Because, over 50% of those losses, and in general, are with people who only attack neutral camps, in different parts of the map.
I've been destroying the ligaments in my arms and wrists, i've been doing everything it says here, and in the book, and let me tell you, when the four people you play with never face the enemy hero, and only right click neutral creeps, tell me how far you will improve?
Finally after losing 600 mmr, half of them were with people who didn't play the game, at least 6 of those games were hard support the safe lane leaves lane/gives up at before 5 minutes.
How the fuck is anybody supposed to 'improve' at something like this?
Man I have video evidence I'm recording these on twitch
I'm not playing with headphones anymore, and i'm not going to have socials on. I"ll slit my fucking wrists if I see these mexicans (literally, had a guy from mexico harass my steam profile from one of the 'matches' yesterday)
This time is straight, 95 games and if it's the same diarrhea, I should be over it. I"m already over it, I have my linux distro and my math textbook open so I'm not completely wasting my time while these people are fucking glued to the neutral camps
LIterally, take a look. Feel better about yourself; laugh at me.
I'm level 30 basically on all my best/played heroes. I'm literally only playing 2-3 people, my best, after 40000 hours playing dota 2 and I have no chance because the people I"m being forced with are not playing the fucking game, and here's video proof
My win rate has been between 49.70 and 49.65 since I was 24 (2014) years old. I have tens of thousands of games played in this diarrhea. I have been expending every ounce of being, energy, and thought, into trying to 'improve'
Now what, lmao, all of a sudden I lose -500 mmr at once, and the majority of the time people aren't playing this fucking nasty game?
Additionally, i've been reported ~ 15 times across the previous 3 conduct summaries, playing with the same individuals who do the same shit. So not only am I playing/losing with the same people who do the same shit, they're the ones preventing me from playing with different people who have brains/lives/care about their time
And there's video evidence now of me embarassing myself by forced to keep playing an impossible game, and not using any strings or voice communication. I'm not doing anything that breaks the rules to warrant a report, and am still getting reported, for 6 months.
U played a lot how did u end up in herald :/
I first time play dota, when mmr was introduced i calibrated 3k. Then i stopped playing for 5 years. Just came back to the game last year, calibrated around legend 5.
Lol just pls go mid if you really want to rank up at this rate it is the fastest way to rank up in any rank and go 1v9 in anygame ... Mute all of ur teammates and opponents and focus on farming and get stronger. I suggest you play arc warden,broodmother,meepo. Outfarm them all and you win herald - guardian games bro :)
I would like to play with you to help you improve your rank but sadly i cant play on US servers
i got reported for not trying to carry my am with first pick dead hero in my last game
so yeah, hope the guy desgined this system lives a life in cancer
I learned this lesson long ago, if you're just addicted to winning you will never improve (that's because improving doesn't increase winrate)
I don't wanna explain myself anymore.
I got lp from one of the dozens of matches I Just i can't i don't wnana say it anymore. Team 5 man vs team afk farm no help, standing there in a corner god knows doing what.
It's the only game with a system like this, multiplayer, it is, there's no disputing
I've tried everything, from staying quiet for years now, to watching purges videos, to practicing last hits,. to respecting people's camps and farm and last hits, to throwing 11k hours at the game and my heroes, keeping track of games using SQL, etc i mean i've tried everything
Now, the only thing left to do, is literally try and win every game, by myself, regardless of the role. So if I'm forced to be jakiro again, position 5 like i always am, ill buy core nuking items instead of support items, since there is nobody i'm playing with that will deal damage
i can't think of anything else to do anymore
right because you have no control over the fact that the people you're forced to play this complicated, hard game with, MAN I HATE THIS GAME SO MUCH I DON"T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE LMAO.. I WISH I COULD STOP
Man at this point you'll be stuck at herald - guardian bracket forever you either quit this game for the better or get better friends who could play with you to help you improve your skills and playstyle because that's how it worked for me. When i first started playing this game my first rank was herald 4, i only had 300matches at that time but then my ancient friend
started to correct my mistakes, taught me how to carry games and the mentality to mute all toxic people who are tilting games and just focus on the game and not blame others because you cant accept the fact that you suck at the game, I reached archon rank when i finally played ranked games on new calibration as solo. You are much insanely more experienced player who has 40,000hours compared to me who only even have 1.7k hours on this game but still i managed to reach archon and now i only need 3wins to reach legend 1 sadge
Tip on improving bhs:
Shut the fuck up and don't bother talking to animals. The barking animals will find a new target to report.
Animals reporting a owning ember over a pos 5 brood(me) with 0 impact, just cause ember didn't join 1 fight and called team idiots. XD
this game isn't worth it man. If you're not having fun playing the game, why play it any more? it's just a game; don't make it your life mate. Just quit the game man, go full cold turkey - don't watch it on youtube, don't play it, don't go on online dota forums like this one, just remove dota from your life. You will appreciate all the free time you will get from leaving the game
bro i played on 500 mmr acc 5 games and it got banned because i went 60 kills with 0-1 deaths. its your fault. git gud
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Question: I had 100 behavior score nearly 2 years ago today....why wasn't I banned until year 2150? When I die... none of this will matter :)
They won't let my behavior score go passed 7500. And they won't ban the account. I'm going to die soon and want to be in peace