk up

                                                Willow's Alt Acc
                                                  Този коментар е изтрит

                                                    yes pos1 depend mostly on 2 other lanes to make space if they can't do that. it is auto gg

                                                    Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                      Unless its good Morph, Slark, TB, PL, AM game and u split push all game like a maniac and no one can catch u.


                                                        offlane is the easiest since that lane is the shortest.


                                                          You all think the carry roles are hard? Check out this list of support responsibilities:

                                                          1. Stand close enough to gain xp but far enough to ever help your carry and counter stun
                                                          2. Dump all your mana as fast as possible and then run back to fountain
                                                          3. Call missing after your team gets ganked then flame them on being behind on farm
                                                          4. Micro manage all carry item builds
                                                          5. Spam ping abilities that come off CD after a carry dies
                                                          6. Feed 10+ times while blindly wandering into enemy jungle to "place wards"
                                                          7. Become the carry because you didn't support your carry in lane and now they are struggling

                                                          I'm sure I'm missing a few things but still learning this complex role of supporting.

                                                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                            All support has to do is respect me as a superior core player and I carry them, talk to me one time like you are anything but a peasant and im running it down.


                                                              Kabir knows whats up. Quit working on an aghs you silly peasant and fetch me some salves and mangos.

                                                              Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                                                The queue time for mid soooo long so I switched to offlane or pos 4

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                    wtf you play role que in 6k bracket?

                                                                    YRORT TASJ AS

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