General Discussion

General Discussionnewbie on the offlane,

newbie on the offlane, in General Discussion
ur mum enjoyer (chilling ...

    Give advice on how to play better for a newbie on the offlane, I played about 100 hours in DotA, often on the offlane, I watched a lot of streams of DotA tournaments, I understand the most banal words in DotA, thanks in advance, maybe I wrote incorrect rules because I don't know English well

    defense of the herald

      stay safe, dont let opponents carry get too much cs so u have to drag their creeps to ur tower or pull big camp to ur creeps. try to deny ur range creep. get ur first item fast. thats all i know.

      Hatrið mun sigra

        What do you mean stay safe in the offlane O.o


          Offlaner's job is to make space as much as possible for pos 1 and 2, try to harass the enemy pos 1 and 2 as much as possible that's it.

          defense of the herald

            depends on ur playstyle, i prefer to play safe. or i will dive if i use timber.

            Hatrið mun sigra

              It's the playstyle that fits or adjusts to the role, not the other way around. This is why we're all better at some roles than others. Pos 3 cannot be played passively, otherwise might aswell pick a carry and have 2 safelanes, force spectres and AMs to take fights 12 min into the game, afk farm as Tusk and whatnot, all in the name of "that's my playstyle". Try that and see how much you'll win.
              OP don't ever be passive, focus on winning the lane and get your core items pretty early, then start bullying the map. What and how you pressure depends on the hero, whether it's towers or heroes, alone or preferably grouped up. Pick 3-4 heroes and practice with them only, study matchups and learn how to itemize according to the game. Actually even forcing yourself to play vs counters teaches you how to play against unfavourable matchups and play accordingly.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                dont die and try to get as much from the laning stage.


                  just learn how to lane

                  S h ō

                    I agree with comment #2 and #4


                      Play safe from reports. Don't care about losing ! Care about not get reports :rage:


                        It all depends on the pick but mostly ask pos 4 to pull and punish their pos 1 trying to get cs everytime.

                        Play safe only vs your counters, otherwise play aggresively. Try to bait tps without dying, its called space creating. Your carry will thank you.

                        Also keep in mind what to pick. If you have a lot of lockdown (treant, es etc) then go for some dmg dealer. If you lack lockdown, pick aoe disabler. Make sure to ban drow, she’s offlaners biggest issue.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          just go mad balls bashing everyone for their mistakes and enemy because they are apes

                          nice impact

                            play like rambo and make them come to your lane as 3 or 4 to deal with you


                              Offlane spammer here Archon

                              I'm currently playing in the offlane role and ngl it's pretty fun. I think the offlane role is best for more aggressive playstyles. Many offlaners have somewhat short cooldowns so you're able to constantly fight. As a offlaner you have to ensure to that you make it difficult for the enemy safelaner.

                              From my experience, I think Mars, Chaos Knight, and Slardar are the go to offlaners since each serve different styles.

                              Mars is helpful for safelaners that need help in fights. Drow/Sniper safelaner?

                              Chaos Knight is good if you KNOW you will win in the early game. He's outstanding in the early game and he's great against safelaners who have a tough time in lane. He does have a few bad matchups and it can be gamelosing at times.

                              Slardar is honestly probably best, he can gank and he's also great at the laning stage, just make sure to ban Drow, Slardar is great since even if you lose in the lane, you will still be able help out your safelane carry.


                                Also play around your pos 4 in the early game. Try to be familiar with popular pos 4 heroes like Earth Shaker, Pudge, you get the idea. You should send me your replays and I can give you some more input.


                                  i like apipe comment :) thats the case in many games for me as offlane :D :D

                                  biribiri (all muted)

                                    bro just hit the enemy carry until he dies haha


                                      If your one of the offlaners who buy shadow blade for initiation, your balls deserve to fried in virgin oil. Farming as an offlaner is fine as long as it is their side of the map. Honestly these 2 offlaners just solo carry the game all the time- Axe or Lc. Pick lc against those mobile af heroes like puck ember etc. Pick axe against glass cannon cores and illusion based heroes like pl, pa, etc and you should win most of your games provided your mid doesnt go 0-20


                                        In newbie's terms , u have to be cancer , u have to annoying . U dont necessarily want to have the most gold , nor the least . Just annoy other heroes , buff ur team and die less . Any hero that fits these 3 description , spam them a bit .


                                          Pick Timber and proceed to shit on them consecutively.